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Office of Highway Policy Information (OHPI) – Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) – HPMS Reassessment 2010+

Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)

Appendix A: Guide to CD

Guide to "HPMS High-Volume Best Practices and Guidelines" CD


This Guide accompanies the HPMS High-Volume Best Practices and Guidelines Final Report. The final report includes references to the documents hyperlinked below.

To reference individual documents, please use the hyperlinks below.

1. MS Word Documents

California Department of Transportation, Traffic Operations, Microwave Vehicle Detection Systems (MVDS) Guidelines, DRAFT, 2003

Summary: This document provides draft guidelines for the installation and operations of Microwave Vehicle Detection System (MVDS). The document is intended to aid Caltrans personnel when making decisions on where and when to effectively deploy MVDS. Particularly, this guide is to help the designer to understand what the MVDS solution can do and how to use it as well as to help the personnel know what to watch out for in taking delivery of this equipment from the Contractor.

Contact: Joe Avis

New York State Department of Transportation, (i) Permanent (ii) Mobile Platform Acoustic Site Summaries, and (iii) LOOP / PIEZO based Automatic Traffic Recorder Specifications

Summary: The first two documents from NYSDOT provide specifications for permanent, mobile acoustic sensors with a focus on the benefit costs of using such technologies. The third document provides the specifications for a loop/piezo based automatic traffic recorder.

Contact: Todd Westhuis

U.S. DOT, Federal Highway Administration, A Summary of Vehicle Detection and Surveillance Technologies used in Intelligent Transportation Systems, produced by the Vehicle Detector Clearinghouse (VDC) for FHWA ITS Joint Program Office, Fall 2000

Summary: This summary document was developed to assist in the selection of vehicle detection and surveillance technologies that support traffic management and traveler information services. Included are descriptions of common types of vehicle detection and surveillance technologies in terms of theory of operation, installation methods, advantages and disadvantages, and summary information about performance in clear and inclement weather and relative cost. Following each technology description is vendor-provided information about specific sensor models, their functions and applications, users, and installation and maintenance costs.

Contact: www.nmsu.edu/traffic

New York State Department of Transportation, Highway Data Services Bureau, Zone 3 contractor specifications, June 15 2003

Summary: This document provides the statement of work for acquiring the services of a private contractor for a particular zone within NYSDOT. The document lists the nature of the services required and the quality levels expected from the contractor.

Contact: Todd Westhuis

Ohio Department of Transportation, Traffic Keeper-Ohio (TKO) Traffic Edit Guidelines, Service, Acceptance and Warranty Requirements

Summary: The former document describes the proposed traffic count editing guidelines for the Ohio DOT's new count processing software – TKO. The latter document describes the service, acceptance testing and the warranty requirements for equipment for Ohio DOT

Contact: David Gardner

Virginia Department of Transportation, Guide to Installing Road-Tubes in Virginia

Summary: A pocket guide from VDOT describing the installation of road tubes. The pamphlet discusses different configurations, settings and road tube specifications and care.

Contact: Tom Schinkel

New Jersey Department of Transportation, Traffic Monitoring Standards, January 2000

Summary: The purpose of these standards is to improve and ensure the quality of the traffic information which is used to support decisions at all levels of highway management in the state of New Jersey. These standards apply to all short-term traffic monitoring activities conducted by or for the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT).

Contact: Louis Whiteley

Gillmann, R., Status of ITS Data for HPMS, Memo for FHWA, 2002

Summary: The memo documents the status of ITS data use for HPMS by states based on a 3 question survey. Responses are available for 43 states.

Fekpe et al., Traffic Data Quality Workshop and Action Plan, prepared for U.S DOT, FHWA Office of Policy, 2003, available at the U.S DOT ITS/JPO Electronic Document Library (#13839) http://www.itsdocs.fhwa.dot.gov/JPODOCS/REPTS_TE/13839.html

Summary: The quality of the traffic data and the information produced from the data are critical factors that affect the abilities of transportation agencies to ensure the security of transportation and the management of the nation's transportation resources. The focus of data quality is on establishing a consistent methodology for ensuring that data are managed so that a measure of reliability is sustained. The report defines an action plan to address traffic data quality issues including work items that can be executed through the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), stakeholder organizations (e.g., American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials [AASHTO], ITS America), and state DOTs.

