More About Implementation
The SHRP2 Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) is now closed. The IAP was launched in 2013, and through seven rounds SHRP2 provided more than $130 million in financial support and technical assistance to transportation agencies across the country. More than 430 SHRP2 projects are underway across all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Round 7 in April 2016 was the final formal IAP offering; there may be limited future opportunities for assistance on a case-by-case basis, as needs arise and funding permits.
The IAP provided support to organizations for the deployment of SHRP2 products. That support was in the form of funding or technical assistance. Three levels of assistance were offered to meet the varied needs of the products and the applicants who wished to deploy them. Application periods, also called application rounds, were offered twice each year.
Though the IAP has come to a close, all SHRP2 products are available for use at any time regardless of the availability of financial or technical assistance. To keep up to date on SHRP2 implementation progress, please subscribe to the GoSHRP2 email alerts and visit the GoSHRP2 Web site.
Other opportunities also are available to transportation agencies through a variety of technology and innovation deployment programs, including Every Day Counts, AASHTO’s Innovation Initiative, the Accelerated Innovation Deployment Demonstration, and the State Transportation Innovation Councils Incentive Program.
Questions about specific products may be obtained from the FHWA technical lead listed on each product application page.