User's Guide |
1. Executive Summary |
2. Introduction (PS-1) |
2.1. Selected measures for identifying peer states |
PS-1 |
3. Bridges |
3.1. Overview |
3.2. National tables |
3.2.1 Bridges by Wearing Surface |
BR-3 |
3.2.2 Bridge by Year Built |
BR-4 |
3.2.3 Count, Area, Length of Bridges by Highway System |
BR-5 |
3.2.4 Highway Bridge by Owner |
BR-6 |
3.2.5 Material Type of Structure by State |
BR-7 |
3.2.6 Count of Bridges by Structure Type |
BR-8 |
4. Highway Infrastructure |
4.1. Overview |
4.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
4.2.1. Public Road Mileage and VMT, 1920 - 2009 - Chart |
VMT-421C |
4.2.2. Public Road Mileage, Lane Miles and VMT, 1980 - 2009 - Chart |
VMT-422C |
4.2.3. Growth in volumes and loadings on the Interstate system - Chart |
TC-202C |
4.2.4. Public road mileage by functional system, 1980 - 2009 |
HM-220 |
4.2.5. Public road lane-miles by functional system, 1980 - 2009 |
HM-260 |
4.3. National tables |
4.3.1. Public road length by type of surface and ownership/functional system |
HM-12 |
4.3.2. Public road length by ownership and Federal-aid highways |
HM-16 |
4.3.3. Public road length by functional system and Federal-aid highways |
HM-18 |
4.3.4. Federal-aid length by traffic lanes and access control |
HM-36 |
4.3.5. Federal-aid length by lane width, access control, and average daily traffic volume |
HM-39 |
4.3.6. Functional system length by lane width, access control, and average daily traffic volume |
HM-59 |
4.4. State tables |
4.4.1. Public roads | Length by ownership |
HM-10 | Length by functional system |
HM-20 | Length by functional system and ownership |
HM-50 | Estimated lane-miles by functional system |
HM-60 | Tolled Roadway Length |
HM-25 |
4.4.2. Federal-aid Highway System | Length by ownership |
HM-14 | Length by functional system |
HM-15 | Length by type of surface |
HM-31 | Length by lane width |
HM-33 | Length by traffic lanes and access control |
HM-35 | Estimated lane-miles |
HM-48 |
4.4.3. National Highway System | Length by open and not open to traffic |
HM-30 | Length by ownership |
HM-40 | Length by functional system |
HM-41 | Lane-miles by functional system |
HM-43 | Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET) length |
HM-49 |
4.4.4. Arterial and Collectors | Length by type of surface |
HM-51 | Length by lane width |
HM-53 | Length by traffic lanes and access control |
HM-55 |
4.4.5. Urbanized area summaries | Length and daily vehicle-miles of travel |
HM-71 | Selected characteristics |
HM-72 |
4.4.6. State highway agency-owned public roads | Estimated length by functional system |
HM-80 | Estimated lane-miles |
HM-81 |
5. Highway Travel |
5.1. Overview |
5.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
5.2.1 Vehicle-miles of travel, by functional system, 1980-2009 |
VM-202 |
5.2.2 Vehicle-miles of travel, by Federal-aid highways, 1957-2009 |
VM-203 |
5.3. National tables |
5.3.1. Vehicle miles of travel and related data, by highway category and vehicle type |
VM-1 |
5.4. State tables |
5.4.1. Vehicle-miles of travel, by functional system |
VM-2 |
5.4.2. Vehicle-miles of travel, by Federal-aid highways |
VM-3 |
5.4.3. Distribution of Annual Vehicle Distance Traveled |
VM-4 |
5.4.4. Vehicle miles of travel by functional system |
HM-44 |
5.4.5. Length by average daily traffic volume, Federal-aid highways |
HM-37 |
5.4.6. Length by average daily traffic volume, Arterials and Collectors |
HM-57 |
6. Travelers (or System Users) |
6.1. Overview |
6.2. National tables |
6.2.1. Licensed drivers, vehicle registrations, and resident population - Chart |
DV-1C |
6.3. State tables |
6.3.1. Licensed drivers--Ratio of licensed drivers to population |
