K-12 Education and Training
National Summer Transportation Institute Program
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Program Presentation:
Our Kids, Our Workforce, & Our Future!
Supporting Workforce Development Through Transportation Education
Prepared by: Joyce Gottlieb, FY17 National NSTI Program Manager
Presentation Overview
- Workforce organization
- NSTI updates (milestones)
- Program requirements (State/Division)
- Leveraging partnerships
- Program support
- Areas for Improvement
Office Innovative Program Delivery
- Four Center's under OIPD
- Accelerating Innovation
- Local Aid Support
- Innovative Finance Support
- Transportation Workforce Development (TWD)
Center for Transportation Workforce Development
- K-12 Program
- National Summer Transportation Institute
- Garrett Morgan Transportation Clearinghouse
- Post Secondary Programs
- Eisenhower Fellowship Program
- Practitioner/Professional Programs
- On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program & Pilots
- Highway Construction Workforce Development Pilot
- Regional Transportation Workforce Centers
Center for Transportation Workforce Development Staff
- Joe Conway -- Acting Director
- NSTI - Joyce Gottlieb
- OJT Supportive Services - Michael Caliendo
- Regional Transportation Workforce Centers - Clark Martin
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation & Fellowship Program - Fawn Thompson
- Garrett A. Morgan Transportation & Technology Education Program - Fawn Thompson
NSTI Program Purpose
To promote the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines in transportation-education and career opportunities among middle and high school students, including at-risk youth.
23 U.S. Code § 140
2016 NSTI Host Sites
- Alabama State University
- University of West Alabama
- University of Alabama
- Alcorn State University
- University of Arkansas
- Arizona State University
- California State University, Los Angeles
- San Jose State University
- Colorado State University
- University of Connecticut
- Delaware State University
- Howard University
- Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
- Florida International University
- Valencia State University
- University of Miami
- Albany State University
- Clark Atlanta University
- Idaho State University
- University of Illinois
- Eastern Iowa Community College
- Donnelly College
- Kentucky State University
- Southern University
- University of Maine
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- Morgan State University
- University of Massachusetts
- Amherst
- Northeastern University
- Ferris State University
- Michigan Technological University
- University of Minnesota
- Alcorn State University
- Jackson State University
- Mississippi State University
- St. Louis University
- University of Missouri - Kansas City
- Montana State University
- Central Community College
- University of Nevada- Las Vegas
- University of New Hampshire Co-ed
- University of New Hampshire (Engineeristas)
- University of New Mexico
- University at Buffalo/State University of New York
- Fayetteville State University
- North Carolina A&T State University
- University of North Dakota
- Central State University
- Oklahoma State University
- Portland State University
- Cheyney University
- Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
- University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
- University of Rhode Island
- South Carolina State University
- Benedict College
- Tennessee State University
- Texas Southern University
- Lamar State University
- University of Utah
- Champlain College
- Hampton University
- Virginia State University
- West Virginia State University
- College of Menominee Nation
- Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College
Thank you!
NSTI 2016 June-August
NSTI Deliverable Dates
- Call for SOWs October 3, 2016
- State DOT must forward packet to Division by deadline
- Division must upload submittals to HIN's SharePoint site:
- Intent to Approve Letter
- DOT packet (SOWs & excel budget) 12/16/2016
- Funding allocations (target date: 1/31/17)
State DOT Requirements
- Recruitment and student selection procedures
- Staffing requirements
- Program cost (detailed budget summary)
- Inter-modal advisory committee
- Specific-named partners
- Implementation schedule
- Program curriculum (stem-focused)
- Academic
- Enhancement
- Sports/Recreation (residential programs)
- Follow up survey of students
Division Requirements
- Review your State DOTs SOW packet to ensure it is consistent with program guidelines
- Make written comments
- follow up with State DOT regarding identified areas of concern if needed
- Division Administrator submit recommendation(s) for host sites
- Upload "complete" packet to HIN's SharePoint site
- Intermodal advisory committee
- Needed expertise, influence, or resources
- Robust community partnerships
- Sponsorships/in-kind contribution
Program Challenges
- Division set SOW deadline with State
- SOWs need to meet established criteria
- Missing activity schedules (more detail)
- Budget worksheet exceeds allocation
- Clarity concerning Aviation Career Experience (ACE) Program
- Did you know?
- Exchange Student Program
- Eligibility Student Medical Insurance
- Statements-of-Work
- Competitive
- No repeat students
- Misuse of Stipends (Participants)
- Honorariums, Payment, Stipends (Guest Speakers)
- Significant classroom time:
- Curriculum Instruction
- Experiential Learning (Hands-on activities)
- Presentations (Industry Professionals/Educators)
- Project closeout process
- Program assessments (survey)
Best Practices
- Divisions
- Participate in the SOW Process
- Engage in State DOT panel review process
- Conduct onsite visits
- Participate in program activities
In closing, always remember:
- Attract and retain middle/high school students into the transportation industry
- Minority females, at-risk & underrepresented youth
- Develop an innovative program
- Encourage collaboration
- Establish long term partnerships
Joyce Gottlieb
NSTI Program Manager
Center for Transportation Workforce Development
Office of Innovative Program Delivery (HIN)
Federal Highway Administration
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