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Highway Statistics 2007

Obligation for Federal Funds for Roadway Projects

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Thousand of Dollars

Obligation of Federal Funds for Roadway projects averaged $15.6 billion per year for 2005, 2006, and 2007.

3 Pie charts: 2007- $16,290,662 System Preservation, 61%. 2006- $16, 027,010, System Preservation, 56%. 2005- $14,356,915, Preservation, 59%.

1/ Data source is the Fiscal Management Information (FMIS). Capacity addition improvements include Relocation, some Reconstruction, and Reconstruction-added capacity (now includes Major Widening). System preservation improvements include some Reconstruction. Restoration and Rehabilitation, Resurfacing, and Reconstruction-no added capacity (now includes Minor Widening). Excluded certain improvement types such as Safety/Traffic/Traffic System Management, environmentally-related projects, special bridge programs and other projects.

Obligation for Federal Funds for Roadway Projects

Year 2007 = $16,290,662
System Preservation 61%
New Route 11%
Capacity Addition 28%
Year 2006 = $16,027,010
System Preservation 56%
New Route 11%
Capacity Addition 33%
Year 2005 = $14,356,915
System Preservation 59%
New Route 13%
Capacity Addition 28%
Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000