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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2019 / Table HM-10M - Highway Statistics 2019

Highway Statistics 2019

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Public Road Length - 2019
   Kilometers By Ownership

October 2020
Table HM-10

Alabama 13,318 87,410 12,567 280 1,162 114,736 4,231 8,387 33,806 2 873 47,300 - 162,036
Alaska 7,964 5,593 2,190 5,156 2,558 23,461 1,104 2,773 558 509 138 5,081 - 28,543
Arizona 8,902 21,845 3,932 6,572 23,753 65,004 2,016 6,993 32,508 726 420 42,663 - 107,667
Arkansas 22,713 80,429 8,746 19,819 5,603 137,311 3,786 4,713 17,566 1,595 173 27,832 - 165,143
California 16,915 84,110 1,607 1,259 11,219 115,110 7,318 31,200 127,401 197 1,303 167,419 - 282,529
Colorado 12,122 82,358 3,594 1,347 10,290 109,711 2,414 7,667 23,434 32 85 33,631 - 143,342
Connecticut 1,881 - 6,816 425 34 9,156 4,100 - 21,261 117 92 25,570 - 34,725
Delaware 4,320 - 88 66 116 4,590 4,451 - 1,278 60 81 5,869 - 10,459
Dist. of Columbia - - - - - - 2,207 - - 62 168 2,438 - 2,438
Florida 9,101 42,244 4,303 131 2,793 58,572 10,420 70,892 57,482 12 740 139,545 - 198,117
Georgia 20,286 92,561 7,742 282 1,770 122,640 8,556 39,356 32,202 1,188 2,796 84,098 - 206,739
Hawaii 777 1,634 - 76 181 2,668 746 3,763 - 36 27 4,572 - 7,240
Idaho 7,345 22,628 7,595 18,217 16,955 72,740 657 506 9,533 1,083 3 11,781 - 84,521
Illinois 16,758 22,242 114,771 681 347 154,798 8,822 4,208 66,370 667 46 80,113 - 234,911
Indiana 14,068 87,208 4,670 848 345 107,139 3,772 17,393 27,474 128 50 48,816 - 155,955
Iowa 12,616 141,816 8,875 683 181 164,171 1,719 2,569 15,972 288 39 20,587 - 184,758
Kansas 15,251 177,263 8,450 366 1,776 203,105 1,307 3,066 18,141 107 181 22,802 - 225,907
Kentucky 39,493 60,025 2,992 785 1,328 104,623 5,032 4,636 13,984 140 258 24,050 - 128,673
Louisiana 20,562 693 61 42,992 3 64,311 6,402 1,840 29,383 1,005 - 38,631 3 102,945
Maine 11,791 672 18,466 361 254 31,545 1,639 - 3,429 104 6 5,178 - 36,723
Maryland 4,308 15,533 634 173 1,212 21,859 4,070 19,291 6,413 288 177 30,240 - 52,099
Massachusetts 909 - 8,620 396 33 9,959 3,938 - 44,568 599 135 49,239 11 59,209
Michigan 11,019 117,154 4,576 2 2,692 135,444 4,513 27,057 29,593 24 - 61,186 - 196,631
Minnesota 16,351 69,818 97,514 3,137 3,269 190,090 2,506 4,673 30,148 75 5 37,407 - 227,496
Mississippi 15,328 81,809 5,132 128 1,275 103,671 2,271 4,511 14,132 22 96 21,032 - 124,703
Missouri 49,499 112,572 9,020 214 1,908 173,213 4,949 5,743 28,785 55 96 39,628 - 212,842
Montana 16,899 68,439 1,910 6,837 17,560 111,645 830 - 6,049 - - 6,879 - 118,523
Nebraska 15,220 97,237 27,505 204 257 140,423 784 1,390 10,631 13 114 12,932 - 153,355
Nevada 7,478 38,801 539 22 13,246 60,086 1,141 7,815 7,603 40 129 16,729 - 76,815
New Hampshire 5,122 - 12,487 28 243 17,881 1,154 - 6,869 144 - 8,167 - 26,048
New Jersey 574 2,562 4,934 411 284 8,766 3,182 8,231 41,387 902 217 53,918 - 62,684
New Mexico 17,600 40,176 11,841 12,643 15,165 97,426 1,606 2,792 12,708 1,005 57 18,168 - 115,594
New York 15,498 25,010 60,752 1,340 630 103,230 8,769 7,482 61,864 1,526 479 80,119 1 183,350
North Carolina 95,777 - 3,835 1,714 4,760 106,087 33,178 - 33,624 35 286 67,124 - 173,210
North Dakota 11,535 24,904 99,750 - 1,056 137,244 391 132 4,125 - - 4,648 - 141,892
Ohio 21,840 40,283 57,528 1,591 246 121,488 9,140 6,513 60,485 236 139 76,512 - 198,000
Oklahoma 17,462 122,297 12,413 1,655 225 154,051 2,384 4,599 23,268 190 - 30,441 - 184,492
Oregon 10,217 46,578 2,088 2,284 41,583 102,750 1,947 6,161 16,149 153 51 24,461 - 127,211
Pennsylvania 45,267 45 67,660 2,291 1,179 116,443 18,650 613 57,454 991 120 77,828 - 194,270
Rhode Island 604 - 1,510 37 45 2,197 1,147 - 6,093 135 90 7,466 - 9,663
South Carolina 47,889 35,618 1,476 67 3,131 88,181 18,530 12,732 8,060 - 10 39,333 - 127,514
South Dakota 12,059 55,996 52,663 1,976 3,912 126,606 417 435 4,174 268 17 5,311 - 131,916
Tennessee 16,358 78,940 5,762 547 1,910 103,516 6,274 14,236 30,680 28 32 51,250 - 154,766
Texas 104,206 206,224 17,353 18 3,317 331,117 25,517 32,405 117,050 606 965 176,543 - 507,660
Utah 7,556 36,748 3,011 634 10,509 58,458 1,893 1,622 16,255 - - 19,770 - 78,228
Vermont 3,813 - 16,456 - 251 20,521 416 - 1,991 - 11 2,418 - 22,939
Virginia 74,269 101 711 32 3,072 78,185 20,852 2,779 18,261 48 1,136 43,076 - 121,261
Washington 8,871 52,758 2,275 13,497 13,269 90,670 2,478 10,328 25,542 167 697 39,211 - 129,881
West Virginia 48,968 - 987 387 1,479 51,821 6,425 - 4,252 68 - 10,745 - 62,566
Wisconsin 15,427 30,694 100,109 - 1,364 147,594 3,475 2,691 32,273 - 126 38,565 - 186,158
Wyoming 10,051 22,625 1,121 791 9,234 43,822 799 926 2,865 7 7 4,605 - 48,426
U.S. Total 984,159 2,433,650 909,636 153,401 238,987 4,719,833 274,322 395,120 1,295,133 15,681 12,669 1,992,926 16 6,712,773
Puerto Rico 1,243 - 3,869 - 22 5,134 4,233 - 20,174 - 5 24,411 - 29,545
Grand Total 985,402 2,433,650 913,505 153,401 239,008 4,724,967 278,555 395,120 1,315,309 15,681 12,674 2,017,338 16 6,742,319

(1) Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values.

(2) Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.

(3) Includes State park, State toll, other State agency, other local agency and other roadways not identified by ownership.

(4) Roadways in Federal parks, forests, and reservations that are not part of the State and local highway systems.

Page last modified on December 1, 2020
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000