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Highway Statistics 2003 - FHWA

Highway Statistics 2003 - MOTOR-FUEL USE - 2003 - Table MF-21
Highway Statistics 2003 OHPI > Highway Statistics > 2003 > Motor Fuel > Table MF-21

MOTOR-FUEL USE - 2003 1/

Alabama 2,394,182 2,969 35,306 38,275 2,432,457 76,366 1,841 78,207 2,510,664 2,637 2,513,301 709,717 3,142,174 1.8 78,207 3,220,381
Alaska 304,180 1,716 6,973 8,689 312,869 (16,768) 364 (16,404) 296,465 - 296,465 92,339 405,208 16.9 (16,404) 388,804
Arizona 2,536,153 5,530 32,808 38,338 2,574,491 68,629 1,710 70,339 2,644,830 - 2,644,830 734,013 3,308,504 1.8 70,339 3,378,843
Arkansas 1,356,488 1,685 24,655 26,340 1,382,828 68,906 1,285 70,191 1,453,019 19,439 1,472,458 590,609 1,973,437 0.1 70,191 2,043,628
California 14,737,396 26,156 197,855 224,011 14,961,407 319,596 10,315 329,911 15,291,318 - 15,291,318 2,672,388 17,633,795 (2.8) 329,911 17,963,706
Colorado 1,948,289 4,716 37,949 42,665 1,990,954 67,824 1,724 69,548 2,060,502 20,813 2,081,315 545,040 2,535,994 (0.4) 69,548 2,605,542
Connecticut 1,505,392 2,348 19,353 21,701 1,527,093 115,421 1,009 116,430 1,643,523 1,745 1,645,268 222,451 1,749,544 (2.6) 116,430 1,865,974
Delaware 401,843 477 5,167 5,644 407,487 16,792 269 17,061 424,548 (2,327) 422,221 60,156 467,643 (0.8) 17,061 484,704
Dist. of Col. 122,894 3,188 5,389 8,577 131,471 17,263 281 17,544 149,015 (4) 149,011 25,710 157,181 (6.3) 17,544 174,725
Florida 7,772,186 9,053 111,007 120,060 7,892,246 281,045 4,608 285,653 8,177,899 - 8,177,899 1,432,663 9,324,909 2.7 285,653 9,610,562
Georgia 4,839,578 4,502 55,356 59,858 4,899,436 140,326 2,886 143,212 5,042,648 - 5,042,648 1,436,781 6,336,217 1.1 143,212 6,479,429
Hawaii 427,832 1,032 9,531 10,563 438,395 8,644 497 9,141 447,536 4,510 452,046 36,661 475,056 0.1 9,141 484,197
Idaho 571,933 2,627 12,662 15,289 587,222 35,184 660 35,844 623,066 6,293 629,359 230,046 817,268 (4.6) 35,844 853,112
Illinois 4,908,577 6,429 87,204 93,633 5,002,210 153,871 4,546 158,417 5,160,627 37,425 5,198,052 1,407,006 6,409,216 (0.4) 158,417 6,567,633
Indiana 3,174,016 2,664 47,337 50,001 3,224,017 78,374 2,468 80,842 3,304,859 33,382 3,338,241 1,482,106 4,706,123 0.2 80,842 4,786,965
Iowa 1,501,231 1,781 29,185 30,966 1,532,197 99,991 1,522 101,513 1,633,710 8 1,633,718 511,804 2,044,001 0.9 101,513 2,145,514
Kansas 1,292,713 1,778 26,989 28,767 1,321,480 59,906 1,407 61,313 1,382,793 13,989 1,396,782 404,905 1,726,385 (2.8) 61,313 1,787,698
Kentucky 2,176,100 2,849 34,025 36,874 2,212,974 101,688 1,774 103,462 2,316,436 - 2,316,436 713,358 2,926,332 1.5 103,462 3,029,794
Louisiana 2,232,075 2,920 34,317 37,237 2,269,312 180,755 1,789 182,544 2,451,856 16,073 2,467,929 638,509 2,907,821 3.6 182,544 3,090,365
Maine 747,197 748 9,623 10,371 757,568 18,719 502 19,221 776,789 3,208 779,997 202,838 960,406 10.8 19,221 979,627
