U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-13-066 Date: August 2013 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-13-066 Date: August 2013 |
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The use of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) for load bearing applications such as bridge abutments and integrated bridge systems (IBS) has expanded among transportation agencies looking to save time and money while delivering a better and safe product to the traveling public. GRS has been identified by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a proven, market-ready technology, and is being actively promoted through its Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative. FHWA interim design guidance for GRS abutments and IBSs is presented in Publication No. FHWA-HRT-11-026. The guidance includes the procedure and use of the GRS performance tests, also termed a mini-pier experiment. This report presents a database of nineteen performance tests performed by the FHWA, largely at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. It also presents findings, conclusions, and suggestions regarding various design parameters related to the performance of GRS, such as backfill material, reinforcement strength, reinforcement spacing, facing confinement, secondary reinforcement, and compaction.
A reliability analysis for load and resistance factor design (LRFD) was performed based on the results of this performance testing to determine a calibrated resistance factor for the soil-geosynthetic capacity equation. The results of this analysis can also be used by bridge designers to estimate capacity and deformation of GRS. In addition, an insight into the behavior of GRS as a new composite material due to the close reinforcement spacing is described.
Jorge E. Pagán-Ortiz
Director, Office of Infrastructure
Research and Development
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No.
FHWA-HRT-13-066 |
2. Government Accession No. | 3 Recipient's Catalog No. | ||
4. Title and Subtitle
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Performance Testing-Axial Load |
5. Report Date August 2013 |
6. Performing Organization Code | ||||
7. Author(s)
Nicks, J.E., Adams, M.T., Ooi, P.S.K., Stabile, T. |
8. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center |
10. Work Unit No. |
11. Contract or Grant No. N/A |
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
Office of Infrastructure R&D |
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Technical |
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes The FHWA Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) was Mike Adams, HRDI-40. |
16. Abstract
The geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) performance test (PT), also called a mini-pier experiment, consists of constructing alternating layers of compacted granular fill and geosynthetic reinforcement with a facing element that is frictionally connected, then axially loading the GRS mass while measuring deformation to monitor performance. This large element load test provides material strength properties of a particular GRS composite built with unique combinations of reinforcement, compacted fill, and facing elements. This report describes the procedure and provides axial load-deformation results for a series of PTs conducted in both Defiance County, OH, as part of the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Every Day Counts (EDC) GRS Validation Sessions and in McLean, VA, at the FHWA's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center as part of a parametric study. The primary objectives of this research report are to: (1) build a database of GRS material properties that can be used by designers for GRS abutments and integrated bridge systems; (2) evaluate the relationship between reinforcement strength and spacing; (3) quantify the contribution of the frictionally connected facing elements at the service limit and strength limit states; (4) assess the new internal stability design method proposed by Adams et al. 2011 for GRS; and (5) perform a reliability analysis of the proposed soil-geosynthetic capacity equation for LRFD calibration. (1,11) |
17. Key Words
Geosynthetic reinforced soil, performance test, mini-pier experiment, abutment, integrated bridge system, geotextile, capacity, deformation |
18. Distribution Statement
19. Security Classification Unclassified |
20. Security Classification Unclassified |
21. No. of Pages 169 |
22. Price |
