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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2008 / Office of Highway Policy Information

November 2009
Table VM-2M

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Alabama 9,082 9,564 7,099 7,257 2,665 10,820 46,486 11,759 1,035 11,895 8,921 3,471 11,872 48,953 95,439
Alaska 1,292 497 254 882 248 678 3,851 1,065 - 721 1,178 546 468 3,978 7,829
Arizona 11,211 4,484 3,739 4,405 830 4,688 29,356 9,527 11,916 20,226 12,899 5,003 10,253 69,825 99,181
Arkansas 7,258 7,366 5,114 7,669 1,149 3,187 31,743 6,260 1,455 5,388 4,608 1,749 2,168 21,628 53,371
California 28,455 26,372 14,709 15,714 4,311 4,643 94,205 110,425 88,300 96,121 79,872 29,544 28,249 432,511 526,716
Colorado 7,096 6,439 4,395 3,446 1,257 2,514 25,146 11,768 7,134 15,097 8,499 4,196 5,184 51,877 77,023
Connecticut 1,151 1,302 790 1,625 249 1,276 6,394 15,432 6,270 6,099 8,468 4,191 4,221 44,682 51,076
Delaware - 2,089 452 950 177 687 4,355 2,017 710 2,853 1,505 1,170 1,836 10,091 14,445
Dist. of Columbia - - - - - - - 671 637 1,654 1,184 480 1,184 5,811 5,811
Florida 15,435 16,394 7,245 5,678 2,897 10,358 58,007 39,651 20,192 63,724 46,460 32,728 58,879 261,634 319,641
Georgia 15,181 9,996 10,968 10,190 2,812 12,799 61,945 30,767 3,869 20,756 24,914 7,918 25,341 113,565 175,510
Hawaii 177 848 1,035 520 68 1,384 4,031 2,995 872 3,121 1,120 1,535 2,866 12,509 16,541
Idaho 3,381 3,676 1,614 2,044 378 3,582 14,676 2,012 - 3,220 2,322 890 1,424 9,868 24,544
Illinois 14,439 6,112 7,538 8,784 716 6,355 43,945 36,109 1,846 34,409 25,160 13,467 15,781 126,773 170,718
Indiana 2/ 3/ 11,491 7,820 5,491 17,403 3,761 4,868 50,834 15,332 2,129 17,389 12,698 4,286 11,552 63,386 114,220
Iowa 7,448 8,806 4,171 5,514 1,402 2,486 29,828 4,085 - 5,591 5,267 1,619 3,038 19,600 49,428
Kansas 5,217 7,149 3,449 4,300 420 2,775 23,310 5,938 2,881 5,721 5,028 1,881 3,082 24,531 47,841
Kentucky 10,567 11,283 4,675 8,182 3,866 5,599 44,172 9,728 1,270 9,133 5,847 2,692 3,656 32,327 76,499
Louisiana 8,834 4,012 4,929 6,843 2,406 4,237 31,262 11,555 850 12,321 9,700 4,649 2,231 41,305 72,567
Maine 3,552 3,088 2,849 3,739 1,368 2,317 16,913 1,278 264 1,207 1,521 1,564 684 6,518 23,430
Maryland 5,607 5,518 3,360 3,310 2,015 2,630 22,441 21,285 8,958 16,000 9,757 5,337 4,773 66,110 88,551
Massachusetts 2,023 1,279 903 1,078 251 1,115 6,650 24,238 8,880 17,513 13,950 4,601 11,885 81,067 87,717
Michigan 8,441 10,776 11,079 15,554 1,547 3,814 51,211 24,697 8,988 30,817 27,739 9,337 11,082 112,661 163,871
Minnesota 3/ 6,679 11,864 7,755 7,305 2,945 4,469 41,017 13,679 5,747 7,395 14,011 4,179 7,305 52,317 93,334
Mississippi 6,603 9,159 6,033 7,722 792 12,609 42,918 5,599 845 8,752 3,821 2,710 5,702 27,428 70,346
Missouri 9,611 13,078 5,629 8,153 1,131 8,282 45,884 19,655 7,635 11,450 8,486 4,923 11,842 63,991 109,875
Montana 3,782 3,524 1,794 1,857 613 1,633 13,205 552 - 1,521 830 385 908 4,196 17,400
Nebraska 4,168 4,908 3,927 2,459 388 1,691 17,542 2,182 478 4,596 3,346 958 1,749 13,309 30,851
Nevada 2,939 2,388 819 660 246 782 7,834 5,657 2,850 4,237 6,922 1,870 4,072 25,608 33,442