Maryland 2,534,458 4,956 26,878 31,834 2,566,292 65,391 1,401 66,792 2,633,084 8,421 2,641,505 511,916 3,078,208 2.3 66,792 3,145,000
Massachusetts 2,753,048 4,365 34,394 38,759 2,791,807 62,587 1,793 64,380 2,856,187 - 2,856,187 409,785 3,201,592 0.5 64,380 3,265,972
Michigan 4,832,387 5,154 64,412 69,566 4,901,953 167,735 3,358 171,093 5,073,046 - 5,073,046 982,576 5,884,529 (1.0) 171,093 6,055,622
Minnesota 2,543,070 3,111 42,517 45,628 2,588,698 138,967 2,217 141,184 2,729,882 27,521 2,757,403 645,306 3,234,004 (1.0) 141,184 3,375,188
Mississippi 1,524,292 2,248 33,289 35,537 1,559,829 72,878 1,329 74,207 1,634,036 16,505 1,650,541 593,222 2,153,051 2.9 74,207 2,227,258
Missouri 3,042,111 3,571 45,221 48,792 3,090,903 125,956 2,358 128,314 3,219,217 32,371 3,251,588 964,558 4,055,461 1.6 128,314 4,183,775
Montana 463,535 2,590 10,034 12,624 476,159 32,929 523 33,452 509,611 - 509,611 194,419 670,578 (1.2) 33,452 704,030
Nebraska 806,134 1,720 17,713 19,433 825,567 58,036 923 58,959 884,526 - 884,526 379,012 1,204,579 (0.1) 58,959 1,263,538
Nevada 1,015,129 3,471 12,821 16,292 1,031,421 30,468 668 31,136 1,062,557 - 1,062,557 302,556 1,333,977 5.5 31,136 1,365,113
New Hampshire 685,971 762 9,134 9,896 695,867 25,257 476 25,733 721,600 3,934 725,534 102,119 797,986 0.2 25,733 823,719
New Jersey 4,347,250 5,528 48,843 54,371 4,401,621 94,145 2,546 96,691 4,498,312 - 4,498,312 868,681 5,270,302 8.9 96,691 5,366,993
New Mexico 892,859 3,906 16,096 20,002 912,861 57,236 839 58,075 970,936 - 970,936 440,395 1,353,256 2.1 58,075 1,411,331
New York 5,605,000 12,091 100,744 112,835 5,717,835 155,116 5,252 160,368 5,878,203 2,585 5,880,788 1,262,914 6,980,749 0.5 160,368 7,141,117
North Carolina 4,041,724 3,241 127,919 131,160 4,172,884 157,715 2,789 160,504 4,333,388 43,851 4,377,239 1,040,189 5,213,073 0.1 160,504 5,373,577
North Dakota 331,763 1,184 8,112 9,296 341,059 30,741 26 30,767 371,826 946 372,772 159,998 501,057 2.9 30,767 531,824
Ohio 5,015,658 5,445 79,246 84,691 5,100,349 141,705 4,131 145,836 5,246,185 53,022 5,299,207 1,519,875 6,620,224 (0.5) 145,836 6,766,060
Oklahoma 1,727,636 2,962 31,614 34,576 1,762,212 88,067 1,648 89,715 1,851,927 20 1,851,947 846,174 2,608,386 3.7 89,715 2,698,101
Oregon 1,475,243 4,592 25,169 29,761 1,505,004 56,127 1,312 57,439 1,562,443 - 1,562,443 492,154 1,997,158 1.1 57,439 2,054,597
Pennsylvania 5,016,403 8,007 71,860 79,867 5,096,270 98,722 3,746 102,468 5,198,738 26,033 5,224,771 1,317,192 6,413,462 (1.3) 102,468 6,515,930
Rhode Island 3/ 381,289 595 8,037 8,632 389,921 11,032 149 11,181 401,102 2,729 403,831 55,033 444,954 0.0 11,181 456,135
South Carolina 2,277,631 2,892 27,209 30,101 2,307,732 77,497 1,419 78,916 2,386,648 - 2,386,648 630,309 2,938,041 1.3 78,916 3,016,957
South Dakota 390,717 1,537 9,390 10,927 401,644 34,150 490 34,640 436,284 4,407 440,691 166,675 568,319 (2.4) 34,640 602,959
