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Highway Statistics 2013

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Comparison of Federal Highway Trust Fund Highway Account Receipts
  Attributable to the States and Federal-Aid Apportionments and
  Allocations from the Highway Account (1)

Fiscal Years 1957 - 2013

January 2015
Table FE-221

(Thousands of Dollars)

State Payments Into The Fund (2) Apportionments And Allocations From The Fund (3) Ratio Of
Apportionments And
Allocations To Payments
Fiscal Year 2013 Percent Of Total Cumulated Since 7‑1‑56 Percent Of Total Fiscal Year 2013 Percent Of Total Cumulated Since 7‑1‑56 Percent Of Total Fiscal Year 2013 Cumulated Since 7‑1‑56
Alabama 616,377 1.937 16,431,121 1.971 757,143 1.886 19,058,064 1.951 1.23 1.16
Alaska 90,616 0.285 2,035,317 0.244 545,005 1.357 12,372,185 1.267 6.01 6.08
Arizona 631,761 1.986 14,718,536 1.766 757,951 1.888 16,225,162 1.661 1.20 1.10
Arkansas 405,872 1.276 10,867,746 1.304 523,310 1.303 12,394,370 1.269 1.29 1.14
California 3,010,709 9.463 84,020,990 10.078 3,810,280 9.490 89,236,343 9.136 1.27 1.06
Colorado 493,803 1.552 11,531,004 1.383 575,125 1.432 13,435,779 1.376 1.16 1.17
Connecticut 298,201 0.937 8,882,235 1.065 499,522 1.244 15,080,501 1.544 1.68 1.70
Delaware 80,993 0.255 2,313,509 0.278 168,991 0.421 4,068,973 0.417 2.09 1.76
Dist. of Col. 19,466 0.061 1,030,130 0.124 166,671 0.415 4,826,744 0.494 8.56 4.69
Florida 1,616,857 5.082 41,288,602 4.953 1,886,696 4.699 42,351,474 4.336 1.17 1.03
Georgia 1,057,834 3.325 29,444,048 3.532 1,269,819 3.163 29,833,386 3.054 1.20 1.01
Hawaii 81,811 0.257 2,126,922 0.255 184,217 0.459 6,113,005 0.626 2.25 2.87
Idaho 185,098 0.582 4,382,951 0.526 295,140 0.735 7,333,341 0.751 1.59 1.67
Illinois 1,142,839 3.592 31,749,521 3.808 1,411,285 3.515 35,616,647 3.646 1.23 1.12
Indiana 851,501 2.676 22,266,060 2.671 946,649 2.358 21,802,794 2.232 1.11 0.98
Iowa 438,715 1.379 10,751,844 1.290 474,570 1.182 12,211,956 1.250 1.08 1.14
Kansas 345,920 1.087 9,492,048 1.139 379,499 0.945 10,743,435 1.100 1.10 1.13
Kentucky 565,482 1.777 14,935,730 1.792 761,035 1.896 16,449,616 1.684 1.35 1.10
Louisiana 544,314 1.711 14,772,847 1.772 708,315 1.764 18,831,480 1.928 1.30 1.27
Maine 156,978 0.493 4,372,417 0.524 192,074 0.478 5,035,263 0.515 1.22 1.15
Maryland 561,980 1.766 14,686,856 1.762 587,152 1.462 18,068,176 1.850 1.04 1.23
Massachusetts 532,401 1.673 15,467,797 1.855 620,105 1.545 21,393,848 2.190 1.16 1.38
Michigan 920,923 2.895 28,156,119 3.377 1,047,257 2.608 27,933,383 2.860 1.14 0.99
Minnesota 591,973 1.861 14,092,737 1.690 689,359 1.717 17,200,933 1.761 1.16 1.22
Mississippi 430,690 1.354 10,929,877 1.311 487,760 1.215 12,764,008 1.307 1.13 1.17
Missouri 767,069 2.411 21,037,973 2.524 945,173 2.354 22,386,096 2.292 1.23 1.06
Montana 159,217 0.500 3,911,503 0.469 438,538 1.092 9,919,853 1.016 2.75 2.54
Nebraska 259,329 0.815 6,582,334 0.790 294,043 0.732 7,507,915 0.769 1.13 1.14
Nevada 256,840 0.807 5,671,132 0.680 368,898 0.919 7,510,530 0.769 1.44 1.32
New Hampshire 131,314 0.413 3,489,314 0.419 168,436 0.420 4,558,787 0.467 1.28 1.31
New Jersey 848,476 2.667 23,952,867 2.873 1,164,644 2.901 25,177,659 2.578 1.37 1.05
