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Highway Statistics 2015

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Functional System Lane-Length - 2015
    Lane-Kilometers (1)

October 2015
Table HM-60M

Alabama 3,864 - 9,760 13,650 39,467 21,360 161,998 250,100 3,471 204 7,864 9,637 12,142 599 58,979 92,895 342,995
Alaska 3,290 - 2,611 1,756 5,251 3,891 26,567 43,367 390 - 790 783 825 764 6,202 9,753 53,120
Arizona 5,967 113 5,468 4,259 13,770 6,058 97,478 133,114 2,352 2,479 5,943 14,902 7,041 709 65,080 98,506 231,620
Arkansas 2,637 545 8,038 10,249 38,156 22,174 197,290 279,090 2,177 775 3,554 6,961 7,120 784 38,116 59,487 338,577
California 8,670 2,698 13,546 19,921 38,241 25,435 179,185 287,695 15,541 15,234 37,701 48,726 46,088 1,264 243,124 407,677 695,372
Colorado 4,230 180 9,292 11,236 17,549 28,555 152,071 223,112 2,434 2,195 6,588 7,770 6,462 223 48,414 74,087 297,199
Connecticut 241 227 400 717 2,761 1,343 12,889 18,579 2,765 1,607 3,040 6,037 6,063 1,009 34,632 55,153 73,732
Delaware - 173 649 382 1,402 886 6,592 10,085 412 224 1,227 918 1,218 179 8,095 12,271 22,356
Dist. of Columbia - - - - - - - - 126 112 710 704 491 - 3,389 5,532 5,532
Florida 5,433 1,084 11,838 7,286 13,073 10,321 75,839 124,872 7,684 4,575 28,140 22,804 24,919 6,711 219,931 314,763 439,635
Georgia 4,119 - 12,233 16,099 37,651 21,753 166,613 258,468 7,112 1,209 13,699 20,021 12,722 2,241 121,644 178,647 437,115
Hawaii - - 253 824 709 284 3,301 5,371 550 245 1,322 861 924 634 5,764 10,300 15,672
Idaho 3,354 - 6,555 4,852 19,190 12,528 101,918 148,396 719 - 2,110 2,350 2,397 22 12,723 20,322 168,718
Illinois 8,115 193 8,255 14,837 42,267 11,436 229,731 314,834 7,854 734 17,155 19,149 18,741 1,213 113,295 178,141 492,974
Indiana 5,007 894 6,345 7,610 32,209 27,954 139,004 219,023 3,957 1,069 9,046 11,995 11,106 1,261 67,568 106,002 325,024
Iowa 3,932 - 14,228 12,646 45,791 51,570 205,319 333,485 1,335 - 5,001 6,483 4,317 - 27,153 44,290 377,774
Kansas 4,152 2,579 8,779 13,861 72,270 30,235 280,086 411,963 1,815 1,220 1,808 6,541 6,398 1,272 30,987 50,041 462,004
Kentucky 4,662 3,050 5,555 7,863 18,772 30,028 144,906 214,836 1,982 467 3,846 5,907 4,266 608 36,186 53,262 268,098
Louisiana 3,564 157 5,225 6,466 15,239 10,506 104,105 145,262 2,946 477 6,308 8,233 7,617 693 37,735 64,008 209,271
Maine 2,055 - 2,613 3,129 10,595 6,922 40,033 65,347 442 109 564 899 1,692 59 6,470 10,235 75,582
Maryland 1,083 - 1,748 2,362 4,279 5,310 29,874 44,656 3,453 2,249 7,083 6,430 6,810 395 42,219 68,640 113,296
Massachusetts 448 56 361 1,040 2,779 1,984 14,129 20,796 4,708 2,135 7,534 13,555 9,840 - 64,799 102,571 123,367
Michigan 3,813 2,218 7,281 16,077 52,743 13,609 179,589 275,331 5,963 2,563 14,386 19,692 13,062 270 82,430 138,365 413,696
Minnesota 3,838 21 13,970 21,106 51,465 38,304 251,493 380,198 2,648 1,178 4,535 11,257 8,376 316 50,289 78,598 458,796
Mississippi 3,572 - 10,497 12,303 38,631 7,453 140,243 212,700 1,834 405 5,223 4,147 5,224 34 28,759 45,626 258,326
Missouri 5,455 5,956 7,552 12,913 52,950 20,009 247,020 351,854 4,699 3,289 5,090 8,631 8,371 299 57,127 87,505 439,359
Montana 7,044 - 9,535 9,201 22,032 28,452 155,776 232,039 630 - 1,307 1,008 1,316 174 9,933 14,368 246,407
Nebraska 2,760 2,138 7,813 13,416 36,830 28,267 192,726 283,951 618 866 2,206 3,016 1,844 27 16,752 25,330 309,281
Nevada 2,961 - 5,485 2,408 7,094 7,841 86,761 112,549 1,265 405 2,553 5,382 173 4,800 22,515 37,093 149,642
