U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Highway Statistics 2007Obligation of Federal Funds for Bridge Projects by Improvement Type 1/Table FAPIE5 Excel Version (131 kb) Obligations of Federal funds for bridge projects average $6.6 billion per year for 2005, 2006, 2007
Obligations of Federal funds for bridge projects average $6.6 billion per year for 2005, 2006, 2007(Thousands of Dollars) 1/ Data source is the Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) of the Federal Highway Administration. Capacity addition improvements include Relocation, some Reconstruction, and Reconstruction-added capacity (now includes Major Widening). System preservation improvements include some Reconstruction, Restoration and Rehabilitation, Resurfacing, and Reconstruction-no added capacity (now includes Minor Widening). Excludes certain improvement types as Safety/Traffic/Traffic System Management, environmentally-related projects. a special bridge programs and other projects. Obligations of Federal funds for bridge projects average $6.5 billion per year for 2005, 2006, 2007(Thousands of Dollars) 1/ Data source is the Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) of the Federal Highway Administration. Capacity addition improvements include Relocation, some Reconstruction, and Reconstruction-added capacity (now includes Major Widening). System preservation improvements include some Reconstruction, Restoration and Rehabilitation, Resurfacing, and Reconstruction-no added capacity (now includes Minor Widening). Excludes certain improvement types as Safety/Traffic/Traffic System Management, environmentally-related projects. a special bridge programs and other projects. |