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The Center for Innovative Finance Support offers this one-day in person training course through FHWA's National Highway Institute (NHI). States, local governments, and non-profit organizations may sign up to host the course (NHI course no. 231033A) free of charge at: Course participants will be introduced to public-private partnerships (P3s) and the potential benefits and challenges in using a P3 to deliver EV charging infrastructure. Participants will learn how P3s for EV charging infrastructure can be structured to address its unique market characteristics and key steps to procure a P3 for EV charging infrastructure. A major part of the training will include instruction in the use of analytical tools for decision-making, including a screening tool to determine the appropriateness of a P3, a tool to evaluate financial viability and affordability for the public agency, and a tool to help ensure that the P3 model will achieve the strategic goals of the public agency.
Contact if you have questions.

Public-Private Partnerships for Highway Infrastructure

The National Highway Institute is offering a new course on Public-Private Partnerships (P3). NHI 231033 was developed in cooperation with USDOT's Build America Bureau and FHWA's Center for Innovative Finance Support (Office of Innovative Program Delivery). This training - consisting of 13 modules - is available for free to federal, state, and local public entities so that they can improve the development, evaluation, and procurement of P3s.

Who can request this training? Any state, regional, or local transportation entity can request the training and invite participants.

How do I customize my P3 training? After discussing your goals with a team of NHI instructors, we will work together to develop an agenda that best addresses your P3 training needs.

When and where will my program be presented? An FHWA-sponsored instructor, along with another subject matter expert, will present this live training event at your site, on your schedule.

How are the advanced modules different? P3 modules are a mix of presentations and class discussions. The advanced analysis modules incorporate the use of hands-on computer training with the P3-VALUE tool. This Excel-based set of spreadsheets provides a way to better understand the analysis and evaluation of P3s from the public and private sector perspectives.

How long is the training? Your P3 training can range from 1/2 day to 3 full days depending on the modules that you select to reach your specific goals.

Are there seating requirements? You are responsible for filling a minimum of 20 seats for introductory and intermediate level programs, and 5 for advanced programs. Advanced programs also have a maximum of 30 seats.

For more information contact:

Patrick DeCorla-Souza | P3 Program Manager
Build America Bureau and FHWA Center for Innovative Finance Support
202 366-4076

Download the P3 Training Flyer

Customized Programs

NHI's qualified instructors work with agencies to customize training tailored to their unique set of needs from this menu of available modules:

Introductory Training

Session 1 - Overview of P3s

This introductory session provides an overview of the different types of P3s; why state and local governments consider P3 procurements; P3 projects in the U.S.; federal and state roles in implementing P3 projects; and state P3 legislation, policies and processes. See the FHWA's primer Public-Private Partnership Concessions for Highway Projects.

Session 2 - Successful P3 Practices

This session reviews successful legislative and policy practices; project development, procurement, and performance monitoring and oversight. See the FHWA's report Successful Practices for P3s.

Intermediate Training

Session 3 - P3 Risk Allocation

This session provides an overview of risk allocation with P3 projects. Topics discussed include: an overview of typical project risks; rationale and methodology for risk transfer, typical risk transfer arrangements, risk transfer mechanisms including contracts, incentives and financing; transferring travel demand risk; and case studies. See FHWA's Guidebook for Risk Assessment in Public-Private Partnerships.

Session 4 - P3 Project Financing

This session reviews the following aspect of project finance with P3 projects: special purpose vehicles, debt, equity, subsidies, and credit enhancements. See the FHWA primer Financial Structuring and Assessment for Public-Private Partnerships.

Session 5 - P3 Evaluation Overview

This session provides and overview of the following aspects of P3 evaluations: types of project delivery evaluation, financial viability assessment, value for money analysis, benefit-cost analysis, and FHWA's P3 Toolkit. See the FHWA primer Value for Money Analysis for Public-Private Partnerships.

Session 6 - Model Con

This session reviews model contracts for P3 contracts. It addresses general contract provisions, provisions specific to toll concessions, and provisions for use on availability payment concessions. See the FHWA Model P3 Contract Guide.

Session 7A - Preparing for a P3 Procurement

This session reviews activities to prepare for a P3 procurement, including: goals and activities; structuring the procurement team; setting the stage for successful project delivery; due diligence and project activities, transparency, unsolicited proposals and risks associated with third parties. See the FHWA's Public-Private Partnership (P3) Procurement: A Guide for Public Owners.

Session 7B - Key P3 Procurement Structuring Themes

This session discusses how to ensure full, fair and open competition; developing a realistic procurement schedule; developing robust evaluation criteria and submittal requirements; establishing and evaluation structure and procedures, alternative technical concepts; and alternative financial concepts. See the FHWA's Public-Private Partnership (P3) Procurement: A Guide for Public Owners.

Session 7C - Key P3 Procurement Steps

This session discusses how to ensure full, fair and open competition; developing a realistic procurement schedule; developing robust evaluation criteria and submittal requirements; establishing and evaluation structure and procedures, alternative technical concepts; and alternative financial concepts. See the FHWA's Public-Private Partnership (P3) Procurement: A Guide for Public Owners.

Session 8 - Tolling and Pricing

This session provides and introduction to tolling a pricing and discusses congestion pricing; managed lanes; public policy issues, and federal tolling authority. See the FHWA Tolling and Pricing website.

Advanced Training (computer-based training)

Session 9A - Financial Viability Assessment

This session addresses four aspects of financial viability assessments: 1) P3 financial structuring; 2) traffic and revenue forecasting; financial viability analysis; and 4) financial models. See the FHWA primer Financial Structuring and Assessment for Public-Private Partnerships.

Session 9B - p3 Financial Viability Computer ExerCise

This session provides and introduction to FHWA's P3-VALUE 2.2 modeling tool, entering project information, and conducting a financial viability assessment of conventional project delivery, as well as P3 project delivery. See the FHWA's P3-Value webpage.

Session 10A - P3 Value for Money Analysis

This session provides an overview of value for money analysis, and then focuses on the development of a public-sector comparator assessment as well as a P3 delivery option. The results are compared to determine which option delivers greater value. See the FHWA's Guidebook for Value for Money Assessment or Public-Private Partnerships.

Session 10B - P3 Value For Money Computer Exercise

This session focuses on the development of value for money analyses for a toll concession and an availability payment concession.

Session 11A - P3 Benefit-Cost Assessment

This session provides an introduction to benefit-cost analyses the then focuses on the benefit-cost analyses process and economic differences with P3 project delivery. See the FHWA's Benefit-Cost Analysis for Public-Private Partnership Project Delivery: A Framework.

Session 11B - P3 Benefit-Cost Assessment Exercise

This session focuses on benefit-cost analyses for different project delivery methods, as well as the impact of travel growth and P3 quality of service assumptions on the results of benefit-cost assessments.

Session 12A - Risk Assessment

This session provides information on risk categorization, the risk management process, and risk analysis. See the FHWA's Guidebook for Risk Assessment in Public-Private Partnerships.

Session 12B - Risk Assessment Exercise

This session contains a risk assessment exercise.

Session 13 - Comprehensive Computer-Based Exercise Using State Project

In this session different teams of participants assess a hypothetical state department of transportation project using alternative assumptions. The teams present their findings and related issues and engage in discussion.

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