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Traffic Monitoring in Recreational Areas
A Successful Practitioner's Handbook

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Recreational Traffic Monitoring as Observed in Practice

Building upon the information gathered during the review of published literature, additional information regarding traffic monitoring in recreation lands at Federal, State, and local levels was gathered through a targeted survey of State and local agencies and the conduct of a recreational traffic monitoring workshop.

Targeted Survey of State and Local Agencies

A targeted survey of ten State DOTs (Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) and three metropolitan planning organizations (Metropolitan Transportation Commission - San Francisco Bay Area, Metroplan Orlando, and Southwest Missouri Council of Governments) was conducted to identify current practices in collecting traffic data at and near recreational areas. Survey participants were selected based on the ability to provide geographic diversity, the likely presence of recreational travel, and the research team's familiarity with State and local agency staff.

Survey participants were asked to respond to a series of questions related to: their agency's conduct of continuous traffic counts; the number of ATRs and AVCs used for recreational and non-recreational traffic data collection; the nature and extent of any recreational, seasonal, or daily factor groups in use; and the nature and extent of roadway mileage under the agency's jurisdiction.

State Departments of Transportation

Key responses from the ten participating State DOTs are summarized in table 4. Nearly all of the participating State DOTs maintain one or more seasonal factor group for recreational traffic monitoring. Several States that have distinct winter and summer recreational traffic maintain two factor groups. The Florida DOT reported using more than two recreational traffic factor groups while the Indiana DOT reported using no factor group for recreational traffic.

Table 4. Recreational Factor Groups in Selected State Traffic Monitoring Programs

State DOT ATRs
Recreational Factor Groups ATRs per Recreational Factor Group
Colorado 100 Recreational: Ski Traffic 14
Special Case: Non-Ski Traffic, Casino Traffic 25
Florida 274 Many Different Recreational Factor Groups NA
Idaho 209 Recreational Traffic  
Indiana 103 No Recreational Factor Groups NA
Missouri 95 SFG004: All Recreational Traffic 14
Nevada 93 Recreational: Northern State Recreational-Tahoe 3
New Jersey 65 Recreational Traffic 10
Utah 97 Northern Recreational 11
Southern Recreational 11
Wisconsin 150 Urban Tourist Recreational 5
Rural Tourist Recreational 35
Wyoming 162 Recreational Traffic 6
Metropolitan Planning Organizations

None of the planning agencies that were contacted indicated that they routinely monitor recreational traffic; instead, planning agencies rely upon their respective State DOTs to collect this data. Planning agencies may occasionally collect data in recreational areas to support planning uses, but this is done as part of a "special studies" process. Responses from the three metropolitan planning organizations are summarized below.

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is the transportation planning, coordinating, and financing agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. MTC staff analyze and report on State highway system traffic count data collected by the California State Department of Transportation. Technical summaries, available for years 1989 through 2007, include information on:

  • Route number, post mile, direction, and location description;
  • Minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation of traffic volumes;
  • Number of traffic counts at location;
  • Volumes for a.m. peak period hours (0600-0700, 0700-0800, 0800-0900);
  • Volumes for p.m. peak period hours (1500-1600, 1600-1700, 1700-1800); and
  • 24-hour daily directional volumes.

Persons interested in AADT counts or congestion and vehicle hours of delay estimates are directed to the California Department of Transportation databases.

No information was uncovered related to the distinct consideration of recreational traffic.

Metroplan Orlando is the MPO for Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties. The metropolitan area of Orlando has one of the fastest growing populations in the country, and, as a result, the number of new motor vehicles coming into the area is growing rapidly. Due to this growth, and the fact that the private automobile is the predominant mode of transportation, the area's highway system is becoming increasingly congested.

One of the main methods for measuring the level of activity on an area's highway system is the collection of traffic counts on major roadways. More than 300 traffic counts for various locations in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties are obtained each year by the Metroplan Orlando staff from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the three counties, and from the City of Orlando. This information is published in a traffic count report that provides FDOT's daily (24-hour) bi- directional traffic counts averaged annually on major roadways.

No information was uncovered related to the distinct consideration of recreational traffic.

The Southwest Missouri Council of Governments (SMCOG) is a voluntary association of local governments in the ten-county area of southwest Missouri in the Springfield area. These include Barry, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney, and Webster counties. Branson is located in Taney County. SMCOG is administered and operated through the Center for Resource Planning and Management at Missouri State University. SMCOG is the only regional council in Missouri affiliated with a university. Through this unique partnership, SMCOG has access to a wide variety of resources and technical assistance at the university.

