U.S. Department of Transportation
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FHWA Resource Center

FHWA Home / Resource Center / Finance Team / Training



If you need assistance from the Finance Team, please contact us at: RC-TST-Finance@dot.gov.

Courses, Seminars, and Workshops offered by Resource Center specialists

Developing an Indirect Cost Allocation Plan

This course will describe the 7-step process in developing an indirect cost allocation plan in accordance with 2 CFR 200. Participants will receive instruction on the benefits and disadvantages of claiming indirect costs through the Federal-aid program. A discussion on the available resources and examples will be provided by the instructor. Participants will become familiar with the different methodologies in claiming indirect costs, and they will be able to discuss their thoughts on the most appropriate approach for their program. Examples will be provided on calculating an indirect cost rate and applying the rate to direct project costs. The course will also include an overview of the documentation requirements when submitting an indirect cost allocation for FHWA approval.

Financial Management Boot Camp

Boot Camp is designed for newly hired/promoted FHWA staff and will introduce the basic and most common laws, regulations and Agency policies and procedures governing the FHWA Financial Management. The six-week course will also offer an introduction to FHWA’s history, mission, vision, and unique responsibilities within the Federal-aid Highway Program (FAHP).

FHWA Financial Management Academy

The FHWA Financial Management Academy provides FHWA employees a transition from the foundational knowledge presented in the Financial Management Boot Camp to an advanced skillset for evidence-based decision support. Emphasis will be on improving processes, rather than processing transactions. Participants will acquire tools and techniques to gain insights from data analysis and questioning key individuals involved in a process. Participants will practice the skills needed to address problems, identify areas for improvement and present alternative courses of action.

Understanding the Uniform Guidance Requirements

Understanding the Uniform Guidance Requirements (2 CFR 200) for Federal Awards (FHWA-NHI-231034) is a FREE web-based training that provides an overview of the guidance by applying relevant requirements to the Federal-aid Highway Program.

You will learn how to locate provisions within the 2 CFR 200, understand how to apply the 2 CFR 200 to Federal awards, and identify general government-wide requirements.

Once completing, you will be able to:

  • Summarize key takeaways from 2 CFR 200 Subpart A related to transportation-related Federal awards.
  • Specify the requirements that must be met before a Federal awarding agency can make a transportation-related Federal award.
  • Specify the post-Federal award requirements of both Federal and non-Federal entities related to transportation-related Federal awards.
  • Summarize the uniform cost principles related to transportation-related Federal awards.
  • And much more.

Visit NHI's website, www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov, and register today for this dynamic, engaging virtual training today!!!!


Page last modified on January 27, 2025
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000