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) | Reproduction of completed page authorized |
SI* (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors
Appendix B. Nuclear Density Testing for TFHRS PTS
Appendix C. Deformation Instrumentation Layouts for PTS
Figure 1 | Photo. Vegas mini-pier experiment |
Figure 2. | Illustration. Plan view of Vegas mini-pier experiment |
Figure 3. | Illustration. Face view of Vegas mini-pier experiment |
Figure 4. | Illustration. Side view of Vegas mini-pier experiment |
Figure 5. | Illustration. Reinforcement schedule for Vegas mini-pier experiment |
Figure 6. | Illustration. Plan view of Defiance County experiment |
Figure 7. | Illustration. Elevation view of Defiance County (DC) test |
Figure 8. | Equation. Ultimate vertical capacity for a GRS composite |
Figure 9. | Equation. W factor |
Figure 10. | Equation. Required reinforcement strength |
Figure 11. | Equation. Confining stress (Wu et al. 2010) |
Figure 12. | Graph. Predictive capability of the soil-geosynthetic composite capacity equation |
Figure 13. | Graph. Predictive capability of the required reinforcement strength equation |
Figure 14. | Graph. Reinforced backfill gradations |
Figure 15. | Graph. LSDS testing results |
Figure 16. | Photo. DC-1 GRS PT (before testing) |
Figure 17. | Illustration. Concrete footing on GRS composite, inset from facing |
Figure 18. | Photo. Hollow core hydraulic jacks for PT assembly |
Figure 19. | Photo. TF-1 PT setup with reaction frame |
Figure 20. | Photo. TF-6 PT setup with reaction frame |
Figure 21. | Photo. TF-10 PT setup with reaction frame |
Figure 22. | Photo. TF-9 at failure with reaction frame |
Figure 23 | Photo. Spherical bearing to apply load to the footing on the GRS composite |
Figure 24. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for DC tests and TF-1 |
Figure 25. | Illustration. General additional instrumentation layout TF PT series |
Figure 26. | Graph. Load-deformation behavior for the Defiance County PTs |
Figure 27. | Graph. Load-deformation behavior for the Turner Fairbank PTs |
Figure 28. | Photo. Tilting of the footing during TF-4 testing |
Figure 29. | Graph. TF-4 results |
Figure 30. | Graph. TF-1 results |
Figure 31. | Graph. TF-5 results |
Figure 32. | Graph. TF-6 results |
Figure 33. | Graph. Repeatability of PT at TFHRC |
Figure 34. | Photo. TF-11 at failure with Sv = 3-13/16 inches, Tf = 1,400 lb/ft, and 21A material |
Figure 35. | Photo. TF-3 at failure with Sv = 7⅝ inches, Tf = 2,400 lb/ft, and 21A material |
Figure 36. | Photo. TF-13 at failure with Sv = 11¼ inches, Tf = 3,600 lb/ft, and 21A material |
Figure 37. | Photo. TF-10 at failure with Sv = 15¼ inches, Tf = 4,800 lb/ft, and 21A material |
Figure 38. | Photo. Rupture pattern for geotextiles in TF-6 (qult,emp = 43,828 psf); the lowest layer of reinforcement is the closet fabric in the picture |
Figure 39. | Photo. Post-test picture of TF-6 (Sv = 7⅝ inches, Tf = 4,800 lb/ft) |
Figure 40. | Equation. Mohr-Coulomb shear strength |
Figure 41. | Equation. Ultimate capacity of an unconfined GRS PT |
Figure 42. | Equation. Ultimate capacity of a strip footing on slope |
Figure 43. | Equation. Ultimate capacity of a strip footing on a vertical GRS abutment |
Figure 44. | Equation. Ratio of plane strain capacity to PT capacity |
Figure 45. | Equation. Stability Factor |
Figure 46. | Graph. Ratio of plane strain capacity to PT capacity for different stability factors |
Figure 47. | Graph. Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope for Pham (2009) plane strain GSGC tests |
Figure 48. | Graph. Plane strain capacity to PT capacity for a stability factor of 0.29 |
Figure 49. | Illustration. Infinitely Long Unconfined GRS abutment |
Figure 50. | Equation. Stiffness of an Infinitely Long Unconfined GRS abutment |
Figure 51. | Illustration. Solution for strip footing on top of a wall |
Figure 52. | Equation. Vertical displacement of a GRS abutment with a strip footing |
Figure 53. | Equation. Vertical strain |
Figure 54. | Equation. Stiffness of a GRS abutment supporting a strip footing |
Figure 55. | Equation. Vertical displacement of a GRS abutment with a strip footing. |
Figure 56. | Graph. Ratio of plane strain stiffness of a strip footing on top of a wall (SGRS) to that of a PT (SPT) for the case of constant stiffness with depth |
Figure 57. | Graph. Comparison between compacted and uncompacted GRS composites |
Figure 58. | Design service limit for uncompacted sample DC-5 |
Figure 59. | Graph. Comparison of compacted and uncompacted strains between the DC-1 and DC-5 tests |
