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Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer Toolkit
Archived: Sample Materials and Forms: Sample Workbook
- Agenda
- General Information
- Construction
- Geotechnical
- Public Relations
- Roadway Geometric Design
- Traffic/ITS/Safety
- Structures
- Resources on Flash Drive
- Resources on Table
- General Project Overview
- ACCT Presentation
September 10, 2007
Dear ACTT Workshop Participant:
Welcome to the Maryland State Highway Administration's first ever Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer Workshop. Thank you very much for your attendance and active participation in the workshop. Over the next three days, we are looking forward to exploring opportunities to accelerate construction and facilitate innovative construction techniques on our MD 97 at Randolph Road Interchange Project with you and we hope you enjoy learning about this transportation project in our fine state of Maryland.
MD 97 at Randolph Road is an at–grade, four legged intersection in a heavily urbanized area with heavy traffic flows, particularly during peak hours. This is a very constrained urban intersection with businesses tightly configured in all four quadrants. The project proposes to grade separate the intersection with an innovative design. While the proposed vertical grade of MD 97 will remain very close to the existing grade, Randolph Road will be lowered over twenty five feet. Valuable project stakeholders include the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, other emergency responders, Shoppers Food Warehouse and other large retailers, the general public, the City of Wheaton and major utility owners, PEPCO and Verizon, among others. Extensive coordination with local utility companies will be required. Generally, the citizenry and business community in the area are in unified support of the project.
The project goals are to improve mobility, safety and accessibility for the public and businesses in the area. We intend to deliver the project with as minimal an impact to the surrounding community as is practical, and to reduce utility impacts and overall project construction duration while still maintaining traffic through the intersection.
There is an urgent need to accelerate construction of this project due to traffic congestion in the area, continuing failing Levels of Service, safety concerns and the overall expected duration of the project if delivered conventionally. This project is very high on Mongomery County's priority list. The average daily traffic (ADT) along this portion of MD 97 for 2003 is 55,325 and the projected ADT of 89,250 in 2025. The ADT along Randolph Road in this area for 2000 is 34,000 and projected at 52,000 in 2020.
Thank you for your commitment in making this workshop a success. We intend to use the lessons learned in this process not only on this project, but hopefully as fruitful approaches to future projects as well.
Neil J. Pederson, Administrator
Maryland State Highway Administration
Nelson Castellanos, Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
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