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Highway Statistics 2017

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August 23, 2018
Table VM-2M


Alabama 10,479 - 8,986 7,243 7,067 2,222 10,164 46,161 14,931 893 15,770 11,630 6,852 104 17,403 67,583 113,744
Alaska 1,370 - 511 203 475 279 899 3,738 1,186 - 1,521 848 388 185 1,016 5,144 8,882
Arizona 10,974 50 5,528 2,306 3,874 757 2,258 25,748 12,530 12,889 12,799 23,978 6,053 230 10,494 78,972 104,719
Arkansas 6,807 496 5,996 4,591 5,793 1,081 3,544 28,308 8,819 1,569 6,117 7,400 3,016 116 3,218 30,255 58,563
California 24,578 7,847 16,344 12,435 13,212 4,088 9,529 88,034 119,595 99,330 91,520 79,522 38,492 507 36,394 465,359 553,392
Colorado 7,655 433 7,057 3,373 2,988 1,265 2,530 25,302 15,451 8,913 15,177 10,413 4,517 75 6,061 60,608 85,910
Connecticut 769 482 705 647 1,304 234 919 5,060 15,792 6,750 6,085 8,329 4,188 387 4,104 45,635 50,694
Delaware - 804 1,167 427 861 273 672 4,205 2,464 1,250 3,812 1,888 1,466 113 1,646 12,640 16,845
Dist. of Columbia - - - - - - - - 790 639 1,698 1,163 444 - 1,246 5,980 5,980
Florida 17,034 3,257 13,605 6,153 6,049 2,689 9,005 57,794 48,742 24,135 73,332 47,134 31,832 5,835 63,363 294,372 352,166
Georgia 12,937 - 9,410 8,785 7,928 1,936 6,909 47,904 40,478 6,069 27,916 29,452 9,899 910 38,110 152,835 200,739
Hawaii - - 552 942 265 66 1,173 2,999 3,324 758 3,288 1,657 1,233 468 3,571 14,300 17,298
Idaho 4,314 647 3,332 1,657 2,094 359 3,621 16,024 2,646 301 3,495 2,692 1,123 7 1,555 11,819 27,842
Illinois 15,242 278 6,242 7,178 6,431 865 5,242 41,478 41,188 1,950 32,086 24,620 12,795 1,238 18,472 132,349 173,827
Indiana 12,319 1,315 7,075 6,035 8,994 3,107 8,323 47,168 18,298 2,539 16,738 14,814 7,297 1,356 23,358 84,399 131,567
Iowa 8,191 - 10,121 4,291 5,582 1,350 2,334 31,870 5,132 - 6,465 5,512 1,839 1 3,065 22,014 53,884
Kansas 5,967 2,127 5,154 3,733 4,218 526 2,784 24,509 6,728 3,281 2,109 7,267 3,693 379 3,949 27,406 51,915
Kentucky 12,817 2,973 5,565 5,865 6,517 3,512 4,998 42,247 10,738 1,474 7,710 8,810 3,689 676 3,900 36,997 79,243
Louisiana 9,814 315 4,770 5,171 5,218 1,780 3,538 30,604 15,901 1,266 13,384 10,406 4,694 351 2,608 48,609 79,213
Maine 3,386 - 2,876 2,723 3,573 1,307 2,283 16,148 2,007 233 1,221 1,634 1,583 135 757 7,571 23,719
Maryland 3,523 828 3,242 2,843 2,584 1,439 2,814 17,273 25,344 11,006 17,308 12,396 6,964 1,172 5,169 79,360 96,632
Massachusetts 1,349 164 446 822 1,136 199 870 4,986 27,250 10,488 19,675 18,915 6,288 - 13,241 95,857 100,842
Michigan 9,198 4,324 6,846 11,091 13,342 1,440 3,687 49,927 29,009 10,435 28,635 25,723 8,262 160 11,612 113,836 163,762
Minnesota 6,429 317 11,196 8,051 6,692 2,087 4,461 39,231 14,846 7,217 7,177 15,126 4,715 739 7,462 57,282 96,514
Mississippi 7,231 - 8,377 5,711 6,513 641 10,254 38,726 6,655 774 8,305 4,160 2,826 8 4,332 27,059 65,785
Missouri 11,397 8,205 5,262 5,833 8,236 1,123 12,201 52,258 23,349 8,871 9,236 10,547 5,310 475 12,121 69,909 122,167
Montana 4,256 - 4,068 1,759 1,385 736 1,873 14,076 1,017 - 2,045 1,011 660 46 1,494 6,274 20,350
Nebraska 4,830 1,587 3,693 3,826 2,323 440 1,811 18,510 2,698 1,901 3,320 3,830 1,024 74 2,444 15,290 33,799
Nevada 3,709 - 2,701 651 598 393 733 8,785 7,249 2,879 5,336 8,044 74 3,232 8,798 35,612 44,397
