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Funding Federal-aid Highways Cover

Funding Federal-aid Highways

Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs

Publication No. FHWA-PL-17-011
January 2017

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1. Introduction

2. Authorization of Funding

3. Distribution of Funding

4. Obligation of Funding

5. Obligation Limitation

6. Outlay of Funding

7. The Highway Trust Fund



  1. Glossary
  2. FAST Act authorizations
  3. Apportionment and programmatic distribution
  4. Penalties applicable to the Federal-aid highway program
  5. Sub-State distribution of Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funding
  6. Sub-State distribution of Transportation Alternatives funding
  7. Transferability of apportioned funding
  8. Federal share
  9. Distribution of the Fiscal Year 2016 obligation limitation
  10. Lop-off from allocated programs
  11. Historical Federal fuel tax rates


  1. Lifecycle of Federal-aid highway funding
  2. Enactment of an authorization act
  3. Comparative lifecycles of appropriated budget authority and contract authority
  4. Typical period of availability for Federal-aid highway funding
  5. Federal budget process
  6. Payments to States
  7. Rate of outlay of Federal-aid highway funding


  1. Extensions to authorizations acts
  2. Jurisdiction over surface transportation authorization
  3. Amounts sequestered under the Budget Control Act of 2011
  4. Jurisdiction over the Federal budget and surface transportation appropriations
  5. Impact of FY 2016 obligation limitation on availability of funding
  6. Expiration of Highway Trust Fund-related authorities
  7. Current Highway Trust Fund tax rates
  8. Transfers to ensure Highway Trust Fund solvency
  9. Operation of the Highway Account, FY 2015
  10. Calculation of initial FY 2016 Byrd Test
Page last modified on April 27, 2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000