U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer Toolkit

Archived: How do I get started?

ACTT Pre-Workshop Agenda Form

Project Name:

8:00 amACTT power point presentation
Overview of ACTT process, Management Team
Skill sets, skill set papers, other hand outs
8:20 amProject overview
Project description, scope of work, history, Funding needs, controversial issues, scheduling & current status
Highway Agency, DOT
9:00 amIdentify Project goals/objectives
What's DOT hoping to achieve through application of the ACTT process (see page 2 for examples)
Meeting Attendees
9:30 amIdentify Skill sets
Not all skill sets attend all workshops. Skill sets are selected based on scope of work and Department needs
Meeting Attendees
9:45 am Workshop dates & agenda
The afternoon of their arrival, the workshop participants will be briefed on the project, take a tour of the project, and have a reception. Skill sets spend the next full day in their break out sessions, wrap up and present their recommendations the morning of the third day
Meeting Attendees
10:00 amBreak 
10:15 amWorkshop facility & supplies
Need a room large enough for approximately 65 people and several small break out rooms. Need supplies like lap tops, projectors, flip charts, name tags, etc.
Meeting Attendees
10:30 amWorkshop facilitators/note keepers
Each skill set will require a facilitator and note keeper. A FHWA moderator will be needed for the general sessions.
Meeting Attendees
11:00 amWorkshop funding:
  • Facility – Typically, Host Agency funds
  • Supplies – Typically, Host Agency funds
  • Meals – couple of breakfasts and working lunches, reception; typically, included in workshop facilitation
  • Travel & per diem – Host Agency pays for all non-FHWA national travel and perdiem
  • Facilitators – ACMT and Host Agency responsibility
  • Workshop reports – Typically, FHWA funds generation of workshop final report
  • Local travel – Host Agency responsibility
Meeting Attendees
11:30 amDiscuss:
  • DOT/ local workshop Participants (number/skill set)
  • National workshop participants (number/skill set)
  • Host Agency contact – Need POC for coordination
  • Action plan/ next steps/ dates – Need to identify roles and responsibilities and deadlines
Meeting Attendees
12:00 pmAdjourn 

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Updated: 02/27/2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000