DL-1C |
6.3.2. Licensed drivers, by sex and percentage in each age group |
DL-20 |
6.3.3. Licensed drivers, by State, sex, and age group |
DL-22 |
7. Vehicles |
7.1. Overview |
7.2. National tables |
7.2.1. Vehicle registrations, fuel consumption, and vehicle miles of travel - Chart |
RC-1C |
7.3. State tables |
7.3.1. State motor-vehicle registrations |
MV-1 |
7.3.2. Publicly owned vehicles |
MV-7 |
7.3.3. Truck and truck-tractor registrations |
MV-9 |
7.3.4. Bus registrations |
MV-10 |
7.3.5. Trailer and semi-trailer registrations |
MV-11 |
7.3.6. State motor-vehicle and motor-carrier tax receipts |
MV-2 |
7.3.7. Disposition of State motor-vehicle and motor-carrier tax receipts |
MV-3 |
8. Motor Fuel |
8.1. Overview |
8.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
8.2.1. Federal excise tax rates on motor fuels and lubricating oil |
FE-101A |
8.2.2. Federal excise tax rates on motor vehicles and related products |
FE-101B |
8.2.3. State tax rates on motor fuel 1996-2009 |
MF-205 |
8.3. National tables |
8.3.1. Federal highway user fees |
FE-21B |
8.3.2. Highway use of motor fuel |
MF-27 |
8.3.3. Special fuel as a percent of total highway use of motor
fuel - Chart |
MF-23C |
8.4. State tables |
8.4.1. Motor-fuel volume taxed by States |
MF-2 |
8.4.2. Motor-fuel use |
MF-21 |
8.4.3. Non-highway use of gasoline |
MF-24 |
8.4.4. Monthly gasoline reported by States |
MF-33GA |
8.4.5. Monthly special fuel reported by State |
MF-33SF |
8.4.6. State tax rates on motor fuel |
MF-121T |
8.4.7. State motor-fuel taxes and related receipts |
MF-1 |
8.4.8. Disposition of State motor-fuel tax receipts |
MF-3 |
9. Revenue |
9.1. Overview |
9.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
9.2.1. Status of the Federal Highway Trust Fund 1957-2009 - Chart |
FE-210C |
9.2.2. Status of the Federal Highway Trust Fund 1957-2009 |
FE-210 |
9.3. National tables |
9.3.1. Funding for highways and disposition of highway-user revenues |
HF-10 |
9.3.2. Funding for highways and disposition of highway-user revenues |
HF-10A |
9.3.3. Total receipts for highways, by governmental unit - Chart |
9.3.4. Status of the Federal Highway Trust Fund - 2009 |
(2009) |
9.3.5. Status of the Federal Highway Trust Fund - 2010 |
(2010) |
9.4. State tables |
9.4.1. Disposition of receipts from highway user taxes and tolls |
9.4.2. Revenues used for highways, all units of government |
HF-1 |
9.4.3. Federal Highway Trust Fund receipts attributable to highway users in each State |
FE-9 |
9.4.4. Comparison of Federal Highway Trust Fund receipts attributable to the States and Federal-aid apportionments and allocations from the highway account |
FE-221 |
9.4.5. Federal Highway Trust Fund Highway Account receipts attributable to the States and Federal-Aid apportionments and allocations from the highway account |
FE-221B |
9.4.6. Disposition of receipts from State and highway-user imposts, including tolls |
9.4.7. Revenues used by States for highways |
SF-1 |
9.4.8. Revenues used by States for State-administered highways |
SF-3 |
9.4.9. Receipts of State-administered toll road and crossing facilities |
SF-3B |
9.4.10. Disposition of receipts from State imposts on highway users |
DF |
9.4.11. Summary state funding for highways |
SF-21 |
9.4.12. Summary state funding for highways - Chart |
SF-21C |
9.5. Local tables |
9.5.1. Receipts of local toll facilities |
LGF-3B |
9.5.2. Disposition of local government receipts from State and local highway-user imposts, including tolls |
9.5.3. Summary local government funding for highways |
LGF-21 |
9.5.4. Revenues used by local governments for highways |
LGF-1 |