No information was uncovered related to traffic counts conducted by SMCOG or the distinct consideration of recreational traffic.

Recreational Traffic Monitoring Workshop

To supplement information gathered through the literature review and targeted survey, a recreational traffic monitoring workshop was conducted. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together State and Federal Land agencies to discuss current and preferred practices for monitoring traffic in recreational areas and to identify opportunities for improving traffic monitoring to and within Federal lands. A desired outcome of the workshop was sufficient information exchange leading to the development of guiding principles of traffic monitoring for recreational areas.

The workshop's agenda comprised presentations regarding traffic monitoring in recreational areas as performed by Federal, State, and Provincial agencies. Specific traffic monitoring practices that were described related to:

  • The use of supporting traffic data collection technologies;
  • The conduct of short-duration counts;
  • The use and characteristics of recreational or seasonal factor groups;
  • Vehicle classification; and
  • Traffic data use, quality, reporting, and sharing.

In addition, participants collectively identified broader challenges related to traffic monitoring in recreational areas.

Traffic Data Collection Technologies

Use of combined permanent and portable counters for data collection was generally reported; but differences in the quantity of count sites used (i.e., the number of units available), the subsequent geographic coverage, and the types of technologies (i.e., simplistic to advanced) were observed.

Regarding the use of technology in recreational areas, a number of field-related challenges were identified:

  • The geographic expanse and remoteness on recreational areas limit the accessibility for site visits and preventative or routine maintenance of technology or equipment;
  • Availability of power and telephone line utilities;
  • Wireless communications may be limited (e.g., cellular coverage);
  • Traffic is operating in a low speed environment, challenging the accuracy of automated technologies; and
  • Traffic on recreational roadways does not consistently lane track (travel ways may be narrow, no lanes may be defined, or drivers may be more casual at lower speeds), again challenging the accuracy of automated technologies.

Representatives from the Wyoming DOT reported using satellite as alternative to cellular to overcome challenges related to communications coverage. Despite its perceived high cost, the use of satellite communications in Wyoming suggests that this technology is or is becoming a viable option where cellular coverage is unavailable or unreliable and where line-of- sight technologies are too costly or visually intrusive in sensitive areas.

Participants from NPS noted success in using:

  • A long-term product vendor;
  • Simplistic technologies that require less maintenance; and
  • "Ranger-proof" data collection systems that had fewer features but a very simple interface.
Vehicle Classification

Vehicle classification data is not routinely collected despite its noted value for decision- making. Cited limitations that currently prevent its collection include the following:

  • Existing/new technologies intended to automatically classify vehicles are challenged to accurately characterize recreational vehicle types;
  • Length-based classification technologies are not routinely calibrated, which affects the underlying accuracy of the data and perceived performance of the technology;
  • Recreational road geometry/structure may not adequately support vehicle classification equipment;
  • The additional equipment, installation, and data processing resources required may not be available;
  • A lack of consensus and differing priorities among State and Federal land agencies regarding the value of vehicle classification data, particularly when compared to the additional costs for data capture; and
  • Short-duration classification counts are particularly difficult to translate to an annualized estimate of vehicle class.

Weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems have been used to reduce misclassification errors associated with recreational vehicle types. However, the previously reported challenges related to the potentially high cost of permanently installed WIM systems and/or the low reported accuracies of less costly portable WIM systems limit this application.

On a related note, the representative from the Wyoming DOT presented a novel "virtual lane" equipment installation for distinguishing tandem motorcycle traffic from passenger car traffic. Each year in late July and early August, Wyoming DOT observes a significant spike in motorcycle traffic as motorcyclists travel through Wyoming on the way to the Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota. Motorcycles traveling in tandem are often erroneously classified as passenger cars using automated methods. This innovative practice was developed to more accurately explain and characterize traffic patterns during this time of year.

Short-Duration Counts

Short-duration counts are commonly conducted:

  • In 48-hour durations;
  • On Tuesday through Thursday; and
  • Once every 2 or 3 years.

However, there were a few special practices for handling recreational traffic that were noted that did not conform to this pattern. The Nevada DOT conducts 7-day counts on an annual basis to account for their unique recreational traffic patterns related to casinos, and for consideration of weekend trips. No other participants reported conducting short duration counts on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday when recreational traffic may be more predominant. Instead, traditional traffic monitoring scheduling practices, better suited to reflect commuter traffic, are more often followed. The Washington State DOT conducts 48-hour counts twice per year in recreational areas to better capture seasonal variability. In Manitoba, Canada, 48-hour counts are also conducted twice per year, but this is not limited to only recreational areas.

