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Highway Statistics Series

Highway Statistics 2017

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State Obligations For Highways - 2017
Obligations Issued or Assumed During Year (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Table SB-1
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(Thousands of Dollars)

Arizona Highway Bond Funding Obligation Hurf Refunding 10/6/16 0 212,340 203,050 53,800 0 256,850 5.00% Taxes and Fees
M/RARF Bond Funding Obligation Refunding 10/6/17 0 116,270 109,850 23,682 0 133,532 5.00% Taxes and Fees
GANs Grant Anticipation Refunding Notes 10/6/17 0 96,485 90,410 22,104 0 112,514 5.00% Taxes and Fees
TOTAL 0 425,095 403,310 99,585 0 502,895
California Hwy Sfty, Trfc Red 2006 G.O. Bond 428:August 2016 TE 299,805 0 299,805 0 0 299,805
TOTAL 1,886,137 9,072 1,895,209 0 0 1,895,209
Colorado CDOT R2, R4 and KOA Facilities Lease Purchase Agreement Cert of Participation 2017 58,665 0 58,665 6,861 0 65,526
C-470 Express Lane Series 2017 161,795 0 161,795 14,730 0 176,525
TOTAL 220,460 0 220,460 21,591 0 242,051
Connecticut New Issue STO Bonds Infrastructure Purposes 2016 Series A 9/28/16 800,000 0 800,000 152,914 0 952,914 3-5% Transportation Fund
Refunding STO Bonds Infrastructure Purposes 2016 Series B 9/28/16 0 75,565 68,265 13,858 0 82,123 2-5% Transportation Fund
TOTAL 800,000 75,565 868,265 166,772 0 1,035,037
Delaware SERIES 2017 Sr. Revenue Bond 66,241 40,759 107,000 8,600 1,056 116,656 Various DTA Pledged Revenues
District of Columbia Series 2016B District of Columbia Multimodal G.O. **Refunding Bonds 11/18/16 18,934 18,631 37,564 0 0 37,564 3% Income Tax Revenue
Series 2016D District of Columbia G.O. Bonds 11/21/16 187,950 0 187,950 25,607 0 213,557 5% Income Tax Revenue
Series 2017A District of Columbia G.O. **Refunding Bonds 6/1/17 0 133,814 114,881 19,608 0 134,488 4% Income Tax Revenue
TOTAL 206,883 152,445 340,395 45,215 0 385,609
Florida Turnpike Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2016C 2/2/17 0 157,950 142,595 18,510 0 161,105 4%-5% Toll Revenue
ROW Acquisition and Bridge Construction Bonds Series 2016B 7/21/16 92,520 0 92,520 8,117 0 100,637 2.5%-5% Motor Fuel Taxes
TOTAL 92,520 157,950 235,115 26,627 0 261,742
Georgia 2016Ca General Obligation Bond 7/7/16 0 2,865 2,865 503 0 3,368 1.50% - 5.00% General Obligation Bonds
2016Cc General Obligation Bond 7/7/16 0 29,710 29,710 5,217 0 34,926 1.50% - 5.00% General Obligation Bonds
2016Cg General Obligation Bond 7/7/16 0 17,187 17,187 3,018 0 20,205 1.50% - 5.00% General Obligation Bonds
2016Ec General Obligation Bond 11/17/16 0 101,795 101,795 25,687 0 127,482 2.00% - 5.00% General Obligation Bonds
2016Fa General Obligation Bond 11/17/16 0 83,545 83,545 11,038 0 94,583 4.00% - 5.00% General Obligation Bonds
2016Fb General Obligation Bond 11/17/16 0 65,964 65,964 8,715 0 74,679 4.00% - 5.00% General Obligation Bonds
State Road and Tollway Authority State of Georgia (Full Faith and Credit) Guaranteed Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 7/28/16 0 23,810 19,265 5,124 198 24,587 5% Motor Fuel Taxes
I-75 Northwest Corridor Express Lanes Project-DBF Loan 25,848 0 25,848 0 0 25,848 N/A N/A
State Road and Tollway Authority Series 2014A&B Toll Revenue Bonds (I-75S Express Lanes Proj) 2,071 0 2,071 0 0 2,071 6.25%-7% I-75S Toll Revenues
I-75 Northwest Corridor Express Lanes Project-TIFIA Loan 186,653 0 186,653 0 0 186,653 4% I-75 NWC Toll Revenues
TOTAL 214,572 324,875 534,902 59,302 198 594,403
Hawaii Revenue Bond Series 2016 09/08/2016 92,895 111,590 204,485 43,096 0 247,581 2% - 5%
Illinois Transportation Bond (Highway Share) (Series "D") November 290,000 0 290,000 18,137 0 308,137 4.125%-5.0%
Transportation Refunding Bond (Highway Share) (Series "A & D") October 0 355,541 347,679 7,862 0 355,541 4.0%-5.0%
TOTAL 290,000 355,541 637,679 25,998 0 663,677
Kansas HIGHWAY REVENUE REVENUE BONDS 2017A 200,000 0 200,000 42,212 0 242,212
Kentucky TAK 12/7/16 41,980 0 41,980 3,319 0 45,299 2% to 5% Transp. Cab. Revenues
Louisiana GO Series 2016A 9/22/16 25,056 0 25,056 4,634 0 29,690 3%-5% General Obligation
GO Series 2016D 9/8/16 44,484 0 44,484 7,055 0 51,539 4%-5% General Obligation
GO Series 2017A 3/31/17 22,119 0 22,119 1,898 0 24,018 3.5% - 5% General Obligation
Gas & Fuels Refunding Series 2017A 5/1/17 0 200,000 200,000 0 0 200,000 Variable Motor-fuel taxes
TOTAL 91,659 200,000 291,659 13,587 0 305,246
Massachusetts Revenue Bonds 1,259,830 803,739 2,063,569 0 0 2,063,569
Mississippi DeSoto County 2017 43,785 0 43,785 0 0 43,785 3.12
Nevada Highway Revenue Bonds 2/28/17 167,665 0 167,665 18,382 0 186,047 3%
New Hampshire G.O. Refunding 2016 Series A 11/30/16 0 2,043 2,043 0 0 2,043 5% Highway Funds
G.O. Capital Imp 2016 Series B 11/30/16 9,480 520 10,000 0 0 10,000 3 - 5% Highway Funds
TOTAL 9,480 2,564 12,043 0 0 12,043


