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policyinformation/statistics/2007 Table HM-18 - Highway Statistics 2007 - FHWA

Highway Statistics 2007

Public Road Length - 2007 Miles by Functional System And Federal-Aid Highways National Summary

October 2008
Table HM-18

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Principal Arterial:
Interstate 30,392 - 30,392 - 30,392 - 30,392
Other - 79,308 79,308 15,511 94,819 - 94,819
Subtotal 30,392 79,308 109,700 15,511 125,211 - 125,211
Minor Arterial - 2,264 2,264 133,261 135,525 - 135,525
Major Collector - 741 741 418,940 419,681 - 419,681
Minor Collector - 17 17 - 17 263,129 263,146
Subtotal - 3,022 3,022 552,201 555,223 263,129 818,352
Local - 35 35 - 35 2,047,266 2,047,301
Total Rural 30,392 82,365 112,757 567,712 680,469 2,310,395 2,990,864
Small Urban:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate 2,257 - 2,257 - 2,257 - 2,257
Other Freeways and Expressways - 1,126 1,126 151 1,277 - 1,277
Other - 6,161 6,161 7,924 14,085 - 14,085
Subtotal 2,257 7,287 9,544 8,075 17,619 - 17,619
Minor Arterial - 254 254 21,391 21,645 - 21,645
Collector - 55 55 25,466 25,521 - 25,521
Local - 10 10 - 10 137,774 137,784
Total Small Urban 2,257 7,606 9,863 54,932 64,795 137,774 202,569
Principal Arterial:
Interstate 14,285 - 14,285 - 14,285 - 14,285
Other Freeways and Expressways - 8,445 8,445 1,256 9,701 - 9,701
Other - 16,893 16,893 32,696 49,589 - 49,589
Subtotal 14,285 25,338 39,623 33,952 73,575 - 73,575
Minor Arterial - 1,083 1,083 82,316 83,399 - 83,399
Collector - 314 314 84,954 85,268 - 85,268
Local - 107 107 - 107 612,742 612,849
Total Urbanized 14,285 26,842 41,127 201,222 242,349 612,742 855,091
Total Urban:
Principal Arterial:
Interstate 16,542 - 16,542 - 16,542 - 16,542
Other Freeways And Expressways - 9,571 9,571 1,407 10,978 - 10,978
Other - 23,054 23,054 40,620 63,674 - 63,674
Subtotal 16,542 32,625 49,167 42,027 91,194 - 91,194
Minor Arterial - 1,337 1,337 103,707 105,044 - 105,044
Collector - 369 369 110,420 110,789 - 110,789
Local - 117 117 - 117 750,516 750,633
Total Urban 16,542 34,448 50,990 256,154 307,144 750,516 1,057,660
Total Rural and Urban 46,934 116,813 163,747 823,866 987,613 3,060,911 4,048,524

1/ Includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
Indiana excludes 788 miles of Federal agency owned miles.
Minnesota excludes 437 miles of local government owned roads.

Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000