Figure 60. | Graph. Effect of bearing bed reinforcement for TF-7 and TF-8 |
Figure 61. | Graph. Measured lateral deformation at 3,600 psf applied stress for TF-7 (no bearing bed reinforcement) and TF-8 (2 courses of bearing bed reinforcement) |
Figure 62. | Graph. Measured lateral deformation at 26,600 psf applied stress for TF-7 (no bearing bed reinforcement) and TF-8 (2 courses of bearing bed reinforcement) |
Figure 63. | Graph. Comparison of open-graded and well-graded backfills for TF-1 and TF-2 |
Figure 64. | Graph. Stress-strain curves for PTs with CMUs at Tf/Sv = 3,800 psf |
Figure 65. | Graph. Stress-strain curves for PTs with no CMU facing at Tf/Sv = 3,800 psf |
Figure 66. | Graph. Capacity of GRS with no CMU facing at various reinforcement spacing for different Tf/Sv |
Figure 67. | Graph. Capacity of GRS with CMU facing at various reinforcement spacing for different Tf/Sv Ratios |
Figure 68. | Graph. Capacity of GRS with no CMU facing at various reinforcement strength for different Tf/Sv ratios |
Figure 69. | Graph. Capacity of GRS with CMU facing at various reinforcement strength for different Tf/Sv ratios |
Figure 70. | Graph. Stress-strain response for TF-2 (CMU facing) and TF-3 (No CMU facing) with Sv = 7⅝ inches and Tf = 2,400 lb/ft |
Figure 71. | Stress-strain response for TF-6 (CMU facing) and TF-7 (No CMU facing) with Sv = 7⅝ inches and Tf = 4,800 lb/ft |
Figure 72. | Graph. Stress-strain response for TF-9 (CMU facing) and TF-10 (No CMU facing) with Sv = 15¼ inches and Tf = 4,800 lb/ft |
Figure 73. | Graph. Stress-strain Response for TF-12 (CMU facing) and TF-11 (No CMU facing) with Sv = 3-13/16 inches and Tf = 1,400 lb/ft |
Figure 74. | Graph. Stress-strain response for TF-14 (CMU facing) and TF-13 (No CMU facing) with Sv = 11¼ inches and Tf = 3,600 lb/ft |
Figure 75. | Graph. Effect of CMU facing on ultimate capacity as a function of reinforcement spacing |
Figure 76. | Graph. Effect of CMU facing on ultimate capacity as a function of reinforcement strength |
Figure 77. | Graph. Calculated confining pressure due to CMU facing at the ultimate capacity |
Figure 78. | Graph. Comparison of predicted capacity and measured capacity |
Figure 79. | Graph. Cumulative distribution function plot for DC and TF PTs |
Figure 80. | Graph. Cumulative distribution function plot for all GRS composite tests |
Figure 81. | Graph. Normalized applied stress versus strain for all PT |
Figure 82. | Graph. Normalized load-deformation behavior for the DC and TF PTs up to 5 percent vertical strain |
Figure 83. | Graph. Cumulative distribution function for proposed service limit pressure |
Figure 84. | Graph. Load-deformation behavior for the Turner Fairbank PTs at low strain levels |
Figure 85. | Graph. Normalized load-deformation behavior for the DC and TF PTs up to 0.5 percent vertical strain |
Figure 86. | Graph. PTs strictly meeting FHWA GRS abutment design specifications |
Figure 87. | Equation. Limit state function for FOSM approach |
Figure 88. | Graph. Reliability index for lognormal R and Q |
Figure 89. | Equation. LRFD format |
Figure 90. | Equation. Resistance factor using FOSM |
Figure 91. | Equation. Coefficient of variation for factored load |
Figure 92. | Equation. Coefficient of variation for resistance |
Figure 93. | Graph. Resistance factor for footings on GRS composites for different dead to dead plus live load ratios and target reliability indices based on PT series |
Figure 94. | Graph. Resistance factor for footings on GRS composites for different dead to dead plus live load ratios and target reliability indices based on all testing to date |
Figure 95. | Graph. AASHTO No. 8 LSDS test results (DC tests) |
Figure 96. | AASHTO No. 8 LSDS deformation test results (DC tests) |
Figure 97. | Graph. AASHTO No. 8 pea gravel LSDS test results (DC tests) |
Figure 98. | Graph. AASHTO No. 8 pea gravel LSDS deformation test results (DC tests) |
Figure 99. | Graph. AASHTO No. 57 LSDS test results (DC tests) |
Figure 100. | Graph. AASHTO No. 57 LSDS deformation test results (DC tests) |
Figure 101. | Graph. AASHTO No. 9 LSDS test results (DC tests) |
Figure 102. | Graph. AASHTO No. 9 LSDS deformation test results (DC tests) |
Figure 103. | Graph. AASHTO No. 8 LSDS test results (TFHRC tests) |
Figure 104. | Graph. AASHTO No. 8 LSDS deformation test results (DC tests) |
Figure 105. | Graph. AASHTO A-1-a (VDOT 21A) LSDS test results (TFHRC tests) |
Figure 106. | Graph. AASHTO A-1-a (VDOT 21A) LSDS deformation test results (DC tests) |
