Development Impact Fee / Mobility Fee Resources

The following resources provide policy and technical information about Development Impact Fees.


An impact fee is a one-time capital charge imposed on developers by municipalities to help fund the capital cost of the additional public services, infrastructure, or transportation facilities necessitated by, and attributable to, new development. Impact fees are not required or authorized by Federal law; rather, they are enabled by State or local laws.


City of San Diego, California, 2019

San Diego Municipal Code § 142.0640 provides for the assessment and administration of development impact fees. The purpose of assessing development impact fees is to implement the City's General Plan which contains policies related to the maintenance of an effective facilities financing program to ensure the impact of new development is mitigated through appropriate fees. Properties and land being developed in the City of San Diego are assessed a fee for public facilities. The fee is determined by the type, size, and location of the development for the building permit being issued. Monies collected are placed in a City special fund by community, to be used solely for those public facilities specifically defined or generally described in the Development Impact Fee Plan for each community.

Often times it is advantageous for the City to have a developer construct certain infrastructure improvements, which directly benefit the City, as well as the developer. The improvements consist of street improvements, parks, libraries, fire stations, and police stations. Reimbursement to developers could be in the form of cash and/or credits against future building permits issued. The City enters into agreements for the reimbursement to developers or other parties for the cost of infrastructure improvements which provide benefit to the community. These projects are included in either a Public Facilities Financing Plan (PFFP) or Impact Fee Study (IFS) and the City Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget.

A Citizen's Guide to Infrastructure
Describes the process for programing capital infrastructure improvements in San Diego and discusses the role that value capture mechanisms including impact fees and assessment districts play in this process.

Map of Development Impact Fee Community Planning Areas

Impact Fee Schedule

Development Impact Fee Financing Plans

Executed Reimbursement Agreements

Barrio Logan Public Facilities Financing Plan Transportation Projects


Nevada County, California, 2019

Schedule of traffic impact mitigation fees for 2018 - 2019 in Nevada County, CA.


City of Dover, New Hampshire, 2018

This City of Dover maintains this website, which outlines Impact Fee Development in the city.


City of Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth City Council adopted a transportation impact fee ordinance on May 13, 2008. This website outlines the program, reviews various studies, provides information and guides, and has a Transportation Impact Fee Estimator online tool.


City of Tampa, Florida, 2018

In 2014 the City of Tampa conducted a Multi-Modal Fee Study to transition the city's transportation impact fee to a multi-modal transportation impact fee without increasing fee rates. The new multi-modal impact fee provides flexibility to expand capital facilities for bicycle, pedestrian, and transit modes in addition to funding automobile capacity along the classified roadway network. The website provides historical precedence as well as current developments including zone maps and ordinances.


Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), 2018

The Municipal Research and Services Center is a private, non-profit organization assisting local governments in Washington State with legal and policy guidance. This page provides a general overview of impact fees for cities and counties in Washington State, including information on how they may be used and sample documents from selected jurisdictions.


City of Houston, Texas, 2018

This website describes the administration of Impact Fees in the City of Houston. Application forms and information about the program is provided.


Thurston County, Washington, May 2018

The Thurston County website outlines its use of impact fees, recent activity, and a fee schedule.


Kane County Division of Transportation, Illinois, 2017

The Impact Fees section of the Kane County website describes its program, and provides materials on the application process, fee assessment and discounts, and other important local information.


City of Sparks, Nevada, 2017

This document is an impact fee credit agreement between the City of Sparks, Nevada and a private developer where impact fees are used to fund a public trail near a new residential development.


Monterey Bay 2035 Moving It Forward, 2016

Development Impact Fees (DIFs) are discussed in this chapter of the "Sustainable Communities Strategy Implementation Toolkit on Economic Development." It includes how DIFs are established and used, types of infrastructure that can be supported, lifecycle and various other elements of implementation and consideration.


Duncan Associates, 2015

This website summarizes the results of a detailed survey of impact fees that individual jurisdictions across the country are charging. The results of the survey reveal where impact fees are most common, how much jurisdictions in various states are charging, and the types of facilities (single-family detached, multi-family, retail, office and industrial) for which fees are being charged. Comparisons with surveys from previous years also show how fees have changed over time.


City of Waxahachie, Texas, 2015

This report analyzes the Texas Impact Fee Ordinance and how it is implemented in the city of Waxahachie, Texas.


Department of Legislative Services, January 2010

This report provides an overview of the use of development impact fees and building excise taxes across Maryland through profiles of 16 counties. The report also provides information on national policy action surrounding the development of impact fees and excise taxes.


Beaufort County, South Carolina, 2010

The Beaufort County Code of Ordinances regarding Road Impact Fees is provided, as well as a Fee Schedule.


Montana Department of Transportation, 2009

This website provides a guide to Transportation Impact Fees and how they are used both in Montana and elsewhere. Case studies and information sources are provided.


City of Bozeman, Montana, January 2008

This report was prepared for the City of Bozeman, Montana as part of the Street Impact Fee Ordinance adopted in 1996. The Ordinance was imposed to assist the City in providing adequate transportation facilities to accommodate new development, particularly for emergency-response vehicles. The report provides details of the transportation impact fee calculation and a proposed transportation fee schedule.


Lee County, Florida, 2007

This administrative code guides staff in the administration of Lee County's Roads Impact Fee ordinance under its Land Use Development Code. It supplements the provisions of the ordinance.


City of Bellingham, Washington State

Washington State law allows cities to assess multimodal transportation impact fees (TIFs) for new development to collect a proportional share of the cost of city investment in the transportation system. Bellingham has been assessing TIF for new development since 1994. Various TIF programs are discussed.