2. Adobe Acrobat PDF Documents

U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Policy, Traffic Monitoring Guide, 2001

Summary: The TMG offers suggestions to help improve and advance current programs with a view towards the future of traffic monitoring. A basic program structure for traffic monitoring is presented. The guide provides specific examples of how statewide data collection programs should be structured, describes the analytical logic behind that structure, and provides the information highway agencies need to optimize the framework for their particular organizational, financial, and political structures.

Mergel, J., Case Studies of Traffic Monitoring Programs in Large Urban Areas, prepared by Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, July 1997

Summary: The paper documents a series of examples of urban traffic monitoring data collection programs in order to support the development of urban traffic monitoring databases and promote the upgrading of urban traffic monitoring programs. Examples include – Philadelphia, Portland, Minneapolis-St. Paul and the Tampa metropolitan area.

Mergel, J., An Overview of Traffic Monitoring Programs in Large Urban Areas, prepared by Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, July 1997

Summary: The document provides an overview of traffic monitoring programs with a focus on case studies, or model approaches on urban traffic monitoring data collection programs in large urban areas. This report documents the status of traffic monitoring data collection and program activities found in urbanized areas, including cost, staffing, organization, institutional arrangements, equipment used, sharing of data, uses of the data, problems encountered, etc based on a survey of local traffic data collection personnel.

Choe, T., Skabordonis, A., Variya, P., Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS): An operational analysis tool, for presentation and publication in the 81st TRB Annual Meeting, 2002

Summary: Performance Measurement Systems (PeMS) is a freeway performance measurement system for loop detector data for all of California. The paper describes the use of PeMS in conducting operational analysis, planning and research studies. The advantages of PeMS over conventional study approaches is demonstrated from case studies on conducting freeway operational analyses, bottleneck identification, Level of Service determination, assessment of incident impacts, and evaluation of advanced control strategies.

Contact: PEMS Website

New York State Department of Transportation, Highway Data Services Bureau, Traffic Count Editor: User Manual and System Documentation, February 2003

Summary: This document provides user and technical documentation for the Traffic Count Editor, the software program used by New York State DOT. The document also lists the business rules or the validity checks provided by the software.

Contact: Todd Westhuis

Washington Department of Transportation, Safety Zones for Traffic Monitoring, Regions: Eastern, North Central, North Western, South Central, South Western, Olympia

Summary: Washington State identified safety zone maps for installation of data collection equipment. Zones are differentiated based on crew requirements and time-of-day constraints. These zones were not identified strictly based on traffic volume but a combination of traffic and roadway characteristics.

Contact: John Rosen

Washington Department of Transportation, Short Count Factoring Guide, June 2004

Summary: This guide was created to promote good practice and uniformity in techniques being used for traffic counting and the estimation of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) figures from short duration count data. It is an informational guide to encourage high standards and uniform practices among traffic counting programs for accurate representation of traffic on our public roadways is available to all interested parties.

Contact: John Rosen

California Department of Transportation, HPMS Workbook, 2002

Summary: The California Department of Transportation, Division of Transportation System Information, Highway Performance Branch, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, prepared this workbook as a guide for reporting the federally mandated HPMS data.

Contact: Brian Domsic

Peter Martin et al, Detector Technology Evaluation, November 2003

Summary: This paper reports on the present status of detector technologies and on development trends in these technologies. This report designs a systematic selection method suitable for permanent applications. The selection method considers factors including data type, data accuracy (in different environmental and traffic conditions), ease of installation and calibration, costs, reliability, and maintenance. A variety of detector technologies and devices are compared. This report provides comparison matrixes based on detector technology and specific devices in this field of technology. The technology matrixes offer general information about each detector technology. The device matrixes give specific information regarding each particular detector device. Selecting an appropriate device is more important than choosing a specific technology. The matrixes must be continuously updated to reflect changes in the detector market.

