U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
FHWA FY 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Figure 1 FHWA Strategic Framework Mission: Enable and empower the strengthening of a world-class highway system that promotes safety, mobility, and economic growth, while enhancing the quality of life of all Americans. Values Public Service (heart icon): We are committed to the pursuit of professional excellence motivated by serving the public interest and providing high-quality products and timely services. Integrity (compass points icon): Ethics, fairness, and honesty define the way we do our work and conduct ourselves. We have the courage both to be innovative and to make tough decisions Respect (open hands/palms with the sun above icon): We value individual diversity and the unique strengths, skills, expertise, and background of our employees. We treat others in a polite and courteous manner. Collaboration (moving gears icon): We maximize our collective talents through teamwork and partnerships based on mutual trust, respect, support, cooperation, and communication. Family (house icon): We support, care about, listen to, and respond to employees and their family needs. Personal Development (man and woman together with arms uplifted icon): Through a wide variety of learning opportunities, we nurture the development and use of leadership, technical, and professional skills in all our employees. Strategic Goals Safety: Reduce transportation-related fatalities and serious Injuries across the transportation system. Infrastructure: Invest in infrastructure to ensure mobility and accessibility and to stimulate economic growth, productivity, and competitiveness for American workers and businesses. Infrastructure: Invest in infrastructure to ensure mobility and accessibility and to stimulate economic growth, productivity, and competitiveness for American workers and businesses. Innovation: Lead in the development and deployment of innovative practices and technologies to improve the safety and performance of the Nation's transportation system. Accountability: Serve the Nation with reduced regulatory burden and greater efficiency, effectiveness and accountability. Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective #1: Save lives by expanding the use of data driven systemic safety management systems and increasing the adoption of proven safety solutions by all road owners. Strategic Objective #2: Improve program and project decision-making by using a data-driven approach, asset management principles, and a performance-based program that lead to better conditions and more efficient operations. Strategic Objective #3: Increase freight and people mobility and reliability by building effective partnerships and encouraging targeted investments. Strategic Objective #4: Enhance the safety and performance of the Nation's transportation system through research and by accelerating the development and deployment of promising innovative technologies and practices. Strategic Objective #5: Modernize or, eliminate obsolete, unnecessary, or duplicative policies and regulations to accelerate all phases of project delivery, stimulate innovation, and reduce administrative burdens. Strategic Objective #6: Transform the workforce and resource management approach to ensure the agency is properly structured, skilled, and equipped to deliver outstanding customer service to our partners and the traveling public. |