Tennessee 2,943,560 5,785 43,033 48,818 2,992,378 70,753 2,244 72,997 3,065,375 30,963 3,096,338 967,835 3,960,213 0.9 72,997 4,033,210
Texas 10,976,481 13,202 144,634 157,836 11,134,317 296,957 7,541 304,498 11,438,815 57 11,438,872 3,258,656 14,392,973 0.1 304,498 14,697,471
Utah 971,066 2,383 19,066 21,449 992,515 34,990 994 35,984 1,028,499 10,462 1,038,961 352,288 1,344,803 (1.0) 35,984 1,380,787
Vermont 336,694 370 5,516 5,886 342,580 11,229 288 11,517 354,097 (559) 353,538 67,057 409,637 2.2 11,517 421,154
Virginia 3,816,628 5,269 49,574 54,843 3,871,471 93,058 2,585 95,643 3,967,114 - 3,967,114 1,017,912 4,889,383 2.5 95,643 4,985,026
Washington 2,615,887 6,923 36,117 43,040 2,658,927 83,557 1,883 85,440 2,744,367 9,415 2,753,782 594,990 3,253,917 0.7 85,440 3,339,357
West Virginia 797,658 1,328 16,016 17,344 815,002 19,716 835 20,551 835,553 1,191 836,744 270,820 1,085,822 1.6 20,551 1,106,373
Wisconsin 2,431,241 2,589 43,218 45,807 2,477,048 91,017 2,253 93,270 2,570,318 25,963 2,596,281 676,732 3,153,780 (0.9) 93,270 3,247,050
Wyoming 303,206 1,435 6,387 7,822 311,028 40,689 333 41,022 352,050 - 352,050 292,753 603,781 (4.8) 41,022 644,803
Total 131,845,984 208,380 2,036,904 2,245,284 134,091,268 4,416,955 99,806 4,516,761 138,608,029 457,028 139,065,057 35,533,201 169,624,469 0.6 4,516,761 174,141,230
Percentage of Total Use 75.7 0.1 1.2 1.3 77.0 2.5 0.1 2.6 79.6 0.3 79.9 20.4 97.4 0.0 2.6 100.0

1/ This table is one of a series giving an analysis of motor-fuel consumption, based on reports from State motor-fuel tax agencies. Gasohol is included with gasoline. In order to make the data uniform and complete, public use and nonhighway use were estimated by the Federal Highway Administration. These estimates may not be comparable to data for prior years due to revised estimation procedures. The resulting volumes differ in many cases from the unadjusted data reported in table MF-2. For some States, data are not comparable to prior years due to changes in data analysis and/or improvements in reporting procedures. All data are subject to review and revision.

2/ Some States make a flat percentage allowance for losses in storage and handling, and others allow for actual losses not to exceed a specified percentage. Still others permit distributors to claim stock losses in reconciliations of inventories, thus exempting the lost volume from taxation. Losses by destruction, where reported separately, are also included in this column. The maximum allowance used in the analysis to cover losses in storage and handling was 1 percent. Because of accounting methods, losses can be reported as a net gain.

3/ Rhode Island data is for 2002.

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Page last modified on November 7, 2014
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