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Highway Statistics 2015

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Public Road Length - 2015 (1)
    Miles by Ownership and Federal-Aid Highways
    National Summary

December 2016
Table HM-16

   State Highway Agency 27,630 95,703 123,334 305,686 429,019 181,532 610,551
   County - 387 387 216,105 216,492 1,370,380 1,586,872
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) - 69 69 11,084 11,153 546,548 557,701
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 1,360 376 1,735 2,866 4,601 46,997 51,598
   Federal Agency - 139 139 5,902 6,041 132,750 138,791
Total Rural 28,990 96,674 125,664 541,642 667,307 2,278,206 2,945,513
Small Urban Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 2,685 13,859 16,544 18,312 34,856 6,335 41,191
   County - 179 179 11,927 12,106 36,043 48,150
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) - 694 694 23,523 24,218 106,909 131,126
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 91 25 116 92 207 926 1,133
   Federal Agency - 5 5 300 305 798 1,103
Total Small Urban Area 2,776 14,762 17,538 54,155 71,692 151,011 222,703
Urbanized Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 15,047 43,374 58,421 44,312 102,733 26,356 129,089
   County - 4,324 4,324 49,563 53,888 144,818 198,706
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 17 14,462 14,479 109,176 123,655 523,508 647,163
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 1,223 1,005 2,228 678 2,907 2,622 5,529
   Federal Agency - 88 88 298 386 5,638 6,024
Total Urbanized Area 16,287 63,253 79,541 204,028 283,569 702,943 986,511
Total Urban:              
   State Highway Agency 17,733 57,233 74,965 62,624 137,589 32,691 170,280
   County - 4,504 4,504 61,490 65,994 180,862 246,856
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 17 15,156 15,173 132,700 147,873 630,417 778,289
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 1,314 1,030 2,344 770 3,114 3,548 6,662
   Federal Agency - 93 93 599 692 6,436 7,127
Total Urban 19,063 78,015 97,078 258,182 355,261 853,953 1,209,214
Total Rural and Urban 48,053 174,690 222,743 799,825 1,022,567 3,132,160 4,154,727

(1) Includes the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

(2) Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.

(3) Includes State park, State toll, other State agency, other local agency, and other roadways not identified by ownership.


Page last modified on December 9, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000