9.5.5. Funding for direct State mass transit activities |
MT-1A |
9.5.6. Funding for State grants-in-aid for mass transit |
MT-1B |
10. Debt Obligations for Highways |
10.1. Overview |
10.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
10.3. National tables |
10.3.1. Long-term highway obligations for all units of government |
HB-2 |
10.4. State tables |
10.4.1. State Obligations for Highway (total), issued or assumed during year |
SB-1 |
10.4.2. Change in indebtedness, state highways |
SB-2 |
10.4.3. Change in indebtedness, local highways |
SB-2L |
10.4.4. Change in indebtedness, toll roads and crossings |
SB-2T |
10.4.5. Funding for debt service, state highways |
SB-3 |
10.4.6. Funding for debt service, local highways |
SB-3L |
10.4.7. Funding for debt service, toll roads and crossings |
SB-3T |
10.5. Local tables |
10.5.1. Change in indebtedness, local highways |
LGB-2 |
10.5.2. Change in indebtedness, local toll facilities |
LGB-2T |
11. Apportionments, Obligations, and Expenditures |
11.1. Overview |
11.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
11.2.1. Highway expenditures, all units of government, current and constant dollars - Chart |
PT-3C |
11.2.2. Total disbursements for highways, by governmental units - Chart |
11.2.3. Obligation of Federal Funds for Roadway Projects - Chart |
11.2.4. Obligation of Federal Funds for Roadway Projects by Improvement Type - Chart |
11.2.5. Price trends for Federal-aid highway construction - Chart |
PT-1 |
11.2.6. Average distribution of costs on contracts completed - Chart |
PT-2 |
11.3. National tables |
11.3.1. Highway apportionment formulas |
FA-4A |
11.3.2. Receipts and expenditures for highways by Federal agencies-summary |
FA-5 |
11.3.3. Obligation of National Highway System and Surface Transportation Program funds by system and improvement type |
FA-6 |
11.3.4. Obligation on National Highway System and total funds for all systems by functional and improvement type |
FA-6A |
11.3.5. Obligation of Federal-aid highway funds by functional system and improvement type |
FA-10 |
11.4. State tables |
11.4.1. Apportionments and allocations | Federal-aid highway fund apportionments |
FA-4 | Selected data used in apportionments for Fiscal Year 2011 |
FA-4E | Federal-aid highway fund allocations |
FA-4D |
11.4.2. Obligations | Obligation of Federal-aid highway funds |
FA-4B | Obligation of Federal-aid highway funds by functional system |
FA-4C | Uses of Surface Transportation Program funds for projects not on the National Highway System (by improvement category) |
STP-1 | Uses of Surface Transportation Program funds for projects not on the National Highway System (by functional system) |
STP-1A |
11.4.3. Expenditures | Total disbursements for highways, all units of government |
HF-2 | Expenditure of Federal funds administered by the Federal Highway Administration |
FA-3 | Disbursements by States for highways |
SF-2 | Disbursements by States for State-administered highways |
SF-4 | Disbursements by States for State-administered, classified by function |
SF-4C | State capital outlay and maintenance, classified by functional system and area |
SF-12 | State capital outlay and maintenance, classified by improvement type |
SF-12A | State capital outlay and maintenance, classified by Federal-aid system |
SF-12B | Disbursements of State toll road and crossing facilities |
SF-4B | Disbursements of local toll facilities |
LGF-4B |
11.5. Local tables |
11.5.1. Disbursements by local governments for highways |
LGF-2 |
11.5.2. Funding for State grants-in-aid for local roads and streets |
SF-5A |
11.5.3. State expenditures and grants-in-aid for local roads and streets |
