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Conditions and Performance Report

1999 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit:
Conditions and Performance Report

summaryExecutive Summary
1999 C&P Report
Report Cover 1999 C&P Report Analysis Tools

Data Sources
Conditions and Performance Home Page
Introduction HTML PDF (426 KB)
Executive Summary HTML PDF (374 KB)
Chapter 1. Personal Mobility HTML PDF (159 KB)
Chapter 2. System and Use Characteristics HTML PDF (315 KB)
Chapter 3. System Conditions HTML PDF (444 KB)
Chapter 4. Operational Performance HTML PDF (214 KB)
Chapter 5. Safety HTML PDF (186 KB)
Chapter 6. Highway, Bridge and Transit Finance HTML PDF (1,009 KB)
Chapter 7. Future Capital Investment Requirements HTML PDF (284 KB)
Chapter 8. Comparison of Spending and Investment Requirements HTML PDF (167 KB)
Chapter 9. Impacts of Investments HTML PDF (139 KB)
Chapter 10. Sensitivity Analysis HTML PDF (104 KB)
Chapter 11. Afterward - A View to the Future HTML PDF (99 KB)
Appendix A. Interstate Needs HTML PDF (270 KB)
Appendix B. National Highway System HTML PDF (253 KB)
Appendix C. National Highway System Freight Intermodal Connectors HTML PDF (112 KB)
Appendix D. Asset Management and Investment Strategies: An Update HTML PDF (164 KB)
Appendix E. Condition and Performance of Transportation Serving Federal and Indian Lands HTML PDF (167 KB)
Appendix F. Federal Highway Safety Planning and Improvement Programs HTML PDF (107 KB)
Appendix G. Changes in Highway Investment Requirement Methodology HTML PDF (119 KB)
Appendix H. The Costs and Benefits of Transit HTML PDF (127 KB)
Appendix I. Transit Investment Condition and Investment Requirements Methodology HTML PDF (106 KB)
Complete download (all of the above PDF documents in one zip archive) - 1999cpr.zip (4,159 KB)
Page last modified on November 7, 2014
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000