New Mexico 309,542 0.973 7,153,739 0.858 370,524 0.923 9,295,942 0.952 1.20 1.30
New York 1,233,252 3.876 36,504,112 4.379 2,011,024 5.009 47,688,267 4.882 1.63 1.31
North Carolina 936,598 2.944 24,905,712 2.987 1,130,009 2.815 24,503,547 2.509 1.21 0.98
North Dakota 187,958 0.591 3,021,013 0.362 268,154 0.668 6,817,760 0.698 1.43 2.26
Ohio 1,206,182 3.791 33,778,108 4.052 1,313,749 3.272 34,069,255 3.488 1.09 1.01
Oklahoma 545,853 1.716 13,856,183 1.662 630,094 1.569 14,215,287 1.455 1.15 1.03
Oregon 379,981 1.194 10,469,482 1.256 509,926 1.270 12,898,012 1.320 1.34 1.23
Pennsylvania 1,234,834 3.881 34,697,792 4.162 1,635,411 4.073 43,443,567 4.448 1.32 1.25
Rhode Island 71,439 0.225 2,310,626 0.277 236,266 0.588 5,799,766 0.594 3.31 2.51
South Carolina 600,695 1.888 14,396,737 1.727 630,952 1.572 14,114,832 1.445 1.05 0.98
South Dakota 141,963 0.446 3,126,077 0.375 278,923 0.695 6,910,234 0.707 1.96 2.21
Tennessee 752,436 2.365 19,856,278 2.382 854,427 2.128 20,689,469 2.118 1.14 1.04
Texas 3,266,787 10.268 71,306,911 8.553 3,099,376 7.720 67,613,423 6.922 0.95 0.95
Utah 297,597 0.935 6,763,515 0.811 316,655 0.789 8,702,582 0.891 1.06 1.29
Vermont 65,328 0.205 1,969,780 0.236 228,538 0.569 4,880,613 0.500 3.50 2.48
Virginia 904,086 2.842 22,747,495 2.729 990,123 2.466 25,364,432 2.597 1.10 1.12
Washington 589,424 1.853 15,427,124 1.851 701,560 1.747 20,531,751 2.102 1.19 1.33
West Virginia 215,040 0.676 6,121,665 0.734 431,802 1.076 12,364,715 1.266 2.01 2.02
Wisconsin 609,824 1.917 16,002,555 1.920 750,599 1.870 17,575,944 1.799 1.23 1.10
Wyoming 171,335 0.539 3,862,478 0.463 265,488 0.661 6,777,097 0.694 1.55 1.75
Total 31,815,513 100.000 833,669,469 100.000 39,778,262 99.078 971,698,201 99.480 1.25 1.17
American Samoa - - - - 12,568 0.031 237,688 0.024 - -
Guam - - - - 47,325 0.118 540,559 0.055 - -
N. Marianas - - - - 261,821 0.652 401,823 0.041 - -
Puerto Rico - - - - 5,642 0.014 3,384,422 0.346 - -
Virgin Islands - - - - 42,943 0.107 518,026 0.053 - -
Grand Total 31,815,513 100.000 833,669,469 100.000 40,148,561 100.000 976,780,719 100.000 1.26 1.17

(1) Payments into the Fund include only the net highway user tax receipts and fines and penalties deposited in the Highway Account of the Federal Highway Trust Fund. Excluded are motor fuel tax amounts transferred to: the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund; and the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund. In addition, amounts representating motor boat use of gasoline are transferred to the Aquatice Resources Trust fund and the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

(2) Total Federal Highway Trust Fund receipts (for apportionment purposes only) are reported by the U.S. Department of the Treasury . Payments into the Highway Trust Fund attributable to highway users in each State are estimated by the Federal Highway Administration.

(3) Includes all funds apportioned or allocated from the Higwhay Trust Fund Highway Account (including NHTSA and FMCSA) except funds not directly allocated to the States. (i.e. portions of Indian Reservation Roads, etc.)

Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000