U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Office of Highway Policy Information (OHPI) – Heavy Vehicle Use Tax
Heavy Vehicle Use Tax
Funding Our Nation's Highway Programs and Leveling the Playing Field
Section 2 Questions
Answer the following questions by writing the answers on a piece of paper.
When done, review the answers on the next page.
- Of the items listed below, which two could be used to verify proof of
HVUT payment?
- Receipted and stamped Schedule 1 from IRS Form 2290.
- Completed state heavy vehicle registration form.
- Copy of a completed IRS Form 2290 with no further documentation.
- Copy of a completed IRS Form 2290 with a front and back copy of the
cancelled check used to make the payment.
- A and D.
- In the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:
A Legacy for Users (SAFTEA-LU), Congress mandated that a certain class of
HVUT taxpayers make their payments electronically. What class of HVUT taxpayer
did Congress target?
- Interstate carriers.
- Intrastate carriers.
- Large carriers with 25 or more vehicles.
- Large carriers with 100 or more vehicles.
- Private carriers.
- How frequently must the Governor of each state certify HVUT compliance?
- Every two years.
- Annually.
- Every three years.
- Twice annually.
- The Governor is not required to certify HVUT compliance.
- Under 23 CFR 669, how often are FHWA HVUT compliance reviews required
in each state?
- Every two years.
- Annually.
- Every three years.
- Twice annually.
- FHWA is only required to conduct them periodically as deemed necessary.
- What is the penalty if a state fails an HVUT compliance review and the
Secretary of Transportation issues a finding of nonconformity?
- The Secretary of Transportation can withhold up to 10 percent of all
Federal-aid highway apportionments.
- The Secretary of Transportation can withhold up to 8 percent of the state's National Highway Performance Program funds.
- The Secretary of Transportation can withhold up to 20 percent of the
state's Surface Transportation Program funds.
- The Secretary of Transportation can withhold up to 10 percent of the
state's Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funds.
- The Secretary of Transportation does not have authority to penalize
the state.
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Page last modified on June 23, 2020