U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590

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Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer Toolkit

Archived: What happens after the workshop?

Once the ACTT Workshop is complete, the host agency focuses on two key activities:

  • Preparing a package of workshop notes, presentations and other output for submission to FHWA.
  • Adopting the results of the workshop and applying them to project development for maximal benefit.

After consultation with the host agency, FHWA synthesizes Workshop output, prepares a final report, publishes it in hard copy, and posts it on its website. This is a vital step in the ACTT process: information sharing. Interested agencies can then peruse the full library of reports for ideas and innovation related to their upcoming projects to fast track quality construction and Keep America Moving.

The resources in this chapter set out what information you need to collect and submit to FHWA for the final ACTT Workshop report and provide a special note about specifications for project photographs, which are critical to the creation of a compelling document. A sample of a typical Workshop report is provided in the final chapter of this toolkit.

The Workshop Report

Using the notes captured during the workshop, a full report is produced by FHWA in the weeks after the workshop. In order to expedite the report, be sure to provide the following:

  1. Meeting notes, skill set presentations, and PowerPoint presentations.
  2. Full color, digital photos of the project area (preferably jpgs 1 MB or larger).
  3. Map of the project area.

A draft of the report is typically shared with the host agency within 30 days. The completed report is typically delivered within 90 days from the time of the workshop.

Photo Submission Form Instructions

Each ACTT Workshop is followed by a report of key findings prepared and published by FHWA. Included in the report are photographs that either illustrate technically significant aspects of the project or are used for added visual appeal (i.e., an interesting, attractive project photo that can be used on the cover of the report).

It is important that each State host provide high resolution photographs to FHWA for use in the report. Photo files need to submitted in one of the following formats and file sizes. Please use this form when you submit photographs to FHWA.


  • JPEG
  • Other Format

File Size

  • 1 MB or larger

Photographs can be emailed to the FHWA report writer or included on a disc of workshop material submitted to FHWA after the event. Please discuss any questions about photo format, size, or delivery mechanisms with the FHWA representative who contacts you to prepare the final report.

Photo Submission Form

PhotographDescription/CaptionFormatFile SizePhoto Credit

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Updated: 02/27/2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000