SF-6 |
12. Conditions and Safety |
12.1. Overview |
12.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
12.2.1. Motor vehicle traffic fatalities (1900 - 2008) |
FI-200 |
12.2.2. Summary of persons fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes, by Federal-aid highways |
FI-210 |
12.2.3. Summary of persons fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes, by Functional system |
FI-220 |
12.3. National tables |
12.3.1. Fatality rate per 100 million annual VMT by Functional system |
FI-30 |
12.4. State tables |
12.4.1. Length by present serviceability rating (pavement condition)/measured pavement roughness—Major Collectors and Urban Minor Arterials and Collectors |
HM-63 |
12.4.2. Length by measured pavement roughness—All Principal Arterials and rural Minor Arterials |
HM-64 |
12.4.3. Pavement roughness details |
HM-66 |
12.4.4. Persons fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes, by Federal-aid highways |
FI-10 |
12.4.5. Persons fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes, by Functional system |
FI-20 |
13. Performance indicators |
13.1. Overview |
13.2. Multi-year trends & charts |
13.2.1. System travel density trends (weighted average AADT per lane) - Chart |
TC-201C |
13.2.2. Comparison of growth in volumes and loadings on the Interstate system - Chart |
TC-202C |
13.2.3. Percentage distribution of traffic volumes and loadings on the rural Interstate system |
TC-203 |
13.3. State tables |
13.3.1. Length by volume-service flow ratio, NHS |
HM-42 |
13.3.2. Length by measured pavement roughness, NHS |
HM-47 |
13.3.3. Daily Travel by measured pavement roughness, NHS |
HM-47A |
13.3.4. Length by volume-service flow ratio, all functional systems |
HM-61 |
13.3.5. Weighted average daily traffic per lane |
HM-62 |
14. International and Metric |
14.1. Overview |
14.2. International Tables |
14.2.1. Motor Fuel Tax Rates for Selected Countries |
IN-1 |
14.2.2. Social and Demographic Characteristics for Selected Countries
IN-2 |
14.2.3. Road System Measures for Selected Countries (Metric) |
IN-3 |
14.2.4. Transportation Indicators for Selected Countries (Metric) |
IN-4 |
14.2.5. Vehicle Travel by Selected Country (Metric) |
IN-5 |
14.3. Metric Tables |
14.3.1. Public road length by type of surface and ownership/functional system (metric) |
HM-12M |
14.3.2. Public road length by ownership and Federal-aid highways (metric) |
HM-16M |
14.3.3. Public road length by functional system and Federal-aid highways (metric) |
HM-18M |
14.3.4. Federal-aid length by traffic lanes and access control (metric) |
HM-36M |
14.3.5. Length by ownership (metric) |
HM-10M |
14.3.6. Length by functional system (metric) |
HM-20M |
14.3.7. Length by functional system and ownership (metric) |
HM-50M |
14.3.8. Estimated lane-miles by functional system (metric) |
HM-60M |
14.3.9. Length by ownership (metric) |
HM-14M |
14.3.10. Length by functional system (metric) |
HM-15M |
14.3.11. Length by open and not open to traffic (metric) |
HM-30M |
14.3.12. Vehicle-miles of travel, by Federal-aid highways (metric) |
VM-1M |
14.3.13. Vehicle-miles of travel, by Federal-aid highways (metric) |
VM-2M |
14.3.14. Vehicle-miles of travel, by functional system (metric) |
VM-3M |
14.3.15. Motor-fuel use (metric) |
MF21-M |
15. Footnotes |
16. Glossary |
17. Appendices |
17.1. Appendix A: Original Tables (original format for modified tables) |
17.2. Appendix B: Discontinued Tables |
17.2.1. Revenues used by States for local roads and streets |
SF-5 |
17.2.2. Receipts and expenditures for highways by Federal agencies-summary 2008 revised |
FA-5R |
17.2.3. Summary receipts and expenditures for highways |
FA-21 |