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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2019 / Table MV-7 - Highway Statistics 2019

Highway Statistics Series

Highway Statistics 2019

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Publicly Owned Vehicles - 2019

November 2020

Table MV-7
Alabama 1,127 120 6,326 7,573 2 42,759 62,059 104,817 966 112,390 968
Alaska 135 69 2,825 3,029 3,885 549 12,571 17,006 2,498 8 20,035 8
Arizona 1,398 231 12,389 14,018 1 17,098 6,750 24,143 47,991 93 3 62,009 4
Arkansas 506 48 3,397 3,951 11,507 663 23,767 35,937 39,888
California 7,353 468 50,507 58,328 1 233,188 65,650 241,104 539,942 75,230 14,153 598,270 14,154
Colorado 1,892 96 10,070 12,058 14,485 7,720 28,829 51,034 25 138 63,092 138
Connecticut (4) 476 32 4,190 4,698 415 499 915 20 19 5,613 19
Delaware 95 23 1,102 1,220 1,365 426 1,806 3,597 4,817
Dist. of Col. 2,303 100 6,733 9,136 94 16,636 4,289 10,752 31,677 105 435 40,813 529
Florida 3,850 290 23,827 27,967 104,848 34,285 124,659 263,792 52,035 2,645 291,759 2,645
Georgia 2,255 373 12,739 15,367 1 51,794 24,439 71,702 147,935 19,891 890 163,302 891
Hawaii 647 76 4,191 4,914 6,311 1,107 9,200 16,618 1,991 376 21,532 376
Idaho 223 115 3,560 3,898 1 2,198 459 4,666 7,323 759 30 11,221 31
Illinois (4) 1,912 78 13,861 15,851 34,316 87 47,697 82,100 97,951
Indiana 970 140 6,704 7,814 1,666 14,182 2,865 18,713 157 22 26,527 22
Iowa 533 39 3,597 4,169 10,677 5,347 20,623 36,647 3,703 333 40,816 333
Kansas 643 55 3,909 4,607 3,366 2,322 5,806 11,494 48 16,101 48
Kentucky 1,207 113 5,670 6,990 29,335 9,284 45,471 84,091 78 91,081 78
Louisiana 1,074 117 5,939 7,130 26,682 7,437 47,016 81,135 7,786 88,265
Maine (4) 202 21 1,793 2,016 1 3,615 3,096 6,755 13,467 1 15,483 2
Maryland 2,114 262 11,396 13,772 25,169 7,412 29,490 62,071 7,049 76 75,843 76
Massachusetts (4) 1,171 64 7,930 9,165 2,403 168 3,209 5,780 14,945 81
Michigan (4) 1,291 70 10,802 12,163 19,794 5,326 37,318 62,439 74,602
Minnesota (4) 784 24 5,950 6,758 14,402 5,677 26,106 46,186 52,944
Mississippi 622 101 4,251 4,974 1,612 5,451 2,437 9,501 313 14,475
Missouri (4) 1,299 108 7,935 9,342 15,727 25,378 41,105 50,447
Montana 250 79 3,703 4,032 1 227 86 576 889 293 13 4,921 14
Nebraska 352 42 2,520 2,914 14,101 26,361 40,461 7,386 21 43,375 21
Nevada (4) 484 40 4,417 4,941 5 7,134 2,670 9,443 19,247 5 24,188 10
New Hampshire 240 18 1,626 1,884 2,470 2,485 3,991 8,946 112 10,830 112
New Jersey (4) 1,327 69 10,243 11,639 21,655 2,219 26,344 50,218 61,857
New Mexico 893 191 8,319 9,403 5,673 9,818 15,491 24,894
New York 2,934 140 16,683 19,757 2 15,735 5,561 22,892 44,188 3,882 2 63,945 4
North Carolina 1,746 264 10,149 12,159 42,732 20,574 60,531 123,837 16,458 290 135,996 290
North Dakota 239 85 2,484 2,808 3,690 2,016 10,170 15,876 2,703 23 18,684 23
Ohio 1,679 76 12,315 14,070 41,053 6,188 55,872 103,113 15,597 27 117,183 27
Oklahoma (4) 759 127 5,602 6,488 1 5,015 950 9,250 15,215 1 21,703 2
Oregon 592 45 5,914 6,551 24,589 9,162 40,329 74,079 11,305 786 80,630 786
Pennsylvania 2,084 106 13,326 15,516 42,983 2,550 61,428 106,961 17,113 755 122,477 755
Rhode Island 261 28 1,541 1,830 6,822 397 7,653 14,872 107 16,702 107
South Carolina 1,167 146 6,212 7,525 75,680 12,120 108,240 196,040 4,276 481 203,565 481
South Dakota 235 44 2,293 2,572 5,267 2,614 12,437 20,317 4,767 725 22,889 725
Tennessee 1,543 60 8,282 9,885 46,531 26,521 72,661 145,713 2,380 155,598 2,380
Texas 5,890 541 35,258 41,689 84,190 51,630 144,275 280,096 43,485 1,070 321,785 1,070
Utah 657 94 4,663 5,414 4 10,559 3,869 15,953 30,380 11,041 219 35,794 223
Vermont (4) 129 16 922 1,067 3,595 752 6,640 10,987 12,054
Virginia 3,207 368 16,689 20,264 38,319 26,260 50,731 115,311 14,757 714 135,575 714
Washington (4) 1,892 169 13,091 15,152 1 64,489 18,568 91,255 174,312 1 189,464 2
West Virginia (4) 508 58 2,995 3,561 10,980 2,903 22,087 35,970 8,128 1,263 39,531 1,263
Wisconsin (4) 869 47 5,910 6,826 29,184 48,918 78,102 5,503 413 84,928 413
Wyoming 175 39 2,279 2,493 2,952 1,494 9,221 13,666 211 4 16,159 4
Total 66,194 6,125 429,029 501,348 115 1,300,881 413,715 1,843,002 3,557,598 338,559 32,142 4,058,946 29,831

Sums may not equal to totals because of rounding.

(1) Data provided by General Services Administration (GSA). 2016 Federal fleet data previously provided by GSA was used for Highway Statistics purposes, 2016-2018.

(2) Data estimated by FHWA using State-reported data and other data sources due to data quality concerns.

(3) GSA does not provide data on publicly-owned trailers or motorcycles. Totals may not be representative of actual motorcycle or trailer registrations.

(4) State did not provide government bus and/or truck registration data. Estimated by FHWA using other data sources.

Page last modified on December 9, 2020
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000