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Financing Federal-aid Highways

Appendix D: Apportionment Formulas

Interstate Maintenance Program Interstate System lane miles open to traffic33-1/3%104(b)(4)1/2 percent of Interstate Maintenance and National Highway System
Interstate Maintenance ProgramVehicle miles traveled on Interstate System routes open to traffic33-1/3%   
Interstate Maintenance ProgramAnnual contributions to the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund attributable to commercial vehicles33-1/3%   
National Highway System Lane miles on principal arterial routes (excluding the Interstate System)25%104(b)(1)½ percent of Interstate Maintenance and National Highway System apportionments combined
National Highway SystemVehicle miles traveled on principal arterial routes (excluding the Interstate System)35%  
National Highway SystemDiesel fuel used on highways30%  
National Highway SystemTotal lane miles on principal arterial highways divided by the State's total population10%  
Surface Transportation Program Total lane miles of Federal-aid highways25%104(b)(3)1/2 percent
Surface Transportation Program Total vehicle miles traveled on Federal-aid highways40%  
Surface Transportation Program Estimated tax payments attributable to highway users paid into the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund35%  
Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Relative share of total cost to repair or replace deficient highway bridges 100%144(e)1/4 percent (10 percent maximum)
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Weighted non-attainment and maintenance area population100%104(b)(2)1/2 percent
Highway Safety Improvement Program Total lane miles of Federal-aid highways33-1/3%104(b)(5)1/2 percent
Highway Safety Improvement ProgramTotal vehicle miles traveled on Federal-aid highways33-1/3%  
Highway Safety Improvement ProgramNumber of fatalities on the Federal-aid system (the National Highway System)33-1/3%   
Railway-Highway Crossings Formula used for Surface Transportation Program50%130(f)1/2 percent
Railway-Highway CrossingsTotal number of public railway-highway crossings50%  
Safe Routes to School Program Total school enrollment in primary and middle schools (grades K-8)100%1404 of SAFETEA-LU$1 million
Recreational Trails Program Equal shares to each eligible State50%104(h)None
Recreational Trails Program Nonhighway recreational fuel use during the preceding year 50%  
Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program Incoming commercial trucks passing through land border ports of entry (POE)20%1303 of SAFETEA-LUNone
Coordinated Border Infrastructure ProgramIncoming personal motor vehicles and incoming buses passing through land border POEs30%  
Coordinated Border Infrastructure ProgramTotal weight of incoming cargo by commercial trucks passing through land border POEs25%  
Coordinated Border Infrastructure ProgramTotal number of land border POEs within boundaries of border States25%  
Metropolitan Planning Urbanized area population2 100%104(f)(2)½ percent
Appalachian Development Highway System Latest available cost to complete estimates under section 14501 of title 40, U.S.C.100%1116 of SAFETEA-LUNone
Equity Bonus Each State's share of High Priority Project funding and apportionments for Interstate Maintenance, National Highway System, Surface Transportation, Bridge, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement, Highway Safety Improvement, Safe Routes to School, Railway-Highway Crossings, Coordinated Border Infrastructure, Recreational Trails, Metropolitan Planning, Appalachian Development Highway System, and the Equity Bonus programs must be at least a specified share (90.5% for FYs 2005-2006, 91.5% for FY 2007, and 92% for FYs 2008-2009) of its estimated payments into the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund, or, for certain States, no less than the share of apportionments and High Priority Project funding it received under TEA-21, except that no State may receive an amount less than a specified percentage (117%, 118%, 119%, 120%, 121% for FYs 2005-2009, respectively) of the average annual amount it received in apportionments and High Priority Projects under TEA-21.100%105None
1Denotes appropriate section in Title 23, U.S.C., unless otherwise indicated.
2Usually places of 50,000 or more persons. Definition contained in 23 U.S.C. 101(a).
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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000