EDC-5 Value Capture Implementation Team - Co-Leads
Co-Leads Name, Program/Department |
Email |
Thay Bishop, FHWA Center for Innovative Finance Support |
Thay.Bishop@dot.gov |
Stefan Natzke, FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty |
Stefan.Natzke@dot.gov |
EDC-5 Value Capture Implementation Team - Members
Members Name, Program/Department |
Email |
Jennifer Ahlin, Virginia Department of Transportation |
Jennifer.Ahlin@vdot.virginia.gov |
Janine Ashe, FHWA District of Columbia Division |
Janine.Ashe@dot.gov |
David Cohen, FHWA Office of Project Development & Environmental Review |
David.Cohen@dot.gov |
John Duel, FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty |
John.Duel@dot.gov |
Kirk Fauver, FHWA Texas Division |
Kirk.Fauver@dot.gov |
Donny Hamilton, FHWA Texas Division |
Benjamin Hawkinson, FHWA Office of Transportation Policy |
Benjamin.Hawkinson@dot.gov |
Kathleen Hulbert, FHWA Infrastructure Office |
Kathleen.Hulbert@dot.gov |
Andrea Kirk, FHWA Center for Local-Aid Support |
Andrea.Kirk@dot.gov |
Chip Millard, FHWA Freight Management & Operation |
Chip.Millard@dot.gov |
Diane Mobley, FHWA Chief Counsel Office |
Diane.Mobley@dot.gov |
Kevin Moody, Forest Service, R9-Eastern Region |
Kevin.Moody@usda.gov |
Ben Orsbon, South Dakota Department of Transportation |
Ben.Orsbon@state.sd.us |
Jill Stark, FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty |
Jill.Stark@dot.gov |
Lindsey Svendsen, FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty |
Lindsey.S.Svendsen@dot.gov |
Jim Thorne, FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty |
Jim.Thorne@dot.gov |