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Civil Rights

Training: Courses, Seminars, and Workshops

The Civil Rights Team is prepared to work with the FHWA Divisions Offices and Transportation Stakeholders to customize and tailor courses, workshops, or seminars to meet specific requests. If you need any services, please contact Sandy Talbert-Jackson, Civil Rights Team Technical Director at sandy.talbert-jackson@dot.gov.

Varies Based Upon Customer Requests

  • FHWA Basic Civil Rights Program Course
  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)/504 of the Rehabilitation Action (504)
  • Designing Pedestrian Facilities for Accessibility (DPFA)
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Administration
  • DBE Contract Administration
  • Conducting DBE Certification On-Site Reviews
  • Equal Opportunity Contractor Compliance/On-the-Job Training Program
  • Equal Opportunity Contractor Compliance Reviews
  • Preventing Discrimination in The Federal-Aid Highway Program
  • USDOT DBE/ACDBE Certification Presentation FHWA-NHI-361031A

A basic overview of the major FHWA civil rights programs and authorities, as well as how to administer the programs at the Division Office and the State DOTs and Local Agencies' levels, including development, monitoring, implementation, and approval of civil rights program documents. The course is divided into four separate modules for the following program areas: EO Contractor Compliance/On-the-Job Training, Title VI/Nondiscrimination, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, and Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (504).


All FHWA, State DOT, and Local Public Agencies staff, transportation stakeholders, or other personnel assigned Civil Rights responsibilities. In addition, FHWA Division Administrators, Deputy Division Administrators, Team Leaders, and State Dots' staff or management personnel in any discipline with significant civil rights implications, e.g. planning, contract administration, legal, environment, safety, right-of-way and relocation, and research. Target audience is 30 attendees. However, the number of attendees can vary depending on circumstances and location.

LENGTH: Approximately 3.5 Days

CLASS SIZE: Target Audience 30 (but can vary depending on need)

Course length: Based on need. Can be in-person, web-conference, video-conference, teleconference.

ADA courses generally provide attendees with an understanding of the authorities, regulations, and coverage of the program; an overview of the FHWA's ADA compliance program; and clarifies ADA compliance standards. Participants, whether recipients or public entities, will understand their general responsibilities under the ADA and related statutes.

Course length: Generally 1 – 2 days (Custom Trainings Available for this Class)

This two-day course was designed to ensure that pedestrian facilities and access routes are properly constructed and maintained for individuals of all abilities. This course focuses on proper design and maintenance of pedestrian access routes in new construction or when existing facilities are altered. Participants are engaged through a power point presentation, discussion, video demonstrations, small group activities, and includes presentations and discussion with individuals representative of various sects of the disability community, who will provide engagement opportunities promoting accessibility. This training was developed to provide information for those involved in the design and maintenance of pedestrian facilities, and for those individuals that ensure the proper adherence to all applicable laws and guidelines.

The following areas are covered:

  • Update on PROWAG
  • Laws, Regulations and Pedestrian Characteristics (which includes self-evaluations, transition plans, and the DOJ-DOT Joint Technical Assistance on the Title II of the ADA Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing)
  • Pedestrian Access Route (PAR)
  • Curb Ramps and other Transitions
  • Detectable Warnings (truncated domes)
  • Pedestrian Crossings
  • Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS)
  • Street furniture and Parking
  • Work Zones & Maintenance

Course length: 1 day

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the background and history of the DBE program
  • Identify the major components of the DBE program requirements in 49 CFR 26
  • Describe eligibility standards and procedures to ensure consistency in making certification decisions under a Unified Certification Program (UCP)
  • Utilize U.S. DOTs questions and answers as guidance to interpret 49 CFR 26

Course length: 1 – 2 days

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe major DBE program requirements of 49 CFR 26
  • Describe eligibility standards under 49 CFR 26 -- Subpart D and procedures under Subpart E
  • Apply certification standards and procedures to ensure consistency in making certification decisions under a Unified Certification Program (UCP)
  • Use USDOT questions and answers as guidance to interpret 49 CFR 26 Subpart D and E

Course length: 1 day

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the background and history of the DBE program
  • Identify the major components of the DBE program requirements in 49 CFR 26
  • Define concepts of DBE goals, race neutral/race conscious, good faith efforts, counting, and commercially useful function (CUF)
  • Explain the responsibilities of DOT recipients to monitor DBE program participants
  • Identify project level monitoring responsibilities to ensure DBE program objectives are achieved

Course length: 1-2 days
Target audience: State DOT Certification staff, and UCP staff involved in making certification decisions.
At the end of this training participants will be able to:

  • Explain the DBE Program Certification Objectives and Requirements
  • Identify the DBE Certification Eligibility Requirements for DBE Certification
  • Explain How to Review and Analyze an Application for Scheduling an On-site Review
  • Explain How to Prepare for a DBE On-site Certification Review
  • Demonstrate How to Conduct a DBE On-site Certification Review
  • Identify Key Elements to Support DBE Certification Decisions

Course length: 1 day
This course focuses on the Equal Opportunity Contractor Compliance and OJT program objectives and authorities; recognize key roles and responsibilities of FHWA, State DOTs, and Contractors/Subcontractors to ensure EO in Federal-aid highway construction projects; identify requirements and contents of the State DOT's Contractor Compliance Program Plan; and how to apply appropriate authorities in making EO compliance determinations.

Course length: 1 – 2 days
This course focuses on the Equal Opportunity Contractor Compliance Program objectives, background and how to apply appropriate authorities in making EO compliance determinations. A detailed overview of the contract compliance review process is also covered. This course also highlights the key roles and responsibilities of FHWA, State transportation agencies, and contractors to ensure EO in Federal-aid highway construction projects.

Course length: 1 – 2 days
This course focuses on the implication and application of Title VI/Nondiscrimination laws, regulations, and related authorities in a multidisciplinary manner, as well, as preventing discrimination in Federal-aid highway financed programs and activities. This course also enables participants to: define the FHWA Title VI/Nondiscrimination Program; Identify the Title VI Program authorities and key requirements; Recognize potential Title VI impacts in program areas and mitigation considerations; Discuss recipients and stakeholders' roles & responsibilities; Determine the elements of a complete Title VI Implementation Plan; Review data collection activities; and Select strategies for preventing discrimination.

This informative presentation will help you become aware of the skills necessary to perform a full review and analysis of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) certification eligibility. This material is delivered through approximately 12 hours of web-based presentations consisting of 9 critical module segments. This material helps expose persons responsible for determining whether or not a firm qualifies as a DBE or ACDBE, as well as those who have general DBE/ACDBE program responsibilities, are knowledgeable concerning all requirements for eligibility, and that the interpretation and application of requirements are consistent throughout the country.


All persons responsible for determining whether a firm qualifies as a DBE or ACDBE should view this presentation, including certifiers and DBE Liaison Officers. Certifiers are required to be knowledgeable concerning all requirements for eligibility and that the interpretation and application of the regulatory requirements are applied consistently nationwide. Ensuring that individuals processing DBE certifications apply the same measure of scrutiny and subjectivity is integral to maintaining the integrity of the program.

Page last modified on July 26, 2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000