Table SB-1
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(Thousands of Dollars)

New Jersey NJTTFA Federal Hwy Reimbusement Revenue Note 11/2/16 2,741,425 0 2,741,425 177,087 0 2,918,512 4.100-5.000% Cap Int./Fed Reimb **
North Carolina 2016 Turnpike Toll Revenue Bonds 119,831 17,221 137,052 7,331 0 144,383 5% Tolls/State Funds
2017 Turnpike Revenue Refunding 0 223,379 200,515 26,587 0 227,102 5% Tolls
TOTAL 119,831 240,600 337,567 33,918 0 371,485
Ohio Major New Infrastructure Revenue Bonds 8/12/16 217,565 0 217,565 47,676 0 265,241 Federal/State
Oregon 2017 Art. XI Sec 7 GO Bonds Series 2017M ODOT Projects 5/4/17 30,005 0 30,005 5,356 0 35,361 3% General Funds
2017 Highway Revenue Bonds Series 2017S-1 Subordinate Lien 5/1/17 160 265,515 265,675 0 0 265,675 VARIABLE Highway Revenue
2017 Highway Revenue Bonds Series 2017S-2 Subordinate Lien 5/1/17 100,075 0 100,075 0 0 100,075 VARIABLE Highway Revenue
2017 Highway Revenue Bonds Series 2017A 6/8/17 244,030 0 244,030 46,985 0 291,015 2% Highway Revenue
2017 Highway Revenue Bonds Series 2017B Refunding Bonds 6/8/17 0 95,970 91,675 18,902 384 110,961 2% Highway Revenue
TOTAL 374,270 361,485 731,460 71,243 384 803,086
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of PA General Obligation 2nd Refunding Series of 2016 12/16/16 0 98,105 89,610 11,612 0 101,222 0.05 Motor License Fund
Texas Texas Mobility Fund GO Bonds 2/1/17 0 910,186 770,155 143,780 0 913,935 3.2% - 5.517% E
State Highway Fund Revenue Bonds 10/26/16 616,761 73,819 690,580 112,255 0 802,835 3.0% - 5.25% F
State of Texas Highway Improvement GO Bonds 11/2/16 588,755 0 588,755 110,972 0 699,727 3% - 5% G
Central Texas Turnpike Revenue Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.47% - 6.10% H
TPFA State of Texas GO Commercial Paper Notes Colonia Roadway Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Variable J
TOTAL 1,205,516 984,005 2,049,490 367,008 0 2,416,498
Virginia Commonwealth of VA Transportation Revenue Refunding Bonds (U.S. Route 58 Corridor) Series 2017B 5/31/ 2017 0 27,950 26,655 1,583 0 28,238 5.000% note a
Commonwealth of VA Transportation Revenue Refunding Bonds (Northern VA Trans Distr) Series 2017A 5/31/2017 0 12,760 11,945 940 0 12,885 5.000% note b
Commonwealth of VA General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Coleman Bridge) Series 2016AB 11/10/2016 0 14,205 13,185 1,342 0 14,527 5.000% note c
Commonwealth of VA Transportation Federal Grant Anticipation Revenue Notes (GARVEE) Series 2016 11/9/2016 316,930 0 316,930 64,902 0 381,832 2.000% - 5.000% note d
TOTAL 316,930 54,915 368,715 68,767 0 437,482
Washington M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES R-2013B-1 2003B(R49-108) 7/1/12 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.536%-5.481% MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017B&E (Project 2003-550) 1/1/13 40,045 0 40,045 7,754 0 47,799 2.50% - 5.00% MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017B (Project 2005-09H) 1/1/13 118,880 0 118,880 28,280 0 147,160 2.50% - 5.00% MVFT
M V FUEL TAX GO, TOLL & MVET BOND SERIES 2017C (Project 520 - 16J) 74,465 15,905 90,370 20,642 0 111,012 3% MVFT & TOLL
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017B (Refnd R2010B(HWY-215) 0 4,465 4,465 0 0 4,465 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017B (Refnd R2010B(R49-108) 0 12,535 12,535 0 0 12,535 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017B (Refnd R2010B(PRJ.2003-550) 0 88,185 88,185 0 0 88,185 MVFT


