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Office of Highway Policy Information

FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / Products and Topic Areas

Products and Topic Areas

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Accidents: (Data and Program Area): National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

AADT from ADT Duration and Frequency


Bridge(s): Office of Bridge Technology (FHWA)

Bicycle(s): Bicycle and Pedestrian Program (Office of Planning, Environment, and Real Estate - FHWA)

Bicycling – Data: National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) – Data on household travel by mode, including bike trips, miles on trip, time spent on trip, purpose of trip, by various demographic information such as household income, and race, etc, can be found in these national household surveys.


Drivers - Data - Highway Statistics Series: Drivers and Driver Licensing - Quick Find: This web page provides quick references to the annual Highway Statistics Series pages dealing with Driver statistics by State, Drivers Licensing requirements by State, and other selected Driver or Driver Licensing resources from other FHWA resources. This data is yearly State reported data to FHWA.

Equitable Transportation Access in the Journey to Work for Part-Time Workers: This report is a study of part time workers and their worktrip behavior. It identifies the groups most likely to work part time and highlights demographic, economic, and transportation differences among these workers and their full time counterparts. (Office of Highway Policy Information) [May 1998]


Fatalities: (Data - FHWA): Persons Fatally Injured in Motor Vehicle Crashes (Tables FI-10 and FI20 in Section V "Highway Characteristics and Performance") of the annual Highway Statistics Series.

Fatalities: (Data and Program Areas): National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS): (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) A nationwide census providing NHTSA, Congress and American Public yearly data on fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes.

Finance - Statistics: Highway Finance Quick Find: This webpage contains links to the finance sections of Highway Statistics from 1994 through 2001. Other highway finance related information is included on this page for quick referencing (Office of Highway Policy Information)

Finance - Innovative: Innovative: Innovative Finance: (Interoffice FHWA project webpage)

Freight: Office of Freight Management - FHWA: Provides programs, policies, research, and technology transfer that promote efficient and seamless freight flow on the highway system and its intermodal connectors, within the U.S. and across its borders.


HiDaC-National Highway Data Workshop and Conference

Infrastructure Core Business Unit (FHWA) The Infrastructure Core Business Unit provides leadership, technical expertise, and program assistance in: Federal-Aid Highway Programs; Asset Management; Pavements; and Bridges to help sustain America's mobility.

ITS as a Data Resource: Preliminary Requirements: (Web Only) This report documents the recommendations for a new User Service to be included in the National ITS Architecture, the Archived Data User Service for use by the many stakeholder groups, substantiating stakehold needs and the process of matching ITS-generated data with those needs. [January 2000]

ITS Joint Program Office: (FHWA ITS Joint Program Office) The national ITS program aims to use advanced technology to improve the efficiency and safety of our Nation's surface transportation system, addressing both information and infrastructure-based approaches to achieving its goals. The program also has an intermodal nature which incorporates highways, transit, and rail, thus requiring cooperation among diverse groups of public and private stakeholders.

International Programs: Office of International Programs - FHWA: This webpage provides information which supports improvement of the technological and institutional base of highway transportation system performance and program delivery in the United States and abroad. This FHWA program: enables domestic partners to gain easier access to technology, information, and markets beyond U.S. borders, and facilitate international partners' access to information and contacts in the U.S.


Lands: Federal Lands Highway Office - FHWA: The Federal Highway Administration is responsible for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and economy of the Nation's highway transportation system. The Federal Highway Administration oversees all phases of highway policy, planning, research, design, operations, construction, and maintenance. There are two principal programs that accomplish this vital task.

Motor Fuel - Data: Highway Motor Fuel Quick Find: This webpage contains links to the finance sections of Highway Statistics from 1994 through 2001. Other highway finance related information is included on this page for quick referencing (Office of Highway Policy Information)


National Household Travel Survey (NHTS): This page provides links to the various Nationwide Personal Transportation Surveys from 1969, 1977, 1983, 1990, 1995, and the newest 2001 National Household Travel Survey (combined FHWA/BTS survey). Links are provided to obtain publications, data, and other information from these important nationwide surveys done by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other related useful links. (Office of Highway Policy Information)

National Transit Database (NTD): (Federal Transit Administration) The NTD was established by Congress to be the Nation's primary source for information and statistics on the transit systems of the United States

Non-Intrusive Traffic Detection: Webpage providing information on non-intrusive technologies to provide traffic data collection practitioners with useful information on performance of various non-intrusive traffic detection, counting, speed measuring and classification technologies.


Pavement: Office of Pavement Technology (FHWA)

Pedestrians: Bicycle and Pedestrian Program (Office of Planning, Environment, and Real Estate - FHWA)

Personal Travel Conference: Personal Travel: Long and Short of It: (Web only) This conference webpage provides findings from the June 28 - July 1, 1999 Conference, which focused on personal household travel, both short and long distance trips. Papers provide suggestions on policy and planning applications for travel analyses, research, improving data elements, and providing ideas for future Surveys. For more information, contact Bryant.Gross@fhwa.dot.gov or call 202-366-5026. [July 1999]

Public Road Mileage Certification Guidance: This page provides non-regulatory guidance to implement 23 CFR 460 for the apportionment of highway safety funds.


Red Light: Stop Red Light Running Program: This program was created by the Federal Highway Administration in 1995 as a community-based safety program. This campaign raised awareness of the dangers of red light running and helped reduce fatalities in many of the participating communities.(Office of Safety - FHWA)

Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled - Statutory Language addressing the effort to reduce emissions and improve air quality

Right-of-Way: Right of Way - Design and Build: (Office of Planning, Environment, and Real Estate) The design/build approach is an innovative construction technique that allows a single procurement for the design and construction of projects. It is one of four innovative contracting practices which are being explored and evaluated in the FHWA Special Experimental Project No. 14 (SEP 14).

