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Funding Federal-aid Highways Cover

Funding Federal-aid Highways

Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs

Publication No. FHWA-PL-17-011
January 2017

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Appendix G. Transferability of apportioned funding

This appendix describes options to transfer funds from one apportioned highway program to another. Other transfer options exist, including transfers of funds to from one State to another, from a State to Federal agency, or among certain projects designated in statute. Guidance on the full range of transfer options, as well as procedures for executing transfers, is issued by the Federal Highway Administration’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer.

Program Transferability Provisions Statute
National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) A State may transfer up to 50% of its NHPP apportionment to its STBG, NHFP, HSIP, CMAQ, and/or TA apportionments. 23 U.S.C. 126(a)
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) A State may transfer up to 50% of its STBG apportionment to its NHPP, NHFP, HSIP, and/or CMAQ apportionments. The amount transferred may not come from the portion of STBG that is required to be suballocated to sub-State areas. 23 U.S.C. 126(a) and 126(b)(1)
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) A State may transfer up to 50% of its HSIP apportionment to its NHPP, NHFP, STBG, CMAQ, and/or TA apportionments. 23 U.S.C. 126(a)
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) A State may transfer up to 50% of its CMAQ apportionment to its NHPP, NHFP, STBG, HSIP, and/or TA apportionments. 23 U.S.C. 126(a)
Metropolitan Planning A State may not transfer its Metropolitan Planning apportionment to other highway program apportionments. 23 U.S.C. 126(b)(1)
National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) A State may transfer up to 50% of its NHFP apportionment to its NHPP, STBG, HSIP, CMAQ, and/or TA apportionments. 23 U.S.C. 126(a)
Transportation Alternatives (TA) A State may transfer up to 50% of its TA funds to its NHPP, NHFP, STBG, HSIP, and/or CMAQ apportionments. The amount transferred must come from the portion of TA funds that is available for use anywhere in the State (no transfers of suballocated TA funds or TA funds reserved for the Recreational Trails Program). 23 U.S.C. 126(a) and 126(b)(2)
Rail-Highway Crossings Program A State may transfer up to 100% of its Rail-Highway Crossings apportionment to its HSIP apportionment if the State demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that it has met all its needs for installation of protective devices at railway-highway crossings. 23 U.S.C. 130(e)(2)
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