Figure 107. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for DC tests and TF-1 |
Figure 108. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-2, TF-9 |
Figure 109. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-3, TF-4 |
Figure 110. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-5, TF-7 |
Figure 111. | Instrumentation layout for TF-6, TF-12 |
Figure 112. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-8 |
Figure 113. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-10 |
Figure 114. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-11 |
Figure 115. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-13 |
Figure 116. | Illustration. Instrumentation layout for TF-14 |
Table 1. | Summary of PT conditions |
Table 2. | PT reinforced backfill gradations |
Table 3. | PT backfill gradation properties |
Table 4. | Maximum dry density for PT aggregates |
Table 5. | LSDS testing results |
Table 6. | Geosynthetic reinforcement properties |
Table 7. | PT dimensions |
Table 8. | PT measured results summary |
Table 9. | Parametric study on aggregate size |
Table 10. | Effect of aggregate type results |
Table 11. | Parametric study on compaction |
Table 12. | Parametric study on bearing bed reinforcement |
Table 13. | Parametric study on gradation (Tf = 2,400 lb/ft, Sv = 7⅝ inches) |
Table 14. | Parametric study on gradation (Tf = 4,800 lb/ft, Sv = 7⅝ inches) |
Table 15. | Parametric study on reinforcement strength with open-graded aggregates |
Table 16. | Parametric study on reinforcement strength with well-graded aggregates |
Table 17. | Parametric study for 3,800 lb/ft2 Tf/Sv ratio (with facing) |
Table 18. | Parametric study for 3,800 lb/ft2 Tf/Sv ratio (with no facing) |
Table 19. | Tf /Sv ratios for each PT |
Table 20. | Effect of CMU facing on stiffness and capacity |
Table 21. | Effect of CMU facing on strain |
Table 22. | PTs meeting GRS strength and service limit design criteria |
Table 23. | Predicted and measured vertical capacity for DC and TF PTs |
Table 24. | Predicted and measured vertical capacity for all GRS composite tests |
Table 25. | Estimation of allowable dead load to limit vertical strain to 0.5 percent using the GRS capacity equation |
Table 26. | Statistics for dead and live loads |
Table 27. | AASHTO No. 8 sieve analysis (DC tests) |
Table 28. | AASHTO No. 8 pea gravel sieve analysis (DC tests) |
Table 29. | AASHTO No. 57 Sieve analysis (DC tests) |
Table 30. | AASHTO No. 9 Sieve analysis (DC tests) |
Table 31. | AASHTO No. 8 Sieve analysis (TFHRC tests) |
Table 32. | AASHTO A-1-a (VDOT 21A) sieve analysis (TFHRC tests) |
Table 33. | Summary of AASHTO No. 8 LSDS results (DC tests) |
Table 34. | Summary of AASHTO No. 8 pea gravel LSDS results (DC tests) |
Table 35. | Summary of AASHTO No. 57 LSDS results (DC tests) |
Table 36. | Summary of AASHTO No. 9 LSDS results (DC tests) |
Table 37. | Summary of AASHTO No. 8 LSDS results (TFHRC tests) |
Table 38. | Summary of AASHTO A-1-a (VDOT 21A) LSDS results (TFHRC tests) |
Table 39. | TF-2 Nuclear density test results |
Table 40. | TF-2 Nuclear density test results |
Table 41. | TF-3 Nuclear density test results |
Table 42. | TF-4 Nuclear density test results |
Table 43. | TF-5 Nuclear density test results |
Table 44. | TF-6 Nuclear density test results |
Table 45. | TF-7 Nuclear density test results |
Table 46. | TF-8 Nuclear density test results |
Table 47. | TF-9 Nuclear density test results |
Table 48. | TF-10 Nuclear density test results |
Table 49. | TF-11 Nuclear density test results |
Table 50. | TF-12 Nuclear density test results |
Table 51. | TF-13 Nuclear density test results |
Table 52. | TF-14 Nuclear density test results |
Table 53. | DC-1 PT Data |
Table 54. | DC-2 PT Data |
Table 55. | DC-3 PT Data |
Table 56. | DC-4 PT Data |
Table 57. | DC-5 PT Data |
Table 58. | TF-1 PT Data |
Table 59. | TF-2 PT Data |
Table 60. | TF-3 PT Data |
Table 61. | TF-4 PT Data |
Table 62. | TF-5 PT Data |
Table 63. | TF-6 PT Data |
Table 64. | TF-7 PT Data |
Table 65. | TF-8 PT Data |
Table 66. | Â TF-9 PT Data |
Table 67. | TF-10 PT Data |
Table 68. | TF-11 PT Data |
Table 69. | TF-12 PT Data |
Table 70. | TF-13 PT Data |
Table 71. | TF-14 PT Data |
AASHTO | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials |
CMU | Concrete masonry unit |
DC | Defiance County, OH |
EDC | Every Day Counts initiative |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration |
GP-GM | Poorly graded-silty gravel |
GRS | Geosynthetic reinforced soil |
IBS | Integrated bridge systems |
LFD | Load factor design |
LRFD | Load and resistance factor design |
