Local Improvement District Resources

The following resources provide additional information and examples of several forms of special assessment using Local Improvement Districts.

Municipal Research and Services Center (Washington State), 2018

The Municipal Research Services Center assists local governments in Washington State with legal and policy guidance. They provide an overview of local improvement districts (LIDs) in Washington State, including relevant statutes, court decisions, examples of local LIDs, and related resources.


Municipal Research and Services Center (Washington State), 2018

The Municipal Research Services Center maintains a manual intended to provide an overall perspective of detailed LID procedures, to show the chronological order of responsibilities, to describe routine processes from initiation to the conclusion of financing, to reduce employee training time, and to identify potential problems and issues.


Portland Bureau of Transportation, 2018

This website provides essential information on LIDs in Portland, Oregon.


Clackamas County, Oregon, 2018

The Clackamas County Transportation Engineering Department provides information on LIDs for this Oregon County southeast of Portland.


City of Moscow, Idaho, 2018

This website provides essential information on LIDs in Moscow, Idaho.