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Environment and Air Quality

Training and Workshops

In addition to the following list of training, the Environment and Air Quality Team is prepared to work with our Divisions and States to customize and tailor workshops or seminars to meet your specific Environmental and Air Quality needs. Contact Michelle Hilary Technical Director at Michelle.Hilary@dot.gov.

Workshop / Training Contact Email
National Environmental Policy Act
Basic NEPA Project Development Noel Mehlo noel.mehlo@dot.gov
Advanced NEPA Topics Keith Moore keith.moore@dot.gov
Executive Sessions and Tailored Workshops Rob Ayers rob.ayers@dot.gov
NHI (142005) NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking Keith Moore keith.moore@dot.gov
Section 4(f)
Basic and Advanced Workshops Stephanie Stoermer stephanie.stoermer@dot.gov
NHI (142073) Applying Section 4(f): Putting Policy into Practice Keith Moore  keith.moore@dot.gov
Environmental Review and Analysis
Indirect and Cumulative Effects Workshop (NEPA Effects Analysis) Brian Smith bsmith@dot.gov
Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Rob Ayers rob.ayers@dot.gov
Purpose and Need and Alternatives Development Noel Mehlo noel.mehlo@dot.gov
Rob Ayers rob.ayers@dot.gov
Quality NEPA Documentation / Improving the Quality of NEPA Documents Rob Ayers rob.ayers@dot.gov
Section 106 Stephanie M. Stoermer stephanie.stoermer@dot.gov
Tribal Consultation Stephanie M. Stoermer stephanie.stoermer@dot.gov
Endangered Species Act Brian Yanchik brian.yanchik@dot.gov
Water Quality / Stormwater Management Brian Smith bsmith@dot.gov
Highway Traffic Noise Stephanie M. Stoermer stephanie.stoermer@dot.gov
Air Quality
Completing Quantitative Hot Spot Analyses: 3-day Course Chris Dresser christopher.dresser@dot.gov
MOVES5 Chris Dresser christopher.dresser@dot.gov
MOVES4 Chris Dresser christopher.dresser@dot.gov
NEPA Air Quality Analysis for Highway Projects George Noel george.noel@dot.gov
Transportation Air Quality Fundamentals (AQ 101) Mike Roberts michael.roberts@dot.gov
Transportation Conformity 101 Mike Roberts michael.roberts@dot.gov
Leigh Oesterling leigh.oesterling@dot.gov
Highway Traffic Noise Mike Roberts michael.roberts@dot.gov
Transportation Resilience Michael Roberts michael.roberts@dot.gov
Traffic Noise Model - TNM3.2 George Noel george.noel@dot.gov


Page last modified on January 29, 2025
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000