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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2022 / Table MV-7 - Highway Statistics 2022

Highway Statistics Series

Highway Statistics 2022

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Publicly Owned Motor-Vehicles - 2022

November 2023

Table MV-7 (1)
Alabama (6) 1,206 137 7,860 9,203 9,203
Alaska 105 67 4,204 4,376 2,177 512 8,217 10,906 2,516 11 15,282 11
Arizona 1,410 209 14,167 15,786 31,086 16,669 50,526 98,281 14,129 1,323 114,067 1,323
Arkansas (6) 486 40 4,190 4,716 17,501 783 40,977 59,261 63,977
California 7,087 535 57,906 65,528 230,761 66,628 273,897 571,286 80,155 13,400 636,814 13,400
Colorado 1,062 96 10,485 11,643 14,297 7,719 34,444 56,460 12,899 68,103
Connecticut (6) 420 24 4,600 5,044 5,044
Delaware 97 20 1,412 1,529 1,914 1,310 3,015 6,239 2,116 74 7,768 74
Dist. of Col. 2,092 136 7,543 9,771 10,320 5,740 8,338 24,398 344 34,169 344
Florida 3,771 286 26,842 30,899 95,036 35,372 136,723 267,131 59,444 2,841 298,030 2,841
Georgia 2,456 354 14,712 17,522 49,034 26,462 78,672 154,168 22,665 42 171,690 42
Hawaii 639 81 5,266 5,986 6,796 663 11,704 19,163 2,258 379 25,149 379
Idaho (4) 233 117 5,228 5,578 840 169 2,130 3,139 5,133 109 8,717 109
Illinois 1,900 84 15,901 17,885 2,457 3,826 4,122 10,405 61 28,290 61
Indiana (5) 873 145 7,410 8,428 717 1,091 1,453 3,262 766 45 11,690 45
Iowa 470 37 3,797 4,304 9,156 5,300 21,544 36,000 3,670 330 40,304 330
Kansas 564 47 4,402 5,013 2,913 192 5,876 8,981 24 13,994 24
Kentucky 1,132 125 6,474 7,731 28,454 9,322 51,770 89,546 85 97,277 85
Louisiana 846 77 6,369 7,292 31,729 8,501 63,174 103,404 9,610 522 110,696 522
Maine 192 10 2,119 2,321 1,051 205 2,447 3,703 2 6,024 2
Maryland 2,260 231 12,901 15,392 24,552 8,794 33,528 66,874 88,545 81 82,266 81
Massachusetts 1,055 48 8,470 9,573 16,709 3,138 27,484 47,331 13,927 737 56,904 737
Michigan 1,101 71 12,204 13,376 36,314 795 85,783 122,892 1,136 805 136,268 805
Minnesota (6) 644 29 6,563 7,236 4,207 9,312 13,519 4,782 20,755
Mississippi 724 99 5,105 5,928 1,108 6,649 1,877 9,634 379 15,562
Missouri (6) 1,303 118 9,276 10,697 10,697
Montana 147 89 5,082 5,318 262 98 755 1,115 203 10 6,433 10
Nebraska 344 41 3,144 3,529 9,527 5,023 20,984 35,534 9,194 90 39,063 90
Nevada 390 57 5,317 5,764 10,519 6,446 16,112 33,077 3,805 1,934 38,841 1,934
New Hampshire 282 15 1,924 2,221 4,027 2,472 8,205 14,704 4,014 112 16,925 112
New Jersey (6) 1,283 71 11,614 12,968 22,277 2,382 32,851 57,510 70,478
New Mexico 883 181 10,476 11,540 18,117 4,450 35,807 58,374 9,933 379 69,914 379
New York (4) 2,661 146 20,035 22,842 9,775 5,149 17,484 32,407 2,524 4 55,249 4
North Carolina 1,844 213 12,916 14,973 42,289 22,213 70,699 135,201 20,936 350 150,174 350
North Dakota 191 80 3,381 3,652 3,690 2,257 12,397 18,344 3,169 21 21,996 21
Ohio 1,595 93 13,673 15,361 36,674 6,553 60,470 103,697 17,970 19 119,058 19
Oklahoma (6) 634 64 6,004 6,702 4,131 8,655 12,786 19,488
Oregon 467 54 7,288 7,809 17,448 8,138 33,715 59,301 4 596 67,110 596
Pennsylvania 2,044 124 15,405 17,573 39,839 2,632 71,304 113,775 18,660 762 131,348 762
Rhode Island 218 19 1,716 1,953 4,400 310 6,074 10,784 1,757 94 12,737 94
South Carolina 1,151 200 7,317 8,668 154,566 10,987 255,741 421,294 5,460 425 429,962 425
South Dakota 159 44 2,565 2,768 6,237 21,284 18,101 45,622 6,470 927 48,390 927
Tennessee 1,600 60 9,568 11,228 39,126 7,227 72,557 118,910 3,390 1,045 130,138 1,045
Texas 6,227 524 40,126 46,877 103,470 56,399 204,594 364,463 34,814 2,271 411,340 2,271
Utah 539 98 5,933 6,570 16,817 5,765 30,570 53,152 8,277 640 59,722 640
Vermont (6) 116 12 1,039 1,167 2,497 456 6,018 8,971 10,138
Virginia 3,298 461 19,652 23,411 36,813 27,457 57,403 121,673 16,685 733 145,084 733
Washington (6) 1,486 175 15,561 17,222 78,399 18,040 131,197 227,636 244,858
West Virginia (6) 418 53 3,506 3,977 7,739 18,433 26,172 7,649 880 30,149 880
Wisconsin (6) 753 56 6,683 7,492 21,926 46,296 68,222 4,044 256 75,714 256
Wyoming 104 37 3,190 3,331 279 71 1,021 1,371 246 9 4,702 9
Total 62,962 6,190 498,521 567,673 1,309,974 425,649 2,194,455 3,930,078 503,334 32,142 4,497,751 32,772

Sums may not equal to totals because of rounding.

(1) Published data reflects State-supplied data without FHWA estimation procedures applied, except where noted.

(2) Data provided by General Services Administration (GSA).

(3) GSA does not provide data on publicly-owned trailers or motorcycles.

(4) State, county and municipal automobiles and trucks were estimated by FHWA due to data quality concerns which were not addressed by the State per FHWA's request.

(5) State verified significant variability in reported data due to the instability caused by Covid-19 pandemic; accurate reporting anticipated to resume in 2023. FHWA estimated data due to data quality concerns.

(6) State did not report government registration data for 1 or more vehicle types.

Page last modified on December 29, 2023
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000