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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2020 / Table LGF-21 - Highway Statistics 2019

Highway Statistics 2020

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Local Government Funding for Highways - Summary - 2019 (1)

September 2021

(Thousands of Dollars)

Table LGF-21
Alabama 113,194 - 108,012 64,982 49,712 36,522 178,500 142,881 15,647 709,450 126,551 300,358 176,180 17,707 30,011 54,307 705,114
Alaska 18,476 - 114,842 201,314 34,808 4,577 10,000 41,299 1,779 427,095 120,562 162,472 120,282 2,869 18,943 - 425,128
Arizona - - 145,343 38,581 296,905 165,439 61,262 862,717 5,222 1,575,469 603,502 537,085 293,041 50,332 80,745 7,968 1,572,673
Arkansas - - 427,514 113,508 53,098 210,526 - 6,281 12,801 823,728 273,323 234,649 259,803 7,854 14,528 33,568 823,725
California - 525,742 3,374,162 383,416 117,632 2,128,760 69,353 5,423,514 89,065 12,111,644 4,329,077 3,618,936 2,057,958 697,699 484,596 716,197 11,904,463
Colorado - 191,367 417,225 181,330 427,327 255,387 270,731 439,606 71,281 2,254,254 828,653 882,823 340,021 53,532 107,131 - 2,212,160
Connecticut 755,885 - 64,184 - - - - 179,783 6,753 1,006,605 369,863 555,305 75,158 - - 6,279 1,006,605
Delaware - - 40,131 4,023 640 7,537 - 10,046 92 62,469 5,470 20,553 33,014 1,883 1,550 - 62,470
Florida 763,391 70,886 704,673 412,576 936,938 337,214 13,793 982,910 63,942 4,286,323 1,448,604 1,348,580 1,036,976 128,477 171,347 233,636 4,367,620
Georgia - - 513,810 30,850 390,541 52,569 - 240,817 13,925 1,242,512 458,528 399,586 350,403 3,887 3,600 26,507 1,242,511
Hawaii 255,096 - 75 - 71,425 20,818 95,597 32,288 4,046 479,345 175,656 81,406 112,917 50,715 58,653 - 479,347
Idaho 11,426 - 20,640 119,057 28,204 49,108 35 207,109 31,755 467,334 163,668 255,184 38,102 1,313 177 9,716 468,160
Illinois 34,079 - - 1,317,699 861,019 292,302 55,000 1,199,414 - 3,759,513 700,184 1,332,509 1,549,367 32,231 142,643 2,578 3,759,512
Indiana 257,747 - 197,890 296,960 202,399 55,254 95,753 397,707 111,705 1,615,415 578,445 597,704 339,638 6,762 50,483 76,383 1,649,415
Iowa - - 28,943 149,238 144,500 96,608 296,502 932,759 18,033 1,666,583 582,430 857,301 99,289 5,155 122,875 - 1,667,050
Kansas - - 351,787 304,635 205,462 37,074 140,366 204,282 - 1,243,606 305,290 387,418 347,035 28,266 148,261 21,818 1,238,088
Kentucky 33,161 - 160,000 25,323 56,971 65,636 11,358 115,657 - 468,106 - 453,089 14,664 353 - - 468,106
Louisiana 8,069 - 62,574 41,601 157,439 11,654 24,553 95,066 5,228 406,184 79,354 143,118 130,533 13,838 1,110 37,940 405,893
Maine 257,571 5,317 300,000 81,065 - 917 - 20,963 2,933 668,766 31,500 170,984 74,859 50,000 - 340,196 667,539
Maryland - - 794,918 40,443 14,539 37,552 205,659 199,874 2,551 1,295,536 562,974 403,724 145,991 42,300 170,370 - 1,325,359
Massachusetts 565,081 96,229 120,236 1,250,105 3,577 222,092 164,840 589,005 2,953 3,014,118 637,720 1,444,973 867,037 33,403 49,618 - 3,032,751
Michigan - (2,164) 1,533,230 103,182 40 356,784 20,500 34,659 - 2,046,231 666,419 1,221,838 93,480 11,972 31,763 16,837 2,042,309
Minnesota - - 1,988,474 523,653 185,520 43,823 199,088 1,246,857 17,754 4,205,169 1,481,393 1,046,781 466,319 41,317 47,443 1,121,811 4,205,064
Mississippi 7,499 - 151,471 141,199 61,196 16,105 60,829 121,296 5,836 565,431 65,979 314,165 23,727 20,534 90,098 53,753 568,256
Missouri - - 164,594 181,932 485,003 116,017 77,782 280,559 79,812 1,385,699 414,703 634,587 269,538 11,818 30,176 24,878 1,385,700
Montana 16,373 - 71,693 225,957 22,680 89,541 7,384 59,004 17,653 510,285 144,793 231,079 117,816 2,676 10,822 3,016 510,202
Nebraska 25,177 1,112 619,162 51,072 29,427 24,304 - 460,721 710 1,211,685 286,351 149,771 132,438 35,430 - 606,655 1,210,645
Nevada 305,114 - - 40,504 379,124 270,033 221,217 3,000 - 1,218,992 630,626 77,243 289,401 142,350 48,685 23,987 1,212,292
