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Highway Statistics 2018

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Public Road Length - 2018 (1)
    Kilometers by Ownership and Federal-Aid Highways
    National Summary

August 30, 2019
Table HM-16M

   State Highway Agency 45,040 154,088 199,128 492,748 691,876 293,549 985,426
   County 0 584 585 348,714 349,298 2,146,982 2,496,281
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) - 242 242 16,706 16,948 890,859 907,807
   Other Jurisdictions 2,153 643 2,796 4,740 7,536 102,743 110,279
   Federal Agency - 180 180 9,406 9,586 245,705 255,291
Total Rural 47,193 155,738 202,931 872,314 1,075,245 3,679,839 4,755,084
Small Urban Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 4,390 20,697 25,087 31,066 56,153 10,086 66,239
   County - 253 253 19,411 19,665 58,172 77,837
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) - 946 946 38,635 39,581 173,935 213,515
   Other Jurisdictions 149 59 208 155 362 2,074 2,436
   Federal Agency - 19 19 147 167 1,636 1,803
Total Small Urban Area 4,538 21,975 26,514 89,414 115,928 245,903 361,831
Urbanized Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 24,690 67,933 92,623 76,474 169,097 42,561 211,659
   County - 6,734 6,734 81,115 87,850 237,593 325,443
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 27 21,727 21,755 179,675 201,430 874,383 1,075,812
   Other Jurisdictions 1,993 1,644 3,637 974 4,610 6,390 11,000
   Federal Agency - 136 136 460 595 10,215 10,810
Total Urbanized Area 26,710 98,174 124,884 338,698 463,582 1,171,142 1,634,724
Total Urban:              
   State Highway Agency 29,080 88,630 117,710 107,541 225,250 52,648 277,898
   County - 6,988 6,988 100,527 107,515 295,765 403,280
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 27 22,673 22,701 218,309 241,010 1,048,317 1,289,328
   Other Jurisdictions 2,142 1,703 3,845 1,128 4,973 8,464 13,437
   Federal Agency - 155 155 607 762 11,851 12,613
Total Urban 31,249 120,149 151,398 428,112 579,510 1,417,045 1,996,555
Total Rural and Urban 78,442 275,886 354,328 1,300,427 1,654,755 5,096,884 6,751,639

(1) Includes the 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. Due to conversion from English to metric units and rounding, individual cells may not agree with corresponding mileage table cell values. May differ from other tables; excludes unknown ownership mileage.

(2) Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.


Page last modified on October 29, 2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000