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Highway Statistics 2015

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Public Road Length - 2015
   Kilometers By Ownership (1)

December 2016
Table HM-10M

Alabama 13,457 96,802 10,119 272 1,319 121,969 4,116 3,314 33,685 0 1,099 42,215 - 164,184
Alaska 7,913 3,724 2,399 3,766 3,595 21,398 1,117 2,783 529 12 118 4,560 - 25,958
Arizona 8,975 22,081 3,958 6,502 22,536 64,052 2,004 6,835 32,534 605 383 42,361 - 106,413
Arkansas 22,664 103,985 7,462 - 3,458 137,568 3,767 2,250 20,755 - 794 27,565 - 165,133
California 16,749 102,595 1,894 1,538 16,191 138,966 7,541 34,931 131,856 231 1,639 176,199 - 315,164
Colorado 12,131 82,563 3,336 1,340 10,502 109,871 2,451 7,639 22,765 32 54 32,941 - 142,813
Connecticut 1,882 - 6,807 425 32 9,146 4,104 - 21,164 114 92 25,474 - 34,620
Delaware 4,578 - 84 66 116 4,844 4,116 - 1,224 60 81 5,481 - 10,325
Dist. of Columbia - - - - - - 2,212 - - 50 163 2,425 - 2,425
Florida 9,082 42,574 4,148 131 2,789 58,723 10,417 70,781 56,731 9 739 138,678 - 197,401
Georgia 20,259 93,755 6,563 145 4,465 125,187 8,628 46,923 25,358 49 66 81,024 - 206,211
Hawaii 777 1,646 - 79 181 2,684 739 3,686 - 33 27 4,486 - 7,170
Idaho 7,398 25,810 2,854 23,540 13,189 72,792 636 593 6,873 1,442 3 9,546 - 82,338
Illinois 16,789 22,284 114,707 667 349 154,794 8,908 4,247 66,072 637 47 79,911 - 234,706
Indiana 14,153 86,776 4,544 840 477 106,790 3,821 18,133 26,318 128 225 48,625 - 155,415
Iowa 12,599 141,831 8,788 700 183 164,101 1,692 2,611 15,419 296 41 20,059 16 184,176
Kansas 15,257 179,113 8,210 278 1,174 204,032 1,306 3,285 17,627 105 5 22,329 - 226,361
Kentucky 39,457 59,785 3,022 778 1,279 104,321 5,019 4,598 14,200 124 256 24,197 - 128,518
Louisiana 20,862 45,008 3,555 34 1,044 70,503 5,997 7,631 14,682 20 11 28,341 - 98,844
Maine 11,901 595 18,897 388 261 32,042 1,551 - 3,192 84 4 4,830 - 36,872
Maryland 4,279 15,492 587 171 1,134 21,664 4,016 19,040 6,366 294 180 29,895 - 51,559
Massachusetts 908 - 8,923 388 30 10,250 3,832 - 43,677 594 128 48,231 136 58,617
Michigan 11,029 117,073 4,565 126 2,910 135,703 4,530 26,982 29,575 10 - 61,098 - 196,800
Minnesota 16,508 70,197 94,221 2,695 4,067 187,688 2,500 4,688 28,382 64 2 35,637 - 223,324
Mississippi 15,287 80,868 5,112 1,006 583 102,856 2,256 4,350 13,979 22 97 20,704 - 123,560
Missouri 49,507 112,138 8,786 128 1,905 172,465 5,005 5,896 28,196 49 95 39,242 - 211,707
Montana 16,901 68,549 1,900 6,803 19,823 113,976 824 - 5,913 - - 6,736 - 120,713
Nebraska 15,275 97,392 27,444 183 258 140,552 724 1,206 9,445 12 114 11,501 - 152,053
Nevada 7,505 42,140 273 29 5,193 55,140 1,154 5,450 8,782 84 41 15,510 - 70,650
New Hampshire 5,127 - 12,442 28 239 17,836 1,153 - 6,841 142 - 8,136 - 25,972
New Jersey 566 2,525 4,867 909 280 9,148 3,200 8,177 41,410 719 215 53,721 - 62,868
New Mexico 17,713 59,764 2,465 248 17,517 97,707 1,560 5,815 6,065 - 9 13,448 - 111,155
New York 15,477 25,029 61,504 1,075 554 103,638 8,743 7,478 62,246 1,303 643 80,413 2 184,053
North Carolina 95,320 - 3,822 1,637 4,637 105,415 32,717 - 32,686 35 273 65,712 - 171,127
North Dakota 11,561 16,926 105,794 31 2,488 136,799 359 19 3,042 - - 3,420 - 140,220
Ohio 21,814 40,465 57,322 1,592 299 121,492 9,130 6,663 60,170 236 139 76,337 - 197,830
Oklahoma 17,464 121,335 12,152 1,577 21 152,549 2,263 4,372 22,013 194 - 28,842 - 181,391
Oregon 10,350 46,890 2,015 2,208 32,912 94,374 1,979 6,043 15,732 162 66 23,983 - 118,357
Pennsylvania 45,902 43 68,197 1,331 1,192 116,664 18,080 505 57,049 840 130 76,603 - 193,267
Rhode Island 603 - 1,532 14 41 2,190 1,153 - 6,184 93 110 7,541 - 9,730
South Carolina 47,945 41,172 842 312 2,558 92,828 18,616 6,992 4,271 1 4 29,884 - 122,712
South Dakota 12,081 56,291 52,938 2,275 3,865 127,450 417 460 4,148 416 2 5,444 - 132,893
Tennessee 16,138 79,060 5,837 618 1,885 103,538 6,197 13,954 30,169 22 33 50,374 - 153,912
Texas 104,171 205,499 17,315 9 3,279 330,274 25,257 31,011 116,587 588 966 174,409 - 504,683
Utah 7,540 37,674 3,674 841 6,996 56,724 1,909 1,305 14,511 - 62 17,787 - 74,510
Vermont 3,826 - 16,506 - 253 20,585 406 - 1,935 - 11 2,352 - 22,937
Virginia 72,295 45 705 - 3,033 76,078 22,090 2,740 18,353 63 1,476 44,721 - 120,799
Washington 8,876 52,865 2,232 13,343 13,298 90,615 2,483 10,338 25,028 132 697 38,677 - 129,292
West Virginia 48,222 - 950 384 1,342 50,898 7,144 - 4,282 69 0 11,496 - 62,394
Wisconsin 15,443 30,696 100,088 - 1,377 147,602 3,460 2,736 31,743 - 131 38,070 - 185,673
Wyoming 10,073 22,767 1,178 1,587 6,254 41,859 739 814 2,771 394 - 4,718 - 46,577
U.S. Total 982,587 2,553,823 897,533 83,035 223,362 4,740,341 274,039 397,276 1,252,535 10,570 11,470 1,945,890 61 6,686,292
Puerto Rico (5) 1,649 - 3,310 - 36 4,995 5,725 - 16,108 0 12 21,846 20 26,862
Grand Total 984,236 2,553,823 900,843 83,035 223,399 4,745,336 279,764 397,276 1,268,643 10,570 11,482 1,967,736 81 6,713,154

(1) Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values.

(2) Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.

(3) Includes State park, State toll, other State agency, other local agency, and other roadways not identified by ownership.

(4) Roadways in Federal parks, forests, and reservations that are not part of the State and local highway systems.

(5) 2009 data.


Page last modified on December 7, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000