New Hampshire 155,098 - 148,561 42,262 - 1,541 - 117,795 30,307 495,564 90,458 153,075 199,241 16,320 31,496 3,601 494,191
New Jersey - 45,682 1,928,303 - - 15,357 105,630 399,240 - 2,494,212 660,262 821,286 909,382 25,631 80,556 4,000 2,501,117
New Mexico - - 232,706 42,626 104,148 21,194 72,335 78,162 18,987 570,158 192,021 103,772 211,967 16,042 45,455 - 569,257
New York 223,029 1,369,417 2,847,720 1,244,093 266,735 414,956 2,208,673 906,108 205,191 9,685,922 3,258,451 2,539,126 1,014,484 662,246 1,915,473 23,129 9,412,909
North Carolina 33,183 - 303,179 4,668 15,195 84,194 62,237 183,509 930,345 1,616,510 411,709 295,058 265,591 60,094 318,438 20,397 1,371,287
North Dakota - - 252,562 68,048 40,161 22,700 20,396 125,316 8,080 537,263 285,957 164,831 27,808 21,604 5,946 33,013 539,159
Ohio - - 300,000 388,929 890,178 48,820 12,361 1,290,109 - 2,930,397 933,698 1,240,454 563,972 31,737 60,157 83,520 2,913,538
Oklahoma - - 310,484 20,000 123,064 52,485 300,001 110,882 22,848 939,764 187,798 362,345 215,367 44,498 95,565 35,183 940,756
Oregon 52,398 6,933 636,178 28,281 23,086 317,734 20,452 499,704 48,943 1,633,709 396,176 434,154 278,622 20,254 48,291 453,342 1,630,839
Pennsylvania 30,313 - 917,358 498,362 752,968 1,541,966 61,653 1,566,973 1,798,312 7,167,905 6,277,027 2,464,662 1,087,138 90,582 165,750 23,005 10,108,164
Rhode Island 1,550 - 74,536 - - - 19,800 1,333 1,040 98,259 35,737 26,262 17,660 6,924 11,677 - 98,260
South Carolina - - 150,000 120,243 243,441 - 4,887 76,318 5,093 599,982 403,408 101,034 58,000 13,554 215 23,771 599,982
South Dakota (4) 92,159 - 297,953 - 13,476 9,341 - 1,500 - 414,429 112,235 190,285 81,275 1,228 21,650 7,757 414,430
Tennessee 32,674 - 212,381 - - 55,530 20,973 397,007 7,797 726,362 142,834 338,714 180,314 8,651 10,293 36,423 717,229
Texas 247,223 904,110 1,639,553 1,488,607 308,044 863,426 1,899,592 555,198 227,662 8,133,415 2,801,678 2,556,062 1,261,267 442,666 952,190 187,616 8,201,479
Utah 42,423 - 184,870 - 14,775 307 20 263,787 24,456 530,638 151,702 278,763 84,298 83 709 15,083 530,638
Vermont - - 54,068 103,963 555 6,016 6,126 75,627 9,911 256,266 65,888 139,195 48,251 2,977 4,893 1,882 263,086
Virginia 206,683 63,996 141,408 - 416,714 83,525 558,029 1,057,837 6,469 2,534,661 424,128 808,997 836,512 60,138 114,439 280,044 2,524,258
Washington 229 5,437 360,000 653,060 475,726 534,364 27,819 785,189 68,266 2,910,090 1,115,642 834,769 768,138 33,749 47,789 110,002 2,910,089
West Virginia 11 887 302,274 80,207 292 23,065 1,000 5,668 108 413,512 43,538 143,313 222,632 11 2,500 1,403 413,397
Wisconsin 12,323 52 1,383,335 623,907 30,569 62,105 699,169 615,338 - 3,426,798 953,000 1,045,908 685,753 108,398 520,107 120,381 3,433,547
Wyoming - - 80,000 26,721 222,742 1,500 - 3,790 802 335,555 204,958 31,000 99,534 - 39 - 335,531
Total 4,556,635 3,285,003 25,233,012 11,758,182 9,157,995 9,164,279 8,381,255 23,646,464 3,996,093 99,178,918 35,219,923 32,936,286 18,972,193 3,162,060 6,369,256 4,881,582 101,541,300

(1) This table is one of a series on Local Highway Finance. Table LGF-21 summarizes the receipts and disbursements of local governments for highways. Local government reporting is on a biennial basis with even-numbered years optional. This table is compiled from the reports of State and local governments.

(2) The amounts shown are identical with the receipts allocated for highways as shown on Table LDF. See Table LDF for allocations for mass transit, and nonhighway purposes.

(3) Bonds issued for and retired by refunding are excluded. Tables LGF-1 and LGF-2 include original and refunding issues. See Table LGB-2 for further information on the status of local highway debt.

(4) Estimated by FHWA.

Page last modified on November 8, 2021
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000