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Highway Statistics 2015

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Status of The Federal Highway Trust Fund (1)
   October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015

August 2016
Table FE-10

Item Highway
Mass Transit
Account (2)
I. Opening balance:      
A. Investments - U.S. Treasury special certificates of Indebtedness 7,980,635,371 2,715,318,753 10,695,954,124
B. Uninvested - held by Bureau of Public Debt 2,150,051,004 266,366,649 2,416,417,654
C. Uninvested - held by program agencies 1,244,890,520 489,151,758 1,734,042,278
D. Total balance 11,375,576,895 3,470,837,160 14,846,414,055
II. Receipts:      
A. Gross excise taxes (transferred General Fund receipts)      
  1. Gasoline 21,406,762,770 3,965,241,437 25,372,004,207
2. Diesel and special motor fuels 9,125,729,459 1,213,768,654 10,339,498,113
3. Tires 500,967,520 0 500,967,520
4. Trucks and trailers 4,554,325,116 0 4,554,325,116
5. Federal use tax 1,149,768,117 0 1,149,768,117
6. Total excise taxes 36,737,552,982 5,179,010,091 41,916,563,073
B. Transfers to other funds      
  1. To Land and Water Conservation Fund 840,000 160,000 1,000,000
2. To Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund 396,910,000 50,340,000 447,250,000
3. To Airport and Airway Trust Fund & General Fund (aviation kerosene) 599,543,734 79,982,119 679,525,853
4. Total 997,293,734 130,482,119 1,127,775,853
C. Net excise taxes 35,740,259,248 5,048,527,972 40,788,787,220
D. Interest income      
  1. Interest on investments (cash basis) (3) 1,353,140 495,110 1,848,251
2. Interest under Cash Management Improvement Act (net) 41,811 0 41,811
3. Total 1,394,951 495,110 1,890,062
E. Other income      
  1. Motor carrier safety fines and penalties 22,555,242 0 22,555,242
2. Civil tax penalties related to highway excise taxes 1,630,707 0 1,630,707
3. Transfer from General Fund pursuant to P.L. 112-141 (4) 6,068,000,000 2,000,000,000 8,068,000,000
6. Total 6,092,185,949 2,000,000,000 8,092,185,949
F. Total receipts 41,833,840,148 7,049,023,083 48,882,863,231
III. Transfers between Highway Trust Fund accounts      
A. From Highway Account to Mass Transit Account (1,246,211,000) 1,246,211,000 0
B. From Mass Transit Account to Highway Account 28,694,799 (28,694,799) 0
C. Total (1,217,516,201) 1,217,516,201 0
IV. Expenditures:      
A.Federal Highway Administration      
  1. Federal aid to highways 41,651,735,848 0 41,651,735,848
2. Right-of-way revolving fund 0 0 0
3. Appalachian Development Highway System 204,799 0 204,799
4. Miscellaneous Highway Trust Funds 6,238,410 0 6,238,410
5. Total 41,658,179,056 0 41,658,179,056
B. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 530,768,521 0 530,768,521
C. Federal Transit Administration 0 8,867,985,448 8,867,985,448
D. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration      
  1. Highway related safety grants 0 0 0
2. Operations and research 108,022,185 0 108,022,185
3. Highway traffic safety grants 654,573,449 0 654,573,449
4. National driver register 0 0 0
5. Total 762,595,634 0 762,595,634
E. Federal Railroad Administration 0 0 0
F. Other agencies 0 0 0
G. Total expenditures 42,951,543,212 8,867,985,448 51,819,528,660
V. Closing Balances in Trust Fund:      
A. Investments      
  U. S. Treasury special certificates of indebtedness 5,408,941,744 2,258,253,853 7,667,195,596
B. Undisbursed balances      
  1. Uninvested - held by Bureau of Public Debt 2,381,537,779 299,454,632 2,680,992,412
2. Uninvested - held by program agencies      
  a. Federal aid to highways 1,043,771,566 0 1,043,771,566
b. Right-of-way revolving fund 4,278,780 0 4,278,780
c. Miscellaneous highway trust funds 14,938,402 0 14,938,402
d. Appalachian Development Highway System 119,890 0 119,890
e. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 113,319,908 0 113,319,908
f. Federal Transit Administration 0 311,682,511 311,682,511
g. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 73,138,501 0 73,138,501
h. Federal Railroad Administration 0 0 0
i. Other agencies 311,061 0 311,061
j. Total 1,249,878,107 311,682,511 1,561,560,618
3. Total uninvested balance 3,631,415,886 611,137,143 4,242,553,030
C. Total balance 9,040,357,630 2,869,390,996 11,909,748,626

(1) The Fund was created June 29, 1956, by the enactment of the Highway Revenue Act of 1956.

(2) The Mass Transit Account was established April 1, 1983, by the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982.

(3) Effective March, 18, 2010, the Highway Trust Fund earns interest on its invested balances.

(4) Transfer of $10.4 billion to the Highway Account and $2.2 billion to the Mass Transit Account, each reduced by 7.2 percent sequester.


Page last modified on February 27, 2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000