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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Highway Statistics Series / 2008 / Office of Highway Policy Information

December 2009
Table SB-1

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Arizona M/RARF REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2007 11/28/07 370,000 0 370,000 20,429 1,297 391,726 4.0-5.0 Highway-User Revenue
HIGHWAY REVENUE BONDS 2008A 5/21/08 193,950 0 193,950 7,205 0 201,155 4.0-5.0 Motor Vehicle Revenue
GRANT ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 2008A 1/8/08 68,000 0 68,000 4,228 65 72,293 4.125-5.0 Federal-aid Funds 6/
TOTAL   631,950 0 631,950 31,862 1,362 665,174    
Connecticut Transportation Infrastructure Bonds- Series 2007A 10/25/07 250,000 0 250,000 8,868 0 258,868 3.5-5.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Delaware Delaware Revenue Refunding Bonds - Series 2008A 06/04/08 84,720 42,696 127,416 5,111 811 133,338 Various Highway-User Revenue
Georgia Garvee Bonds- Series 2008A 4/15/2008 480,000 40,245 520,245 35,834 0 556,079 3.80 Federal Highway Grant Revenues
Reimbursement Revenue Bonds-Series 2008A 4/15/2008 120,000 10,061 130,061 4,077 0 134,138 3.80 Federal Highway
Reimbursement Revenue
GSFIC 2003 E- General Obligation Bond 8/1/2007 90,000 0 90,000 97 330 90,427 2.0-5.0 General Obligation Bonds
GSFIC 2007G- General Obligation Bond 12/1/2007 60,000 0 60,000 2,837 147 62,984 3.35-5.0 General Obligation Bonds
TOTAL   750,000 50,306 800,306 42,845 477 843,628    
Idaho Garvee Bond Serie 2008A 3/12/2008 173,035 0 173,035 7,010 0 180,045 3.20 Federal funds will match from ITD
Revenue Bond 2007A 3/12/2008 11,700 0 11,700 0 0 11,700 3.20 Federal funds with match from ITD
Revenue Bond 2007B 3/12/2008 145 0 145 0 0 145 3.20 Federal funds with match from ITD
Revenue Bond 2008A 3/12/2008 14,625 0 14,625 0 0 14,625 3.20 Federal funds with match from ITD
Revenue Bond 2008B 3/12/2008 7,095 0 7,095 0 0 7,095 3.20 Federal funds with match from ITD
TOTAL   206,600 0 206,600 7,010 0 213,610    
Illinois Transportation Bond 4/23/2008 10,000 0 10,000 338 0 10,338 4.0-5.0 Illinois Road Fund
Kansas Adjustable Tender Highway Revenue Bonds 2008A 5/2/2008 0 150,275 150,275 0 11,410 161,685 4.17-4.34 Motor Fuel Taxes, State Sales & Compensating Use Taxes
Maine Highway Fund Bonding PL 2007 Chapter 39 7/31/2007 57,550 0 57,550 0 0 57,550 4.0 Highway-User Revenue
Maryland Cosolidated Transportation Bonds-Series 2008 2/20/2008 226,755 0 226,755 22,639 0 249,394 4.0-5.0 Motor Vehicle Tax & Transportation Trust Fund Revenue
Massachusetts Highway Improvement Loan Act of 1991 8/16/2007 2,534 0 2,534 0 0 2,534 5.0-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 1994 8/16/2007 32 0 32 0 0 32 5.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act II of 1994 8/16/2007 17,741 0 17,741 (40) 0 17,701 5.0-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Accelerated Transportation Development Act of 1994 8/16/2007 79 0 79 0 0 79 4.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 1996 8/16/2007 840 0 840 0 0 840 4.75-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 1996 8/16/2007 4,645 0 4,645 0 0 4,645 4.75-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Intermodal Transportation Improvement Axt of 1996 8/16/2007 2,266 0 2,266 0 0 2,266 4.75-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 1997 8/16/2007 11,173 0 11,173 0 0 11,173 5.