Road Closures: National Traffic and Road Closure Information: This Federal Highway Administration website provides up-to-date traffic and road closure information nationwide, and other related resources.

Roadway Statistics - Quick Find: The Office of Highway Policy Information provides Roadway Statistics, includes length, condition, and miles of travel, by functional system, jurisdiction, and pavement quality. This annual statistics are reported in Highway Statistics Series data.

Rumble Strips: Run-off-Road Rumble Strips Community Exchange: The FHWA Office of Safety's rumble strip website is a prototype of how members of an electronic community of practice can share information, resolve technical issues, and publish results.


Safety: Office of Safety (FHWA): This office webpage provides program resources in efforts to reduce roadway-related fatalities and injuries by designing a forgiving infrastructure. The FHWA administration advocates highway safety programs related to the roadway and road user.

Summary of Vehicle Detection and Surveillance Technologies:


Toll Facilities in the United States: Contains selected information on toll facilities in the United States that has been provided to FHWA by the States and/or various toll authorities. The information is based on a survey of facilities in operation, financed, or under construction as of January 1, 2011.

Traffic Data Quality Pooled Fund Study: Highlights on the Traffic Data Quality (TDQ) pooled fund study, which analyzes traffic volume, class and weight data to identify anomalistic data patterns that may indicate a malfunction of traffic counting, classification and weighting devices.

Traffic Monitoring Guide The TMG offers suggestions to help improve and advance current programs with a view towards the future of traffic monitoring.

Traffic Monitoring Equipment: Accuracy of Traffic Monitoring Equipment: This project tested a total of 13 sensors from vendors to determine their accuracy in classifying vehicle into 13 FHWA vehicle classes, in measuring axle spacings, length, etc. [December 1999]

Transit (Data and Program Area): Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation

Transportation Energy Data Book: The Department of Energy's Office of Transportation Programs compiles data from the FHWA and other sources into a comprehensive set of statistics on transportation activity. This includes many time series of data such as vehicle miles of travel (VMT).

Transportation Survey: Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS): (Office of Highway Policy Information) This page provides links to the various Nationwide Personal Transportation Surveys from 1969, 1977, 1983, 1990, 1995, and the newest 2001 National Household Travel Survey (combined FHWA/BTS survey). Links are provided to obtain publications, data, and other information from these important nationwide surveys done by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Travel Data Analysis: Web-Based Tools Online tools accessible from the home page of the NHTS Web site support data analysis for the three most recent surveys (1995, 2001, and 2009). From readymade tables of frequently requested data to customized data tabulations, the tools help a variety of users with differing data analysis experience meet their needs.

Travel Monitoring and Truck Weight: The information webpage, provides information on traffic volume, vehicle classification, and truck weight which are basic to many highway and transportation functions. Topic items include programs to track traffic trends, vehicle distributions, and weight to meet data needs specified in highway legislation. Activities include development of guidelines, regulations, direct data collection (from State DOT sources), data processing, research, analysis, and professional conferences.

Travel Survey & GPS: Overview of GPS-Based Travel Survey in Lexington, KY: (Electronic Web only)This paper explores day-to-day variability in travel behavior with respect to selected variables such as trip chaining, departure time, trip frequency, and path selection, and compare day-to-day variability found in the GPS-based data set against that reported in the literature to assess the potential benefits and pitfalls associated with using a GPS-based data collection methodology. [December 2000]

Travel Time Data Collection Handbook: (Office of Highway Policy Information) This page provides guidance to transportation professionals and practitioners for the collection, reduction, and presentation of travel time data. The handbook should be a useful reference for designing travel time data collection efforts and system, performing travel time studies, and reducing and presenting travel time data. For more information, contact Ralph.Gillmann@fhwa.dot.gov or call 202-366-5042. [December 1999]

TRB Committee on Travel Surveys: The Committee on Transportation Survey Methods is concerned with the development, identification, and dissemination of reliable, valid, and innovative methods to obtain data from individuals regarding their travel or activity behavior. The Task Force will focus on improving sampling accuracy, reducing bias of all forms, and other methodological considerations inherent in the collection of all types of travel or activity surveys, including: household; on-board; workplace; visitor; air passenger; truck and external, among others.

Truck Weight: Travel Monitoring and Truck Weight: This webpage provides information and guidance on issues related to truck weight, vehicle classification, and traffic volume.

Truck Size: Truck Size and Weight: (Office of Freight Management - FHWA) Provides programs, policies, research, and technology transfer that promote efficient and seamless freight flow on the highway system and its intermodal connectors, within the U.S. and across its borders.


Vehicles – Statistics: Motor Vehicles Quick Find: This web page provides quick references to the annual Highway Statistics Series pages dealing with vehicles and vehicle registrations data as reported by State to FHWA (Federal Highway Administration).

Vehicle Travel Information System (VTRIS): This webpage provides VTRIS software and documentation, for validating, facilities editing, summarizing, and generating reports on vehicle travel characteristics.

Vehicle Types: This webpage provides FHWA Vehicle Classes with definitions.

Walking – Data: National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) - Data on household travel by mode, including walk trips, miles of trip, time spent on trip, purpose of trip, by various demographic information such as household income, and race, etc. These surveys are a series from 1969 through 2001.

Weather-Road Conditions: National Traffic and Closure Information: This page provides weather and road conditions web links.

Women's Travel Issues - This Conference webpage brings together a series papers that identifies differences in the patterns of women and men over time, evaluated the planning and policy implications of those differences, and presented a coherent view of the interlinked transportation, economic, social, environmental, and land use constraints facing women and their families. [1997]

Page last modified on September 18, 2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000