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Archived: Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer Toolkit
- Welcome
- What is ACTT?
- Why conduct an ACTT workshop?
- How does the ACTT workshop process work?
- How do I get started?
- How do I prepare for the workshop?
- What do I have to do at the workshop?
- What happens after the workshop?
- Sample materials and forms
Office of Asset Management
Federal Highway Administration
I am pleased to present this toolkit for the Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer (ACTT) Workshops from the FHWA Office of Asset Management. This toolkit includes all the pieces an agency needs to aid in the planning, execution, and documentation of a successful ACTT workshop. Over the last five years, 28 States and one Local Public Agency across the nation have reaped the benefits of ACTT workshops, which have helped to save millions of dollars and years of costly travel delay. This toolkit is the next step in enhancing the workshop process and validating ACTT as a design development tool in the project development process. I hope you find this toolkit informative and helpful as you begin planning your own ACTT workshop.
Butch Wlaschin, P.E.
Director, Office of Asset Management
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