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 1999 8/16/2007 2,871 0 2,871 0 0 2,871 5.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Higway Improvement Loan Act of 1999 8/16/2007 1,638 0 1,638 0 0 1,638 5.0-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2000 8/16/2007 404 0 404 0 0 404 5.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2000 8/16/2007 57,874 0 57,874 (219) 0 57,655 4.75-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2000 8/16/2007 1,028 0 1,028 0 0 1,028 4.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2000 8/16/2007 332 0 332 (94) 0 238 4.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2000 8/16/2007 3,796 0 3,796 0 0 3,796 5.0-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Capital Outlay Loan Act of 2000 8/16/2007 5,711 0 5,711 0 0 5,711 5.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2004 8/16/2007 100,556 0 100,556 0 0 100,556 5.0-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2004 8/16/2007 13,436 0 13,436 (94) 0 13,342 4.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2004 8/16/2007 74,030 0 74,030 8,488 0 82,518 5.0-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2004 8/16/2007 2,538 0 2,538 0 0 2,538 4.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2004 8/16/2007 5,323 0 5,323 (27) 0 5,296 5.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Mobility Assistance Program Improvement Loan Act of 2004 8/16/2007 404 0 404 0 0 404 4.0 Highway-User Revenue*
Highway Improvement Loan Act of 2007 8/16/2007 108,181 0 108,181 4,828 0 113,009 5.0-5.25 Highway-User Revenue*
TOTAL   417,432   417,432 12,842   430,274    
Minnesota Transportation 8/1/2007 1,000 0 1,000 53 0 1,053 4.3 General Fund
Transportation 8/1/2007 5,000 0 5,000 265 0 5,265 4.3 General Fund
Transportation 8/1/2007 20,000 0 20,000 1,058 0 21,058 5.0 General Fund
Trunk Highway 8/1/2007 14,000 0 14,000 741 0 14,741 4.3 Trunk Hwy
TOTAL   40,000 0 40,000 2,117 0 42,117    
Mississippi Mississippi Highway 278 SB3201 1/9/2008 4,000 0 4,000 0 0 4,000 N/A Highway-User Revenue
Missouri Series 2007 9/12/2007 526,800 0 526,800 27,639 0 554,439 4.0-5.0 State Road Fund
Montana 2008 Garvee 6/26/2008 44,670 0 44,670 733 0 45,403 3.5-5.0 Federal Fund
North Carolina Garvee 2007 10/17/2007 287,565 0 287,565 0 0 287,565 N/A Highway-User Revenue
New Hampshire Highway & Saftey Bond 3/19/2008 30,000 0 30,000 0 0 30,000 4.0-5.0 Highway-User Revenue
Highway & Saftey Bond 3/19/2008 4,991 0 4,991 0 0 4,991 4.0-5.0 Highway-User Revenue
TOTAL   34,991 0 34,991 0 0 34,991    
New Jersey Series A Transportation Trust Fund 11/21/2008 1,122,745 0 1,122,745 (12,243) 0 1,110,502 5.25-6.0 Motor Fuel Tax
New Mexico Finance Authority State Trans. Revenue Bonds -Series 2008A 5/21/2008 0 115,200 115,200 0 0 115,200 N/A Federal Funds, State Road Fund
Finance Authority State Trans. Revenue Bonds -Series 2008C 5/21/2008 0 84800 84,800 0 0 84,800 N/A Federal Funds & State Road Fund
Infrastructure Fund
TOTAL   0 200,000 200,000 0 0 200,000    
Nevada Highway Improvement Revenue Bonds - Series 2008 4/24/2008 129,970 0 129,970 5,886 0 135,856 4.23 N/A
Ohio Ohio General Obligation Series L 5/1/2008 140,000 0 140,000 5,466 0 145,466 N/A State Revenue
Major New Infrastructure Revenue Bonds 11/15/2007 210,000 0 210,000 9,145 0 219,145 N/A Federal Funds
TOTAL   350,000 0 350,000 14,611 0 364,611    