When short-duration counts are scheduled, a portion of participants reported scheduling site counts:

  • In the same month each year (i.e., traffic counts are typically conducted during the same month each year at a given site);
  • During different months per site annually by design to account for seasonal variability and/or to verify and refine factor groups (i.e., if counts taken in different months of the year do not produce similar AADTs, the assigned factor group is likely not appropriate); or
  • As scheduling or weather permits.

Estimates of AADT may be seasonally adjusted using high volume average daily traffic (ADT) months. In Washington State, significant variation between different weeks in the same month necessitated the creation and use of week-specific instead of monthly factors.

Recreational or Seasonal Factor Groups

Factor groups in use by participating agencies differed in both number and characteristics. Several of the participating agencies do not have defined "recreational" factor group(s). Factor groups are often assigned on the basis of:

  • Roadway functional class;
  • Traffic composition;
  • Travel patterns (e.g., high weekend, seasonal volumes);
  • Proximate/destination land use;
  • Climatic region (i.e., climate conditions that affect travel patterns);
  • Relative importance for capturing recreational trips; and/or
  • Resources/cost.

Factor group assignment is generally supported by, in order of preference:

  • Data from proximate ATRs;
  • Cluster analysis; and/or
  • Knowledge of the area/professional judgment.

In Manitoba, Canada, traffic analysts use a factor group assignment algorithm that utilizes a series of questions that lend consistency to the decision-making process. While consistent questions are posed, this process does allow for some subjectivity in response.

For mixed-traffic facilities, consideration of traffic volumes on adverse weather days may distinguish recreational and "other" traffic. When the necessity of this information was questioned, participants indicated that there was value in determining the proportion of recreational traffic to support economic development considerations.

Traffic Data Use, Quality, Reporting, and Sharing

While traffic volumes are consistently captured, other traffic characteristics are less frequently captured despite their perceived value to enhance data quality and decision- making, such as:

  • Classification;
  • Weight;
  • Speeds;
  • Occupancies; and
  • Origin/destination.

As mentioned earlier, the capture of vehicle weight, in particular, is challenged by the potentially high cost of permanently installed WIM technology and/or the low reported accuracies of less costly portable WIM systems.

Among participating agencies, the motivation for collecting traffic data varied but generally included the following:

  • To meet ongoing Federal reporting requirements;
  • To support decision-making related to safety concerns;
  • To obtain estimates of demand (i.e., visitation) for comparison with supply inventories, economic assessment, and/ or resource impact;
  • To support decision-making related to system design, maintenance, and management; and/or
  • To support determination of cost allocations under cost sharing arrangements.

In general, Federal agencies tasked with managing recreational areas are primarily concerned with visitation and resource protection while State DOTs are more interested in roadway use and infrastructure preservation.

Ongoing development of and reliance upon management systems - particularly pavement/bridge, safety, and congestion management systems - will increase the importance for traffic data. The level of data detail required to support planning-level decisions and operations/maintenance-level decision differs. In addition, the sensitivity of decision-making outcomes to the nature and characteristics of input data varies by application and the level of sophistication of supporting computer models (e.g., some models provide less precise, qualitative outcomes and hence, require less precision from the input data).

Private industry also relies upon traffic data to support development/business decisions. Two examples provided by the NPS related to the production of Coleman™ camp stoves based on observed increasing or decreasing recreational travel trends and the site selection for new IMAX™ theatres that requires a minimum passing traffic volume (market) for development.

Data quality was reported to be dependent upon available costs and resources. Participating agencies reported the use of automated data validity checks prior to its use and distribution. The participant from the Utah DOT also noted that GIS programs provide convenient graphical displays for visually detecting problems with the data.

Missing data was generally reported directly as such by participating Federal land management agencies. State DOTs reportedly utilize formal procedures (AASHTO methods) for extrapolating data across missing time periods.

Data quality was thought to be often taken for granted. In a special study conducted to determine the adequacy of planned coverage counts and factoring processes for NPS lands, estimated AADT errors of nearly 50 percent were observed. For Forest lands, a pilot traffic data project, which attempted to factor sample counts using various surrogate information, concluded that reliability of traffic estimates cannot be determined without continuous traffic count (reference) data. This outcome not only suggests a high variability in recreational traffic but also raises questions as to the adequacy of "percent error" as a metric on highly variable and/or low volume roads. For lower volume roads, instead of characterizing data quality solely in terms of percent error, perhaps a combination of percent and absolute error could be reported. One participant reported that the Ohio DOT reports absolute error when traffic volumes are below a specified threshold and percent error when traffic volumes exceed the same threshold. For recreational roads with considerable and varying levels of traffic and/or peak surge periods, it may be most appropriate to set a realistic data value target that meets specific requirements of the users instead of attempting to comply with an unrealistic standard precision requirement common to other roads.

