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State DOT Resources

The High-Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) uses innovative means to more efficiently finance important surface transportation infrastructure projects in Colorado. These tools include P3s, operating concession agreements, user fee-based project financing, and availability payment and design-build contracting. The website provides access to procurement documents and project reports, including value for money analyses.


Florida DOT's Project Finance Office within the Office of the Comptroller houses information on P3 project summaries, procurements, and statues and rules.


INDOT's P3 website includes information on its P3 program, implementation guidelines, and projects.


January 2012

Maryland's Joint Legislative and Executive Commission on Oversight of Public-Private Partnerships reviewed the state's current process for P3s, studied the best practices and lessons learned from other states and countries, evaluated the statutory definition of P3s, and made recommendations on broad policy parameters to improve how Maryland analyzes, oversees, and approves future partnerships. The Commission found that Maryland's pursuit of P3s should be focused on physical infrastructure and the delivery of assets rather than privatization or the contracting out of existing services. In April 2013, House Bill 560 was signed into law that provides the private sector with a stronger, more predictable and streamlined P3 process, protects public assets, ensures a strong workforce, requires competitive bidding for all projects and allows the private sector to submit new unsolicited concepts to address Maryland's infrastructure needs. Further information is available on the Maryland Transportation Authority P3 webpage


Minnesota Department of Transportation, May 2013

This research synthesis presents the results of a literature review and interviews with experts from several state DOTs about the use of life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) for comparing traditional procurement options to P3 concessions projects. The study found little direct information on the application of LCCA to P3 projects, although there is a significant amount of guidance and research related to value for money (VfM) comparisons of public procurement options to P3 proposals, and to LCCA in general. The study includes spreadsheets used for estimating the O&M costs of Georgia DOT's Northwest Corridor project (originally conceived of as a DBFOM concession) and detailed estimates of cost of ownership for the Maryland Transportation Authority's travel plaza concessions project.


PennDOT's P3 website provides information on the commonwealth's P3 program, authorizing legislation, implementation manual and guidelines, projects, current advertisements, and annual reports.


Highway P3 projects in Texas are carried out under comprehensive development agreements (CDA) between TxDOT and private developers. The TxDOT CDA website provides a list of awarded projects, both P3 concessions and design-build agreements, as well as RFI, RFQ, and RFP documents. P3s for other types of infrastructure in the state are managed by the Center for Alternative Finance and Procurement within the Texas Facilities Commission. P3 Guidelines are available that provide direction on P3 proposal response, evaluation, and selection.


Virginia's Office of Public-Private Partnerships is responsible for developing and implementing a statewide program for project delivery via the Public-Private Transportation Act (PPTA) of 1995. Its website's Resources section of provides a wealth of documents, templates, and best practices on the assessment and implementation of P3 projects. These materials build on Virginia's extensive experience implementing P3 projects and include screening templates, guidelines on risk management, public engagement and value for money analysis, and the most recent version of the PPTA Implementation Manual and Guidelines. The website also includes information on P3 Projects under development, procurement, construction, and operation.


Washington State Joint Transportation Committee, January 2012

This report was commissioned by the Washington State Legislature's Joint Transportation Committee to assess if, why and how P3s can potentially benefit the state in relation to the delivery and operation of its transportation infrastructure. Its focus is both general, providing tools and strategic guidelines for the state in relation to the potential use, benefits and barriers to P3s; and specific, through the assessments of five candidate projects that are in the state's Transportation Plan.

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