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Office of Highway Policy Information

FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2008 / Office of Highway Policy Information

December 2009
Table MV-10

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Alabama 2,565 227 2,792 46 6,367 6,413 6,594 2,611 9,205
Alaska 1,599 586 2,185 88 399 487 985 1,687 2,672
Arizona 1,151 218 1,369 444 3,102 3,546 3,320 1,595 4,915
Arkansas 48 1,590 1,638 34 6,086 6,120 7,676 82 7,758
California 29,237 11,075 40,312 549 17,227 17,776 28,302 29,786 58,088
Colorado   758 990 1,748 50 4,022 4,072 5,012 808 5,820
Connecticut 3,068 6,622 9,690 14 887 901 7,509 3,082 10,591
Delaware 463 1,103 1,566 7 685 692 1,788 470 2,258
Dist. of Col. 2,421 126 2,547 323 116 439 242 2,744 2,986
Florida 3,827 0 3,827 244 44,536 44,780 44,536 4,071 48,607
Georgia 1,632 3,338 4,970 124 16,989 17,113 20,327 1,756 22,083
Hawaii 3,432 906 4,338 33 1,569 1,602 2,475 3,465 5,940
Idaho 672 652 1,324 175 2,373 2,548 3,025 847 3,872
Illinois 5,561 12,306 17,867 100 343 443 12,649 5,661 18,310
Indiana  4/ 4,158 4,919 9,077 65 22,836 22,901 27,755 4,223 31,978
Iowa 1,202 297 1,499 16 5,860 5,876 6,157 1,218 7,375
Kansas 344 995 1,339 14 2,583 2,597 3,578 358 3,936
Kentucky 634 805 1,439 186 12,673 12,859 13,478 820 14,298
Louisiana 1,151 15,239 16,390 29 6,595 6,624 21,834 1,180 23,014
Maine 176 359 535 14 2,982 2,996 3,341 190 3,531
Maryland 2,903 3,872 6,775 178 5,086 5,264 8,958 3,081 12,039
Massachusetts 3,701 7,395 11,096 97 565 662 7,960 3,798 11,758
Michigan 2,431 7,414 9,845 91 16,354 16,445 23,768 2,522 26,290
Minnesota 2,428 4,875 7,303 8 10,811 10,819 15,686 2,436 18,122
Mississippi 1,023 2,647 3,670 92 5,843 5,935 8,490 1,115 9,605
Missouri 818 2,958 3,776 42 7,260 7,302 10,218 860 11,078
Montana  366 587 953 22 1,508 1,530 2,095 388 2,483
Nebraska 621 747 1,368 12 5,656 5,668 6,403 633 7,036
Nevada 1,525 191 1,716 166 131 297 322 1,691 2,013
New Hampshire 373 1,216 1,589 3 387 390 1,603 376 1,979
New Jersey 4,576 14,263 18,839 67 4,383 4,450 18,646 4,643 23,289
New Mexico 451 1,795 2,246 362 818 1,180 2,613 813 3,426
New York 17,643 10,852 28,495 260 43,729 43,989 54,581 17,903 72,484
North Carolina 2,651 7,834 10,485 65 23,850 23,915 31,684 2,716 34,400
North Dakota 161 614 775 78 1,659 1,737 2,273 239 2,512
Ohio 18,790 2,761 21,551 99 24,303 24,402 27,064 18,889 45,953
Oklahoma 409 1,825 2,234 161 16,537 16,698 18,362 570 18,932
Oregon 1,906 3,054 4,960 82 10,298 10,380 13,352 1,988 15,340
Pennsylvania 9,520 20,438 29,958 145 8,407 8,552 28,845 9,665 38,510
Rhode Island 359 1,358 1,717 7 7 14 1,365 366 1,731
South Carolina 1,085 4,283 5,368 38 13,458 13,496 17,741 1,123 18,864
South Dakota 396 433 829 140 1,767 1,907 2,200 536 2,736
Tennessee 2,622 1,541 4,163 94 15,605 15,699 17,146 2,716 19,862
Texas 3,577 15,793 19,370 295 72,585 72,880 88,378 3,872 92,250
Utah 361 122 483 45 793 838 915 406 1,321
Vermont 92 553 645 5 1,157 1,162 1,710 97 1,807
Virginia 2,368 243 2,611 287 15,337 15,624 15,580 2,655 18,235
Washington 1,069 2,574 3,643 232 8,309 8,541 10,883 1,301 12,184
West Virginia 717 63 780 53 1,959 2,012 2,022 770 2,792
Wisconsin 1,503 8,561 10,064 28 4,870 4,898 13,431 1,531 14,962
Wyoming 880 128 1,008 12 2,186 2,198 2,314 892 3,206
Total 153,932 195,909 349,841 5,642 487,825 493,467 683,734 159,574 843,308

1/ The numbers of private and commercial buses given here are estimates by the Federal Highway Administration of the numbers in use, rather than the registration counts of the States.

2/ This column consists primarily of publicly owned school buses but includes a few privately owned school, institutional, and industrial buses registered free or at a reduced rate. Municipally owned transit buses are included with commercial buses. This information, compiled chiefly from reports of State authorities is incomplete in many cases.

3/ In some instances church, industrial and other private buses are included here; and in other instances privately-owned school buses could not be segregated from commercial buses, and are included with the latter.

4/ State did not provide current data. Table displays State's 2007 data for private and commercial and state, county and municipal buses.

Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000