Maryland State Highway Administration, Specification for Consulting Services for the collection of Manual Traffic and Portable Machine Counts and On-Site Traffic Engineering and Highway Engineering Assistance, 09/2004

Summary: The document describes the scope of work, requirements and qualifications for contractors to perform traffic counts in the state of Maryland as part of a task-order contract.

Contact: Mike Baxter

Battelle, Traffic Data Quality Measurement Framework, prepared for U.S DOT FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information, 2004, DRAFT

Summary: The report describes methods and tools to enable traffic data collectors and users to determine the quality of traffic data they are providing, sharing, and using. This report presents the framework that provides methodologies for calculating the data quality metrics for different applications and illustrates them with case study examples. The report also presents guidelines and standards for calculating data quality measures that are intended to address the following key traffic data quality issues:

3. MS Excel Documents

California Department of Transportation, Ramp Balancing Process, Computational Worksheet

Summary: The document from Caltrans provide more information about the processing of traffic data with some sample spreadsheets used for ramp balancing by the district offices.

Contact: Joe Avis

4. MS PowerPoint Files

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, PennDOT Quality Reviews, 2002.

Summary: The PowerPoint presentation discusses Pennsylvania DOT's HPMS Quality review approach. The purposes of the review are to ascertain the current state of HPMS data quality, ensure that errors found are corrected, and identify training needs and institutional issues. The presentation provides an example of an approach to train and ensure good quality data from MPOs, city and local agencies involved in data collection and reporting

Contact: Laine Heltebridle

5. Florida DOT's Traffic Monitoring Handbook (includes video)

Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Statistics Office, Traffic Monitoring Handbook, October 2002

Summary: The traffic monitoring handbook is Florida DOT's comprehensive document on all traffic monitoring related issues including data collection and processing guidelines. The handbook contains many useful videos about traffic monitoring.

Contact: Nabeel Akhtar

Highlights of Traffic Monitoring Handbook:

Florida Department of Transportation, Safety Video for Field Personnel

Summary: The short video provides guidance on safely installing traffic detectors.

Florida Department of Transportation, Standardization of Count and Classification equipment set-up and configuration process, prepared by PB Farradyne, 1995

Summary: The report outlines the steps needed to set-up and configure Florida DOT's traffic monitoring equipment to ensure uniform, complete and consistent outputs.

Florida Department of Transportation, Survey Processing Software (SPS) User Manual, June 2001

Summary: The report provides a user manual for Survey Processing Software (SPS), Version 3.2 which is used by Florida DOT to process short-term count data. The software was developed to provide the Florida DOT District Offices with software that can transfer data from a variety of highway traffic counters to PCs, perform standards editing, and then transfer summarized classification and count data statistics from their PC to the FDOT mainframe. The software will also download the station inventory from the mainframe to the District PC.

Contact List

Joe Avis
Chief Traffic Data and Photolog Unit
Division of Traffic Operations
California Department of Transportation
Ph: (916) 654-3072

Brian Domsic
Division of Transportation System Information
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Ph: (916) 653-3272
Fax: (916) 654-6583

Nabeel Akhtar
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)

David Gardner
Manager, Traffic Monitoring Section
Ohio Department of Transportation
Ph: (614) 752-5740

Mike Baxter
Assistant Division Chief, HISD
Database Management, Traffic Monitoring,
HPMS, Road Inventory
Maryland State Highway Administration
Ph: (410) 545-5511
Fax: (410) 209-5033

Mike Walimaki
Supervisor, Travel Information Unit
Data Collection Section
Asset Management Division
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Ph: (517) 335-2914


Tom Schinkel
Virginia DOT, Planning
Ph: (804) 225-3123
Fax: (804) 371-0190

John Rosen
Highway Usage Branch Manager
Washington DOT (WsDOT)

Todd Westhuis
NYSDOT Highway Data Services Bureau
Traffic Monitoring Section Supervisor
Ph: (518) 457-7203

Philip Hughes
Contracts/Agreements Administrator
Massachusetts Highway Department
Ph: (617) 973-7330

Louis Whiteley
Section Chief, Traffic and Technology
New Jersey DOT (NJDOT)



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