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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / 2013 State Statistical Abstracts / Highway Statistics Series / 2013 / National Total

Highway Statistics Series

State Statistical Abstracts 2013

National Total

For more information, see the Highway Statistics series.

Population / Land Area
Total Population - (Census) 316,128,839
Total Land Area-Square Miles (PS-1) 3,537,441
Motor Fuel Usage (000) % Distribution
Gasoline/Gasohol (Table MF-33GA) 135,452,235 78.0%
Special Fuel (Table MF-33SF) 38,254,642 22.0%
Total Fuel 173,706,877 100.0%
On Highway Gasoline (MF-21 in 000s) 169,650,956 97.8%
Off Highway Gasoline (MF-21 in 000s) 3,842,396 2.2%
Public Road Length (Table HM-20) % Distribution
Rural 2,937,477 71.4%
Urban 1,177,986 28.6%
Total 4,115,463 100.0%
Public Road Miles by Functional System (HM-20) % Distribution
Interstate 47,576 1.2%
Other Freeways & Expressways 16,446 0.4%
Other Principal Arterials 156,918 3.8%
Minor Arterial 243,873 5.9%
Major Collector 536,205 13.0%
Minor Collector 267,603 6.5%
Local 2,846,841 69.2%
Total 4,115,462 100.0%
Functional System Lane Length (Table HM-60) % Distribution
Interstate 219,791 2.5%
Other Freeways/Expressways 73,010 0.8%
Other Principal Arterials 475,003 5.5%
Minor Arterial 564,467 6.5%
Major Collector 1,094,065 12.6%
Minor Collector 536,035 6.2%
Local 5,693,699 65.8%
Total 8,656,070 34.2%

Highway Annual Vehicle Miles (Millions) (VM-2)

Vehicle Miles Traveled - (Rural/Urban in Millions) - (Table VM-2) % Distribution
Rural 941,914 31.5%
Urban 2,046,409 68.5%
Total 2,988,323 100.0%
Vehicle Miles Traveled by Functional System (Millions- VM-2) % Distribution
Interstate 739,619 24.8%
Other Freeways/Expressways 246,002 8.2%
Other Principal Arterial 657,597 22.0%
Minor Arterial 524,087 17.5%
Major Collector 351,645 11.8%
Minor Collector 58,121 1.9%
Local 411,252 13.8%
Total 2,988,323 100%
Driver Licenses - (Table DL-22) % Distribution
Male 105,007,670 49.5%
Female 107,152,058 50.5%
Total 212,159,728 100.0%
Motor Fuel Tax Rates (Table MF-121T) - ($) Nationwide Average
Gasoline $0.216
Diesel $0.206
Gasohol $0.155

Tax Rates as of Dec 2013.

NOTE: Tax rates do not include Federal gas tax of 18.4 cents or diesel of 24.4 cents

Vehicle Registrations - (Table MV-1) % Distribution
Autos 113,676,346 44.4%
Buses 864,550 0.3%
Trucks 132,931,240 52.0%
Total 247,472,136
Motorcycles 8,404,686 3.3%
Grand Total 255,876,822 100.0%
Fatally Injured in Vehicle Crashes - (Table FI-20) % Distribution
Rural 17,593 53.8%
Urban 14,970 45.8%
Unknown 156 0.5%
Total 32,719 100.0%

Highway Finance ($000)

State Funding for Highways (Summary - Table SF-21)
Receipts $153,711,675
Disbursements $145,774,807
State Revenues Used for Highways (Table SF-1) % Distribution
Highway User Revenues $60,338,451 37.7%
General Fund Appropriations $7,324,978 4.6%
Other State Imposts $9,101,728 5.7%
Miscellaneous $12,274,905 7.7%
Bonds $26,811,123 16.7%
Federal payments $40,885,250 25.5%
Local payments $3,379,773 2.1%
Total $160,116,208 100.0%
State Disbursements for Highways (Table SF-2) % Distribution
Capital Outlay $74,412,266 48.9%
Maintenance and Services $22,020,862 14.5%
Administration and Misc. $8,470,808 5.6%
Highway Law Enforcment & Safety $9,413,902 6.2%
Interest $7,911,418 5.2%
Bond Retirement $15,667,067 10.3%
Grants-in-aid to Locals $14,283,020 9.4%
Total $152,179,343 100.0%
Attributed Federal Trust Fund Receipts - 2013 ($000) (Table FE-9) % Distribution
Highway Account $31,815,513 87.3%
Mass Transit Account $4,647,546 12.7%
Total $36,463,059 100.0%
Page last modified on April 12, 2022
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000