U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590

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Office of Policy & Governmental Affairs

Image Credit: Internal DOT Library

Office of Highway Policy Information

Program Areas

Motor Fuel and Highway Finance

The Motor Fuel and Highway Finance Division administers the 500-Series data programs which involves the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data relating motor fuel distribution/consumption and taxation, highway system usage indicators (i.e., licensed drivers and registered vehicles), and highway infrastructure funding activities. This division also administers the Highway Use Tax Evasion (HUTE) and Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) oversight programs. The data managed by this office are provided by our State agency partners on either a monthly, annual or biennial basis. Once compiled and analyzed, the data are used to: 1) provide information and analysis in support of the Federal-aid Highway Program's reauthorization activities; 2) develop proposed legislation and reports for submission to Congress; and 3) analyze existing and proposed Federal-aid funding methods and levels.

Travel Monitoring and Surveys

The Travel Monitoring and Surveys Division administers the national traffic monitoring program, the national truck weight monitoring program, the national travel behavior program, long distance travel origin destination data, and national model program. The division also takes on the responsibility of conducting research on strategic challenging issues including, but not limited to: future travel demand, vehicle miles traveled, long distance passenger travel, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, congestion, and revenue.

Highway System Performance

The division administers the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data system, and coordinates with the States on the reporting of mileage and performance data of the nation's highway system to FHWA. The data is used in the attribution of funds from the Highway Trust Fund on an annual basis. The data is the underlying data for the Conditions & Performance Report to Congress.

Data Analytics and Visualization

The Data Analytics and Visualization program provides data analytic and visualization services to FHWA offices in addition to offering more advanced statistical and data science analytics related to large, dynamic, mission critical FHWA data sets, in collaboration with FHWA partners and project stakeholders. The program also helps enhance the capacity of FHWA staff to perform sophisticated data analysis and visualizations, through webinars and in-person training.

Page last modified on August 2, 2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000