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Roadway Construction Noise Model User Guide

Noise Criteria - Part 3

To see the current value of a cell, simply hold the mouse pointer over the cell. Once the user has specified values for all the cells in the Noise Limit Criteria dialogue box, these criteria can be saved in a criteria file ([name].cri) by clicking on the "Save" command button. The user will be prompted to give the criteria file a name. These criteria can thereafter be loaded into any case by clicking on the "Open" command button.

The user returns to the Noise Limit Criteria dialogue box by clicking "Ok", and returns to the case by clicking "Ok" again.

Again, these limits may be changed by the user through the Noise Limit Criteria data entry window.

Updated: 6/28/2017
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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000