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Highway Statistics 2015

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Public Road Length - 2015 (1)
    Kilometers by Ownership and Federal-Aid Highways
    National Summary

December 2016
Table HM-16M

   State Highway Agency 44,467 154,019 198,486 491,953 690,440 292,147 982,587
   County - 623 623 347,787 348,410 2,205,413 2,553,823
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) - 111 111 17,838 17,949 879,584 897,533
   Other Jurisdictions 2,188 604 2,793 4,612 7,404 75,634 83,038
   Federal Agency - 224 224 9,499 9,722 213,640 223,362
Total Rural 46,655 155,582 202,237 871,689 1,073,926 3,666,418 4,740,344
Small Urban Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 4,321 22,303 26,625 29,470 56,095 10,195 66,290
   County - 289 289 19,195 19,484 58,006 77,490
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) - 1,117 1,117 37,857 38,974 172,053 211,027
   Other Jurisdictions 146 40 186 147 333 1,490 1,824
   Federal Agency - 8 8 483 491 1,284 1,775
Total Small Urban Area 4,467 23,757 28,224 87,153 115,377 243,028 358,406
Urbanized Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 24,217 69,803 94,020 71,313 165,333 42,417 207,749
   County - 6,960 6,960 79,764 86,724 233,063 319,786
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 27 23,274 23,301 175,702 199,003 842,504 1,041,507
   Other Jurisdictions 1,968 1,618 3,586 1,092 4,678 4,220 8,898
   Federal Agency - 142 142 480 622 9,073 9,695
Total Urbanized Area 26,212 101,796 128,009 328,351 456,359 1,131,276 1,587,636
Total Urban:              
   State Highway Agency 28,538 92,107 120,645 100,783 221,427 52,612 274,039
   County - 7,248 7,248 98,959 106,207 291,069 397,276
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 27 24,391 24,418 213,559 237,978 1,014,557 1,252,535
   Other Jurisdictions 2,114 1,658 3,772 1,239 5,011 5,710 10,722
   Federal Agency - 149 149 964 1,113 10,357 11,470
Total Urban 30,679 125,553 156,232 415,504 571,737 1,374,305 1,946,042
Total Rural and Urban 77,334 281,136 358,470 1,287,193 1,645,663 5,040,723 6,686,385

(1) Includes the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Due to conversion from English to metric units and rounding, individual cells may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values. May differ from other tables; excludes unknown ownership mileage.

(2) Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.


Page last modified on December 9, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000