New Hampshire 1,797 239 1,713 1,868 1,718 795 610 8,742 3,244 2,242 2,191 2,799 1,472 - 1,328 13,276 22,018
New Jersey 1,976 794 1,123 1,058 1,342 268 1,293 7,854 24,714 21,388 26,168 17,769 7,261 1,155 18,428 116,884 124,738
New Mexico 7,344 - 5,699 3,059 2,583 974 7,395 27,054 4,283 181 6,415 3,049 1,818 461 4,503 20,712 47,766
New York 9,689 1,398 6,072 5,487 6,099 4,057 8,040 40,842 34,476 28,129 31,331 28,260 11,703 276 24,112 158,286 199,127
North Carolina 10,786 4,309 9,662 9,614 11,426 4,766 14,018 64,581 32,175 9,965 25,266 22,696 11,491 1,020 24,603 127,215 191,796
North Dakota 2,515 - 3,527 1,358 1,726 - 1,814 10,940 843 - 1,488 1,045 477 - 844 4,697 15,638
Ohio 14,354 3,165 7,334 6,962 12,732 2,843 9,488 56,877 41,066 10,447 22,161 22,277 15,781 814 23,052 135,597 192,474
Oklahoma 8,721 41 8,618 4,836 9,077 289 4,165 35,747 9,175 5,196 9,158 8,176 2,544 145 9,365 43,758 79,505
Oregon 6,321 - 6,730 2,940 2,920 1,212 3,288 23,411 9,134 2,328 9,073 7,033 4,333 437 3,399 35,737 59,148
Pennsylvania 17,350 3,318 6,767 10,537 6,688 2,951 8,721 56,331 25,182 12,108 25,949 19,215 12,382 - 12,364 107,201 163,532
Rhode Island 515 88 365 174 239 40 34 1,456 3,134 2,009 2,993 1,684 956 27 618 11,421 12,876
South Carolina 13,361 450 7,148 6,851 7,558 411 4,911 40,691 12,502 1,280 13,284 11,354 6,414 60 3,729 48,623 89,314
South Dakota 3,347 702 2,464 1,635 1,740 238 740 10,865 1,223 129 795 1,587 459 - 460 4,653 15,518
Tennessee 13,361 117 7,525 7,069 4,431 4,189 4,143 40,835 24,785 4,057 21,596 14,524 6,350 1,258 18,969 91,539 132,374
Texas 29,960 1,612 36,232 19,286 20,009 2,935 7,274 117,308 81,736 52,339 69,854 52,763 44,287 1,154 19,881 322,013 439,320
Utah 5,433 134 3,077 1,350 1,564 435 2,095 14,089 13,026 696 9,004 4,336 3,062 478 5,964 36,565 50,654
Vermont 2,014 7 1,271 1,564 1,794 345 1,503 8,498 919 93 912 549 424 42 511 3,450 11,948
Virginia 15,222 1,038 10,468 8,362 6,042 1,638 4,237 47,008 27,711 8,547 20,506 16,800 7,262 942 8,441 90,210 137,217
Washington 7,803 2,948 3,848 3,539 5,707 1,746 1,926 27,517 19,667 9,610 15,864 12,545 5,591 206 7,846 71,329 98,846
West Virginia 3,983 1 3,359 2,301 3,684 582 2,054 15,963 5,608 145 3,458 2,903 1,435 49 1,133 14,731 30,694
Wisconsin 9,973 1,974 11,000 8,101 12,774 3,403 6,205 53,430 13,218 5,472 14,866 9,069 4,505 - 4,566 51,698 105,128
Wyoming 4,042 - 2,536 862 1,104 1,553 923 11,021 859 20 1,278 796 635 84 1,054 4,726 15,747
U.S. Total 406,440   307,367 233,159 258,211 71,865 214,304 1,550,129 912,836 404,190 776,892 660,147 331,861   506,131 3,619,643 5,169,772
Puerto Rico 723 - 334 433 242 0 0 1,732 7,566 1,550 4,993 5,079 3,212 - 25 22,425 24,157
Grand Total 407,163   307,701 233,591 258,453 71,866 214,304 1,551,861 920,402 405,740 781,885 665,226 335,073   506,156 3,642,068 5,193,929

(1) Travel for the rural minor collector and rural/urban local functional systems is estimated by the States based on a model or other means and provided to the FHWA on a summary basis. Travel for all other systems are estimated from State-provided data in the Highway Performance Monitoring System. Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding vehicle-miles table cell values.


Page last modified on January 23, 2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000