New Hampshire 1,988 2,256 1,548 1,848 954 641 9,234 2,506 1,637 2,071 2,906 1,473 1,159 11,751 20,986
New Jersey 2,589 3,013 1,123 1,914 523 972 10,134 22,034 18,731 26,519 17,637 8,048 15,392 108,360 118,494
New Mexico 7,290 5,179 2,565 1,757 912 6,305 24,010 4,281 11 6,838 2,477 1,988 2,688 18,282 42,292
New York 9,939 6,230 7,739 6,659 15,237 7,496 53,301 33,017 27,021 30,874 33,666 14,359 23,551 162,487 215,789
North Carolina 9,587 12,986 8,816 14,788 5,523 7,989 59,689 22,491 8,435 20,397 17,349 7,026 28,304 104,001 163,690
North Dakota 2,243 2,657 1,065 1,640 - 1,427 9,033 602 - 1,061 864 398 628 3,552 12,585
Ohio 14,547 10,110 6,693 13,200 3,161 9,270 56,980 36,099 8,689 20,020 20,339 11,407 20,761 117,315 174,295
Oklahoma 8,093 7,757 4,733 12,048 364 4,447 37,441 7,483 4,141 8,930 8,962 2,062 9,032 40,610 78,052
Oregon 6,613 7,086 3,243 3,632 929 2,232 23,735 7,070 2,158 7,887 5,845 3,740 3,426 30,127 53,862
Pennsylvania 17,484 10,485 11,285 7,794 3,486 11,816 62,349 23,823 11,190 28,244 21,704 13,856 12,398 111,215 173,565
Rhode Island 650 201 217 243 60 35 1,407 2,795 1,949 3,471 1,849 1,242 462 11,769 13,176
South Carolina 11,837 5,710 8,211 8,945 476 3,748 38,927 9,727 1,344 11,993 8,805 5,654 3,370 40,892 79,819
South Dakota 3,154 2,655 1,637 1,798 192 842 10,277 982 61 969 1,352 377 444 4,184 14,462
Tennessee 13,979 8,626 8,190 4,712 4,445 5,086 45,037 18,369 3,219 17,627 13,187 4,791 9,569 66,762 111,800
Texas 3/ 24,779 32,908 19,331 23,273 4,365 8,877 113,533 63,556 52,027 60,355 45,721 28,596 15,022 265,278 378,811
Utah 5,016 2,540 1,516 1,572 341 1,635 12,620 9,418 504 4,997 5,615 2,297 6,350 29,181 41,801
Vermont 1,957 1,130 1,465 2,165 351 1,683 8,750 597 116 707 584 378 636 3,018 11,768
Virginia 14,104 10,168 8,853 9,040 940 5,499 48,604 24,213 6,215 19,808 17,651 6,901 9,022 83,810 132,414
Washington 7,068 6,330 2,984 6,025 1,667 1,812 25,886 17,189 8,264 13,967 11,930 5,180 6,994 63,526 89,412
West Virginia 5,142 4,202 2,536 5,288 602 1,724 19,494 4,979 130 3,235 3,529 1,096 969 13,939 33,433
Wisconsin 8,364 13,076 8,058 6,867 1,915 5,105 43,385 8,298 6,410 14,293 8,212 2,684 9,194 49,091 92,476
Wyoming 3,994 2,657 953 1,114 1,194 1,025 10,937 745 18 1,241 558 829 875 4,266 15,203
U.S. Total 391,537 357,754 244,580 299,562 88,544 211,946 1,593,923 766,194 358,279 744,433 606,776 282,261 433,533 3,191,476 4,785,399
Puerto Rico 649 410 435 219 230 154 2,097 8,520 1,946 5,689 5,860 3,650 3,132 28,796 30,893
Grand Total 392,186 358,164 245,015 299,781 88,775 212,100 1,596,020 774,714 360,224 750,122 612,635 285,911 436,665 3,220,272 4,816,292

1/ Travel for the rural minor collector and rural/urban local functional systems is estimated by the States based on a model or other means and provided to the FHWA on a summary basis. Travel for all other systems are estimated from State-provided data in the Highway Performance Monitoring System. Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding vehicle-miles table cell values.

2/ Excludes 1,268 kilometers of Federal agency owned roads.

3/ State has revised their adjusted urbanized area boundaries and/or functional classifications.

Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000