U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
FHWA Resource Center
FHWA Climate Resilience Interdisciplinary Team
Together, let's address climate and extreme weather challenges in our transportation systems through equitable, use-inspired solutions.
About Us
FHWA’s Resource Center (RC) has formed the Climate Resilience Interdisciplinary Team (CRIT) to prioritize and address climate and extreme weather-related impacts on transportation systems. Through training, technical assistance, and technology, CRIT will help you adapt your transportation system to prepare for changing climate conditions and withstand and quickly recover from disruptions.
In true interdisciplinary fashion, members of CRIT include representatives from each of the RC’s ten (10) technical service teams. By incorporating and operationalizing resilience into the transportation planning process and integrating climate change into project-level decisions and designs, CRIT can help you understand the vulnerabilities and adaptation options for transportation assets.
Contact Us
Download the CRIT Team Brochure or contact Laura Girard, Senior Hydraulic Engineer, RC's Structures, Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering Team, to learn more.
FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit
Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise
AASHTO Practitioner Handbooks: