U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics
The public report burden for this information collection is estimated to average 6 hours | |||||||
Year |
Month of Sale or Transfer |
Units (check one) Gallons Liters |
Item | Line No. |
Gasoline (1) |
Gasohol (2) |
Private and Commercial | Total (5) |
Highway Diesel (3) |
Alternate Fuels (4) |
1. Gross Volume Reported | 01 | ||||||
2. Fully Tax Exempt | a. Losses-Flat % | 21 | |||||
b. Losses-Actual | 22 | ||||||
c. Federal | 23 | ||||||
d. | 24 | ||||||
e. | 25 | ||||||
f. | 26 | ||||||
g. | 27 | ||||||
h. | 28 | ||||||
i. | 29 | ||||||
j. Total (a. thru i.) | 30 | ||||||
3. Gross Volume Taxed (1.-2.j.) | 40 | ||||||
4. Fully Refunded | a. Agriculture | 51 | |||||
b. Aviation | 52 | ||||||
c. Industrial/Commercial | 53 | ||||||
d. Construction | 54 | ||||||
e. Boating | 55 | ||||||
f. | 56 | ||||||
g. | 57 | ||||||
h. | 58 | ||||||
i. | 59 | ||||||
j. | 60 | ||||||
k. | 61 | ||||||
l. | 62 | ||||||
m. | 63 | ||||||
n. | 64 | ||||||
o. | 65 | ||||||
p. | 66 | ||||||
q. | 67 | ||||||
r. | 68 | ||||||
s. | 69 | ||||||
t. Total (a. thru s.) | 70 | ||||||
5. Net Volume Taxed (Partial Exemption or Refund) |
a. At Full Rate | 81 | |||||
b. Aviation | 82 | ||||||
c. | 83 | ||||||
d. | 84 | ||||||
e. | 85 | ||||||
f. | 86 | ||||||
g. | 87 | ||||||
h. | 88 | ||||||
i. | 89 | ||||||
j. Total (a. thru i., 3.-4.t.) | 90 | ||||||
6. Source | a. Agency Preparing this Report | ||||||
b. Compiled under Direction of | |||||||
Form FHWA-551M (Rev. 10/2005) | |||||||
Year 0 |
Month 0 |
1. Rate of tax at end of month, in cents per gallon or liter. (If tax is ad valorem, post percentage, and briefly explain basis below.) | |||||||
Fuel Type | Rate (cents) | Effective Date (mm/dd/yyyy) | |||||
a. Gasoline | |||||||
b. Gasohol | |||||||
c. Diesel | |||||||
d. LPG | |||||||
e. CNG | |||||||
f. M85 | |||||||
g. E85 | |||||||
h. LNG | |||||||
i. Biodiesel | |||||||
j. Other | |||||||
2. Rate of Optional Tax at end of month (in cents per gallon) | |||||||
Rate Name | Rate (Cents) | Effective Date (mm/dd/yyyy) | Inpection Fee Comment(s) | ||||
Inspection Fee | |||||||
Environmental Fee | |||||||
Local Option Tax applied Uniformly Across the State | |||||||
Other | |||||||
3. Computation of gross volume reported (page1, item1.) | |||||||
Gasoline | Diesel/Kerosene | ||||||
Gross sales from sellers' returns | |||||||
Plus: IFTA fuel used in State (from users' returns) | |||||||
Less: IFTA fuel purchased tax paid in State (from users' returns) | |||||||
= Net consumption in State (Enter on page 1, item 1.) | 0 | 0 | |||||
Interstate motor-carrier (fuel use tax) fuel volume shown above | Beginning | End | |||||
covers the following period: (Specify month or months covered) | |||||||
4. Stratification of Gasohol by Blend Ratio The gasohol volume shown on page 1, column (2) includes: (Show actual/estimated volume or percentage shares) |
Percent Alcohol | Volume | Percentage Share | |||||
5.7-7.6% | |||||||
7.7-9.9% | |||||||
10 + % | |||||||
5. Notes and Comments |
Form FHWA-551M (Rev. 10/2005)