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of PA, G.O. Bonds First Refunding -Series 2007 12/20/2007 0 21,425 21,425 937 0 22,362 5.0 Motor License Fund
Rhode Island G.O. CCDL 2007 Series A 8/22/2007 2,616 0 2,616 34 0 2,650 N/A Motor Fuel Tax
G.O. CCDL 2007 Series A 8/22/2007 41,463 0 41,463 545 0 42,008 N/A Motor Fuel Tax
TOTAL   44,079 0 44,079 579 0 44,658    
Texas Mobility Fund Bonds 2/28/2008 1,100,000 0 1,100,000 61,109 0 1,161,109 3.62-5.0 N/A
State Highway Fund Revenue Bonds 10/25/2007 1,241,845 0 1,241,845 63,251 0 1,305,096 3.5-5.25 N/A
State Highway Fund Revenue Bonds N/A 162,995 0 162,995 9,800 0 172,795 3.5-5.25 N/A
TOTAL   2,504,840 0 2,504,840 134,160 0 2,639,000    
Utah G.O. Bonds 2007A 7/3/2008 68,995 0 68,995 1,088 0 70,083 N/A Highway Fund*
Vermont F Refund 2005 12/20/2007 493 0 493 0 0 493 N/A State Revenue*
Washington M V Fuel Tax G O Bond-Series 2008 B (HWY-215) 9/29/2007 5,000 0 5,000 294 0 5,294 4.0-5.0 Motor Vehicle & Motor Fuel Tax
M V Fuel Tax G O Bond -Series 2008 B (R-49-108) 9/29/2007 30,000 0 30,000 1,775 0 31,775 4.0-5.0 Motor Vehicle & Motor Fuel Tax
M V Fuel Tax G O Bond -Series 2008 B (R-49-108-TNB 10) 9/29/2007 12,000 0 12,000 710 0 12,710 4.0-5.0 Motor Vehicle & Motor Fuel Tax
M V Fuel Tax G O Bond-Series 2008 B (Project 2003-550) 9/29/2007 180,000 0 180,000 10,583 0 190,583 4.0-5.0 Motor Vehicle & Motor Fuel Tax
M V Fuel Tax G O Bond- Series -2008 B ( Project 2005-09H) 9/29/2007 160,000 0 160,000 9,407 0 169,407 4.0-5.0 Motor Vehicle & Motor Fuel Tax
M V Fuel Tax G O Bond- Series -2008 D ( Project 2003-550) 9/29/2007 200,000 0 200,000 13,989 0 213,989 3.5-5.0 Motor Vehicle & Motor Fuel Tax
M V Fuel Tax G O Bond Series-2008 D (Project 2005-09H) 9/29/2007 175,000 0 175,000 12,241 0 187,241 3.5-5.0 Motor Vehicle & Motor Fuel Tax
TOTAL   762,000 0 762,000 48,999 0 810,999    
GRAND TOTAL 8,556,155 464,702 9,020,857 356,021 14,060 9,390,938    

1/ This table is one of a series giving available information concerning State and quasi-State obligations incurred for highway purposes. Table SB-2 contains data on changes in indebtedness. Table SB-3 contains receipts and disbursements for debt service. Tables SB-2T and SB-3T are subsets of Tables SB-2 and SB-3, showing data for individual State toll facilities. Tables SB-2L and SB-3L are also subsets of Tables SB-2 and SB-3, showing data for State obligations for local roads. When bonds were issued for multiple purposes, their par value is assigned to State highways, local roads and streets, and nonhighway purposes on the basis of the initial distribution of net bond proceeds. The nonhighway portion is excluded from these tables. Also omitted are obligations with terms of less than 2 years; however, interest payments for short-term obligations are included in Table SB-3. This table is compiled from reports of State authorities.

2/ A portion of proceeds from refunding bonds may be expended for current debt service. That portion is included with original issues.

3/ Payment by bond purchaser for interest accrued from date of issue to date of sale.

4/ "Posted rate" is declared rate printed on bonds. N/A indicates data not available.

5/ When an asterisk appears in this column, the bonds are understood to be secured by the full faith and credit of the State, in addition to the specific revenues dedicated by law to debt service.

6/ Certain Federal Funds are used to payoff bonds.

Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000