New Hampshire 913 59 1,084 2,033 3,356 3,433 25,352 36,231 694 507 885 1,725 1,738 - 11,750 17,300 53,531
New Jersey 447 283 586 974 2,499 1,075 13,037 18,901 4,338 4,044 9,559 13,071 9,589 1,339 76,465 118,404 137,306
New Mexico 5,522 - 9,778 7,614 14,718 10,142 154,423 202,197 1,202 80 4,235 3,038 2,899 1,012 18,095 30,561 232,758
New York 5,277 769 7,593 9,550 18,060 30,082 140,145 211,476 7,701 6,113 14,891 20,860 18,222 752 108,700 177,240 388,716
North Carolina 3,655 2,611 7,581 10,591 24,321 19,422 149,273 217,454 6,092 3,179 11,688 14,400 11,546 1,419 98,019 146,344 363,798
North Dakota 3,291 - 11,214 8,099 38,591 - 215,731 276,925 406 - 969 1,061 1,072 - 4,012 7,519 284,445
Ohio 4,824 2,127 6,710 8,704 35,870 20,192 170,747 249,172 8,318 3,927 13,060 17,415 20,136 2,031 107,980 172,869 422,041
Oklahoma 4,178 - 10,726 9,441 68,439 9,612 209,568 311,965 2,231 1,523 6,735 8,884 5,171 403 40,089 65,035 377,000
Oregon 3,252 - 9,506 7,314 26,312 25,870 119,274 191,528 1,784 403 4,417 4,820 6,904 1,600 31,713 51,641 243,169
Pennsylvania 7,284 2,331 5,985 15,049 23,840 22,465 162,754 239,708 5,407 3,505 13,132 14,072 17,736 - 109,464 163,317 403,024
Rhode Island 115 70 336 235 576 480 2,709 4,521 494 525 1,451 1,148 1,732 102 10,606 16,058 20,579
South Carolina 3,582 301 7,429 10,143 32,395 6,579 130,330 190,758 2,548 592 6,556 7,841 9,503 234 40,085 67,359 258,117
South Dakota 3,805 1,859 8,634 9,588 39,986 20,103 174,101 258,075 562 116 756 1,744 1,172 - 7,596 11,946 270,021
Tennessee 3,776 - 8,871 10,286 15,951 31,682 142,520 213,086 4,560 1,185 10,823 11,855 8,183 3,320 72,998 112,925 326,011
Texas 13,114 12 40,797 36,370 113,592 48,108 432,232 684,226 13,240 11,831 39,525 40,851 57,280 3,645 239,855 406,228 1,090,454
Utah 4,460 57 4,338 4,394 10,537 11,453 81,269 116,510 2,593 267 4,113 2,903 3,790 1,221 25,635 40,523 157,032
Vermont 1,664 5 1,066 2,355 6,407 2,797 27,790 42,085 397 68 450 493 779 50 2,782 5,019 47,104
Virginia 3,118 565 7,428 10,899 23,579 15,690 96,903 158,182 5,553 2,495 10,916 12,053 9,762 2,626 60,634 104,040 262,222
Washington 3,092 2,548 4,299 6,530 26,052 20,100 121,006 183,627 3,387 2,564 7,864 9,507 8,929 603 52,131 84,985 268,612
West Virginia 2,028 57 4,087 4,245 17,277 6,836 69,249 103,779 1,707 83 2,118 2,552 3,406 290 14,694 24,850 128,629
Wisconsin 3,446 914 11,774 15,343 38,953 27,280 202,212 299,921 2,784 2,152 9,691 10,195 9,571 1 49,689 84,083 384,004
Wyoming 5,201 - 6,573 4,009 8,815 22,531 39,463 86,592 681 18 1,217 931 1,687 143 5,794 10,469 97,061
U.S. Total 190,308 36,848 372,282 442,237 1,323,294 830,400 6,502,625 9,697,994 168,559 91,199 381,383 476,220 448,373 47,350 2,749,096 4,362,181 14,060,174
Puerto Rico (3) 273 - 195 726 708 780 7,380 10,061 366 2,126 3,145 3,615 - 36,640 47,788 93,681 103,742
Grand Total 190,581 36,848 372,477 442,963 1,324,002 831,180 6,510,005 9,708,055 168,924 93,326 384,528 479,835 448,373 83,990 2,796,884 4,455,862 14,163,916

(1) Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values. May see differences from prior years; starting in 1999, number of lanes is coded for all systems except rural minor collector and rural/urban local.

(2) Rural minor collector and rural/urban local functional system lane-kilometers estimated by FHWA assuming two as the number of lanes.

(3) 2014 data.

Page last modified on December 7, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000