Table SB-1
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(Thousands of Dollars)

Washington (continued)
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017B (Refnd R2010B(TPA 2005-09H) 0 161,355 161,355 0 0 161,355 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017D (Refnd R2007B(1997(HWY-215) 0 7,975 7,975 0 0 7,975 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017D (Refnd R2007B(1997F(PPI-108))) 0 475 475 0 0 475 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017D (Refnd R2007B(1997F(HWY-108))) 0 470 470 0 0 470 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017A (Refnd R2010A(PRJ.2003-550) 0 11,410 11,410 0 0 11,410 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017B (Refnd R2010B -TIB 144) 0 5,045 5,045 0 0 5,045 MVFT
M V FUEL TAX G O BOND SERIES 2017D (Refnd R2007B -TIB 144) 0 15,585 15,585 0 0 15,585 MVFT
TOTAL 233,390 323,405 556,795 56,676 0 613,471
Wisconsin State of Wisconsin General Obligation Bonds 2016, Series B 6/28/16 48,201 0 48,201 0 0 48,201 4%-5% Motor Fuel Taxes, Registration Fees & Reg. -related Fees
State of Wisconsin General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2016, Series 2 8/25/16 0 92,661 92,661 0 0 92,661 1.5%-5%
State of Wisconsin General Obligation Bonds 2016, Series D 10/25/16 170,605 0 170,605 0 0 170,605 4%-5%
State of Wisconsin General Obligation Bonds 2017, Series A 3/29/17 143,090 0 143,090 0 0 143,090 4%-5%
State of Wisconsin Transportation Refunding Revenue Bonds 2017 Series 1 5/31/17 174,876 109,644 284,520 15,710 0 300,230
TOTAL 536,771 202,305 739,076 15,710 0 754,786
GRAND TOTAL 9,843,472 4,914,943 14,503,820 1,423,984 1,638 15,929,443


(1) This table is one of a series giving available information concerning State and quasi-State obligations incurred for highway purposes. Table SB-2 contains data on changes in indebtedness. Table SB-3 contains receipts and disbursements for debt service. Tables SB-2T and SB-3T are subsets of Tables SB-2 and SB-3, showing data for individual State toll facilities. Tables SB-2L and SB-3L are also subsets of Tables SB-2 and SB-3, showing data for State obligations for local roads. When bonds were issued for multiple purposes, their par value is assigned to State highways, local roads and streets, and nonhighway purposes on the basis of the initial distribution of net bond proceeds. The nonhighway portion is excluded from these tables. Also omitted are obligations with terms of less than 2 years; however, interest payments for short-term obligations are included in Table SB-3. This table is compiled from reports of State authorities.

(2) A portion of proceeds from refunding bonds may be expended for current debt service. That portion is included with original issues.

(3) Payment by bond purchaser for interest accrued from date of issue to date of sale.

(4) "Posted rate" is declared rate printed on bonds. N/A indicates data not available.

(5) When an asterisk appears in this column, the bonds are understood to be secured by the full faith and credit of the State, in addition to the specific revenues dedicated by law to debt service.

(6) Certain Federal Funds are used to payoff bonds.

Page last modified on February 17, 2022
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000