LSDS | Large scale direct shear |
LVDT | Linear voltage displacement transducers |
MARV | Minimum average roll value |
POT | Potentiometer |
PT | Performance test |
SRW | Segmental retaining wall |
TFHRC | Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center |
USCS | Unified Soil Classification System |
β | Reliability index |
βs | Slope angle |
βT | Target reliability index |
γ | Unit weight of the backfill |
γb | Bulk unit weight of the facing block |
γd | Maximum dry density |
γD | Load factor for dead load |
γL | Load factor for live load |
γGRS | Unit weight of the GRS composite |
γi | Load factor for load component i |
δ | Interface friction angle between the geosynthetic and the facing element for a frictionally connected GRS composite |
ε@q=4000psf | Measured vertical strain at an applied load of 4000 psf |
ε@qult | Measured vertical strain at failure |
εmax | Maximum recorded vertical strain |
εv | Vertical strain |
εv,compact | Vertical strain for a compacted GRS composite |
εv,uncompact | Vertical strain for an uncompacted GRS composite |
λ | Bias, ratio of measured to predicted |
λD | Bias factor for dead load |
λL | Bias factor for live load |
λR | Bias factor for resistance |
νGRS | Poisson’s ratio of the GRS |
ρ | Vertical displacement |
σ | Applied normal stress |
σc | External confining stress due to the facing |
σh | Total lateral stress within the GRS composite at a given depth and location |
τ | Shear strength of soil |
Φ | Peak friction angle |
ΦGRS | Friction angle of the GRS composite |
Ф | Resistance factor |
Фcap | Resistance factor for capacity |
ω | Optimum moisture content |
a | Footing offset from the edge of the wall face (i.e., setback distance) |
b | Footing width on top of the GRS composite |
B | Base width of the GRS composite |
Btotal | Total width of the PT with the CMU facing |
c | Cohesion of the backfill |
cGRS | Cohesion of the GRS composite |
Cc | Coefficient of Curvature |
Cu | Coefficient of Uniformity |
d | Depth of the facing block unit perpendicular to the wall face |
dmax | Maximum aggregate size |
D10 | Aggregate size in which 10 percent of the sample is finer |
D30 | Aggregate size in which 30 percent of the sample is finer |
D60 | Aggregate size in which 60 percent of the sample is finer |
D85 | Aggregate size in which 85 percent of the sample is finer |
Eo | Initial stress-strain ratio |
Eo,CMU | Initial stress-strain ratio for tests with CMU facing |
Eo,noCMU | Initial stress-strain ratio for tests without any facing |
EGRS | Young's modulus of the GRS composite |
ER | Ratio of stress to strain for the reload cycle |
Mean safety margin |
H | Height of the GRS composite |
Kar | Coefficient of active earth pressure for the backfill |
Kpr | Coefficient of passive earth pressure for the backfill |
L | Length of footing/bearing area |
Nγq | Bearing capacity factor |
Ncq | Bearing capacity factor |
Ns | Stability factor |
SGRS | Plane strain stiffness of a strip footing on top of GRS |
SPT | Stiffness of the unconfined GRS column |
Sv | Reinforcement spacing |
Tf | Wide width tensile strength of the geosynthetic, expressed as the minimum average roll value (MARV) |
Treq,c | Required reinforcement strength in the direction perpendicular to the wall face |
q | Applied stress |
q@ε=0.5% | Applied stress at 0.5 percent vertical strain |
q@ε=0.5%,predicted | Predicted applied stress at 0.5 percent vertical strain |
q@ε=0.5% | Applied stress at 5 percent vertical strain |
qmax | Maximum applied pressure during testing |
qult,an,c | Ultimate capacity using semi-empirical theory |
qult,emp | Measured failure pressure |
qult,emp CMU | Measured failure pressure for tests with CMU facing |
qult,emp no CMU | Measured failure pressure for tests without any facing |
qult,PS | Ultimate capacity of strip footing under plane strain conditions |
qult,PT | Ultimate capacity of the GRS column |
Q | Load |
QD | Dead load |
QL | Live load |
Qi | Load component i |
R | Resistance |
Vdmax | Coefficient of variation of the maximum aggregate size |
VD | Coefficient of variation of the dead load |
VKp | Coefficient of variation of the coefficient for passive earth pressure |
VL | Coefficient of variation of the live load |
VM | Coefficient of variation of the model |
VQ | Coefficient of variation of the loads |
VR | Coefficient of variation of the resistance |
VTf | Coefficient of variation of the reinforcement strength |
W | Factor accounting for the effect of reinforcement spacing and aggregate size |
z | Standard normal variable |