None of the workshop participants provided a clear indication of data quality requirements, either in general or for specific data applications. As such, few workshop participants reported having a clear and comprehensive understanding of their existing data quality (i.e., without defined data quality requirements, scarce resources will be directed to activities other than determining data quality). A systems engineering approach was recommended to define data needs, verify that the requirements are met, and validate that the requirements are appropriate.

An underlying challenge to this effort is that quality improvements may not be viewed as necessary by all participating agencies. While general consensus indicated that data shortcomings currently exist, improving traffic data extent or quality may not be a priority and/or may not be supported by existing resources.

Over time, the reporting of traffic data has migrated from published annual (or more frequent) reports to CDs, DVDs, and most recently, the Internet, providing timely on- line access to data. The level of reporting detail and frequency was observed to vary among participating agencies. A number of participating agencies reported including caveats regarding data quality to limit the potential for liability.

Data sharing is variable but generally limited among participating agencies. Some examples of successful data sharing partnerships include the following:

  • NPS Public Use Statistics Office (focused on visitation) utilizes data from NPS Field Operation Technical Support Center (focused on roadways) to support decision-making. Unfortunately, traffic data collected by NPS Public Use Statistics Office is not routinely shared with the NPS Field Operation Technical Support Center.
  • The Forest Service, Montana DOT, and a local county cooperatively participate in a pavement management system.
  • Wyoming DOT utilizes data from NPS Public Use Statistics Office.
  • NPS and various State DOTs partner to install permanent traffic counters in park jurisdiction and share data across both agencies.

Opportunities to include FLMAs in the existing FHWA Traffic Management System (TMS) traffic data repository were discussed and appear promising. The FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information also offered to make the HPMS traffic data currently reported by States available to participating agencies through the FHWA Federal Lands Highway Division to support related decision-making.

At the State level, participants from the Colorado DOT described their successes in developing a comprehensive integrated database using multiple traffic count data sources, noting a 35 percent increase in traffic count data available to the Colorado DOT valued at $87,000. The Colorado DOT also noted that the development of such a database requires the use of common terminology and a common attribute of interest (e.g., traffic volumes) among all contributors. A common traffic monitoring database such as this must also recognize and account for different quality levels when various data sources are being integrated/ combined.

Broader Traffic Monitoring Challenges

A number of broader, overarching challenges to traffic monitoring in recreational areas were identified. These include the following:

  • Recreational travel may be perceived to be less important.
  • The lack of perceived importance is exacerbated when the responsibilities for traffic monitoring/roadway management and commerce/tourism are maintained in distinct agencies.
  • The traffic monitoring function was observed to vary in priority among participating agencies.
  • Contrary to needs for roadway infrastructure/management, recreational traffic is sometimes more difficult and costly to monitor than less variable traffic, is often limited in geographically, and represents a small proportion of vehicle-miles traveled.
  • Monitoring of recreational traffic is more effective/reliable if the recreational route coincides with roadways that require monitoring under FHWA requirements or other dual-purpose applications.
  • Participating agencies differ in their organizational approaches; the NPS and USDA-FS are generally centralized with agency-wide guidance while the USFWS and BLM are generally decentralized, allowing for more discretion at the regional and local level.
  • Each participating agency noted challenges resulting from limited funding and resources that often resulted in a reduction in traffic monitoring program size.
  • Staffing reductions and turnovers challenge the performance of collecting, processing, and maintaining functions, resulting in a loss of expertise, institutional knowledge, and momentum.
  • Road instrumentation in recreational areas is often not directly identified as a road asset and as such, may not be replaced if damaged.
  • The unique aesthetic, cultural, and environmental considerations in Federal and other protected lands serving recreational travel introduce additional implementation constraints.
  • Existing national guidance for traffic monitoring practices lacks sufficient direction and detail for recreational travel - additional guidance may be available through the Forest Service's National Visitor Use Monitor Program which standardizes sampling approach, data collected, and data definitions and the Fish and Wildlife Service's Visitor Estimation Handbook that includes methods for traffic monitoring.

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